What is the death rate per 1000 in The Gambia?
It is 12.03 deaths per 1000 per year.
What is the birth rate per 1000 in The Gambia?
It is 37.31 per 1000 per year.
What is the percentage population increase in Gambia?
It is 2% per year.
What is meant by subsistence farming?
People who farm the land to feed themselves.
In which stage of the DTM is the country of Gambia?
Moving into stage 2.
What percentage of Gambia’s population is under 25?
What is meant by infant mortality?
The number of children that die per 1000 per year before they reach the age of 5.
What is meant by polygamy?
It means that men can have multiple wives.
Which case study would you use to illustrate a country with a rapid population increase?
The country of Niger.
What is the main culture of of people in southern Niger?
It is Hausa.
What is the infant mortality rate in Niger?
It is 250/1000 per year.
At what age do many women in Niger marry at?
It can be as young as 14.
Why does Gambia have a youthful population?
High birth rates
No contraception; don’t discuss family planning
Children are seen as an economic benefit
What is being done to ensure Gambians have a brighter future?
Stopping deforestation, protecting the forest
Better health care
Education about family planning/birth control
More girls go to school = less children if get jobs
Raising awareness about contraception
Free meal at school
What is the GDP of Gambia?
£1000 per year
UK is £35000