Rank level processing Flashcards
What is Rank based
It is a class of none Linear filters, and it is based on computing the median of pixels neighbourhood, in reality, it is neither a low pass filter or a high pass filter, we usually notice that small objects are removed while bigger transitions and bigger objects are usually conserved and it is a good candidate for omitting noise
What is a local maximum and local minimum
both are special cases of gray level,
for the local maximum consist of replacing the pixel by the highest value of its neighbourhood.
while local minimum, consist of replacing the pixel by the lowest value of its neighbourhood.
The local enhancement consist of what
local enhancement consist mainly of a way to stretch the grey level, useful when the intention is to obtain the details of on image, but the grey levels are lost,
what is the local morphological enhancement
it consists of either replacing a specific grey level by a higher lowest value depending on how close it is, this is done by using the local histogram, usually, the obtained image is crispier and sharp
What are the three categories of local contrast enhancement
Local contrast equalization,
Local Auto Level and Local morphological contrast enhancement
what is local equalization
consist simply of applying equalization mechanism locally
what is the Local Auto Level
consist of applying grey level stretching in order to stretch the Gray level we use a lookup table such that the Gray level is stretched to 0 as minimum and 255 as max
What is the Local threshold
you know that the local threshold consists of replacing the value according to a certain threshold in this case it is applied locally
what is Bi lateral filtering
We define the neighbourhood of a pixel as:
a local spatial neighbourhood and a spectral (gray-level) neighbourhood
what is the nago filter
nago filter usually changes according to the image texture for instance omitting the noise in an image having the zebra texture. The idea here consists of defining 9 neighbourhoods for each pixel, the filter value is obtained with the neighbourhood having the lowest variance of these 9, smoothing with edge-preserving.
What is the diffusion filter
we make the hypothesis that the pixel value
propagation is similar to heat, this reflects the local derivative