RAP Flashcards
Right heart KT technique
KT advanced down jugular vein → through CrVC → RA
* Tip directed ventrally to RV → cranially to reach RVOT → PA
o Curvature in KT + balloon may facilitate procedure
o KT can go into VC/atrium → azygos vein dorsally OR caudally into CaVC or CS
* PAW: KT distal into lung until tip wedged into small PA → occlude forward flow
o Balloon tipped KT
R heart KT: arterial P, RVP, RAP normal waveforms
Arterial pressure waveform
* Peak systolic pressure
* Dicrotic notch: semilunar valve closure
* Diastolic pressure
o PA diastolic P should be close to V end diastolic pressure
Ventricular pressure waveform
* Peak systolic pressure = same as corresponding artery
* Diastolic pressure:
o Similar to atrial pressure → close to 0
o End diastolic pressure: after atrial contraction (jct of a wave and rapid early systolic upstroke)
Atrial pressure waveform
* Positives waves: a and v (late systole)
* Downslopes: x and y
Types of systolic pressure abn
↑ resistance to ventricular outflow
o Flow obstruction: pressure gradient across obstruction (valvular, sub/supravalvular)
o Valvular regurgitation: ↑ v wave in respective atrium
Types of diastolic pressure abn
o ↑ resistance to ventricular filling → ↑ end diastolic pressure → ↑ a wave
↓ compliance most often LV > RV affected
↑ pericardial constraint: synchronous ↑ in diastolic pressure in both ventricles
Normal RA waveform
- Waveform: a > v
o a wave: atrial contraction
Follows P wave on ECG by 80ms
o x descent: atrial relaxation + downward motion of AV jct during ventricular systole → ↓ pressure following atrial contraction
o c wave: follows a wave α to PR interval. If present, followed by x’ descent
o v wave: passive venous filling during atrial diastole/ventricular systole (TV closed)
Bulge of TV during ventricular systole
Conditions ↑ RA filling → ↑ v wave
Peak: end of ventricular systole at max atrial filling - End of T wave on ECG
o y descent: rapid RA emptying → ↓ pressure
Normal RAP values
Changes in RAP waveform w/ Afib
Afib: no a wave, but x descent may be present because of AV jct motion
Effect of respiration on RAP
mean RA ↓ in inspiration (↓ intrathoracic pressure) → ↑ passive RV filling
RAP waveform PS
- Obstruction of RVOT → pressure gradient across PV
o RV peak systolic pressure > PAP
o Hemodynamic abnormalities depend upon severity of stenosis and CO - Secondary RVH → ↓ RV compliance
o ↑ RV end diastolic pressures → can ↑ RAP - RA waveform abnormalities
o ↑a wave: ↑ resistance to RV filling
RAP waveform TR: severe vs mild
- Volume overload of RA and RV + secondary RVE with severe/chronic TR
- Severe TR: preload/afterload dependent hemodynamic abnormalities
o ↑RAP +↓CO - RA waveform abnormalities
o Attenuated x descent → reflect descent of the base
o ↑ v wave: TR reflux blood in RA
o Steep y descent: ↑ filling volume
Reflect severity of TR: ↑ volume → greater y descent
RAP waveform constrictive pericarditis
o v > or = a wave → non compliance of RA
o Rapid y descent → rapid atrial emptying from underfilled ventricle + ↑RAP
o RAP approx equal to PA end diastolic and PAWP
o M or W pattern
o Kussmaul sign: ↑RAP in inspiration → xY or xy pattern
RAP waveform: TS
- Hemodynamic significance: impairs RA emptying + ↑RAP → ↓RV filling → ↓CO
- RA waveform abnormalities
o ↑/giant a wave: may >20mmHg
Not specific: can also be seen in PH and RVH
o Pressure gradient RA vs RV during diastole
2 to 12mmHg (90% of cases <7mmHg)
Mean diastolic gradient >2mmHg is dx for TS
o Delayed/absent y descent → delayed RV filling and RA emptying
Ventricularization of RAP meaning
Ventricularization of RA pressure may occur: RA adapts to ↑ volume → pressure reflective of RVP (similar wave)
o Contour of RAP is similar to RVP but lower amplitude
o Common w/ severe TR: specific but not sensitive
Constrictive pericarditis pathophys
- Pericardium act as: rigid uncompliant shell
o Limit total volume of blood → affect diastolic ventricular filling
Early diastole: brisk filling - More rapid than normal because of chronic underfilled state of RV
Mid diastole: abrupt halt and rapid ↑ pressure
o ↑ ventricular interdependence: pressure/volume change of 1 ventricle → reflected in the other
Inspiration: ↓ intrathoracic pressure but not of cardiac chambers (isolated by stiff pericardium) - ↑ venous return + ↓ PVP → ↓ trans mitral gradient → ↓LV filling → ↓LV systolic P
- ↓LV filling/pressure → ↑RV filling/pressure
Expiration: opposite
RVP waveform constrictive pericarditis
√sign or dip and plateau → abrupt cessation of filling from stiff pericardium
RV/LV diastolic pressures equal (±5mmHg)
RV end diastolic P/RV systolic P ratio > 1.3
PH is rare → PA/RV pressure < 50 mmHg
PAW ↓ > LV end diastolic pressure during inspiration
Discordance of LV and RV systolic pressure with inspiration
Most sensitive (100%), specific (95%) for pericarditis
Effusive constrictive dz RAP waveform
↑RAP with a=v waves with prominent x descent (tamponade) or x = y
Major functions of pericardium
rigid/noncompliant nature
o Limit cardiac chamber distension with volume changes
Contribute to ventricular stiffness in diastole
o Facilitate interaction/coupling of ventricular chambers via IVS
o Pericardial reserve volume (volume at which no ↑P) = 50-75ml
Rapid fluid accumulation → ↑ rapidly intrapericardial P
Slow/gradual accumulation → stretch pericardium → can accommodate larger volumes
Once pericardial reserve volume reached → steep pressure/volume curve
* Rapid pressure rise if any more fluid added
Pericardial effusion: early phase hemodynamic changes
o ↑ pericardial pressure
Early phase of cardiac tamponande
* Trigger compensatory mechanisms: venoconstriction + fluid retention → ↑ systemic venous P to ↑ R heart filling → ↑RA + RVP
* Maintained CO
* Normal pulsus paradoxus: inspiratory fall in systolic pressure < 10-12mmHg
Pericardial effusion: later phase hemodynamic changes
Later phase: further ↑ in pericardial pressure → ↑ pressure in cardiac chambers in diastole
* Equilibration of pericardial, RA, RV P
* ↑ LV diastolic pressure → equilibrates eventually RV diastolic P
* Any more ↑ P → ↓CO + prominent pulsus paradoxus but <10-12mmHg
Pericardial effusion: final phase hemodynamic changes
Final phase: ↑ equalized diastolic pressures + inspiratory fall in systolic pressure >12mmHg
* ↓CO and BP
RA waveform cardiac tamponade
o Predominant x descent
o Absence of y descent → ↓ volume exiting RA to fill RV
Early in cardiac tamponade
o Elevated mean RAP (20mmHg) with undulating flat line → advanced stages
RVP waveform changes cardiac tamponade
o RV/PA: thin waveform secondary to ↓CO
o Inspiratory drop in systolic pressure (>12mmHg in advanced stages).
Other causes of inspiratory drop in systolic pressure
Pericardial effusion/constrictive
RV infarction
Tension pneumothorax
RAP Afib changes
absent a wave
RAP changes Aflutter
sawtooth a waves