RAP Examples MC Flashcards
O to B, but should liquor be sold on the premises during the life of B, then to C
B= Fee simple subject to a condition subsequent (RAP does not apply), Measuring life
C= EI (RAP applies)
RAP is not violated
A dies leaving a will under which he devises Blackacre to B for life then to B’children jointly for their lives, then to those of B’s grandchildren, equally who are alive at the death of the survivor
B= present life estate, Measuring life
B’s children= VR for life subject to open, RAP is valid
B’s grandchildren= contingent remainder, RAP is violated
O to A for life, then to B’s grandchildren who reach the age of 21. Assume B is dead.
O= reversion
B’s children= measuring life
B’s grandchildren= contingent remainder; RAP is valid
A to my descendants alive at the death of the survivor of X,Y,and Z
A’s descendants= contingent remainder
X, Y, Z= measuring life
RAP is valid
A to B for life then jointly to those of B’s children who survive B. B is alive at time of grant and has two children
A= reversion
B= present life estate, measuring life
B’s children= contingent remainder; RAP is valid
A to B for life, then to B’s oldest child for life, then to C. B has no children at the time of grant
B= life estate, measuring life
B’s oldest child= Contingent remainder
C= VR in fee simple
O to A for life, remainder to A’s daughter Shanna, but should Shanna ever attend law school, then to X
A= life estate
Shanna= VR subject to defeasance, Measuring life
X= executory interest; RAP is valid
O to A for life, then to A’s widow for life, then to the children of A who are then living
A= life estate, measuring life
A’s widow= contingent remainder; RAP is valid
Children of A= contingent remainder; RAP is Bad
A to B for life then to B’s children for their joint lives, then to the person who is Present of the United States when B dies. B is Alive without children
B= life estate, measuring life
B’s children= contingent remainder
President= contingent remainder; Rap is valid
O to A for life, remainder to the children of B. B has two children at the time of grant.
A= life estate, measuring life
B= can also be measuring life
B’s children= VR subject to open, Rap is valid
A to B for life, remainder to B’s grandchildren. B is Alive and has one grandchild, C
B= life estate, measuring life
B’s grandchildren= VR subject to open; RAP is valid
O to A for life, remainder to B’s children. A and B are alive and B has two children
A= life estate, measuring life
B’s children= VR subject to open; RAP is valid
A to the children of my brother B, whether now or hereafter born, for their lives, jointly, and at the death of the last survivor of said children, to B’s grandchildren equally. Assume B is alive & has 2 children, C1 & C2, & 2 grandchildren, GC1 & GC2
B’s children= Life estates, RAP is valid here
B’s grandchildren= VR subject to open; RAP is violated
O to A for life, remainder to such of B’s children who reach 30. Assume B is alive and has a child who is 30.
A= life estate, ML
B’s children= contingent remainder; Rap is bad
Testator bequeaths his residuary estate to those of his brothers and sister who reach the age of 25. Assume T has a brother aged 25 at T’s death and that T’s parents are alive. No other siblings
RAP is good?
T bequeaths $100,000 to A’s children. Assume A is alive with no children at T’s death
A’s Children have a executory interest; Rap is valid
A= measuring life
A to B for life, then to B’s children then living at B’s death and if none are living, then to C. Assume B has no children.
B= Life estate/ Measuring life
B’s children = contingent remainder
C= contingent remainder
All valid under RAP
A to T in trust for the benefit of X for life, then to X’s children who reach 25. Assume X is alive at time of grant, but predeceases A, who dies without revoking the trust.
X’s children= contingent remainders,
If no power of renovation, it would be void under rap