Range Requirements And Scenario Development Flashcards
What is the first step in developing a live fire scenario for mounted platform systems?
The first step in developing a live fire scenario for mounted platform systems is to identify the range or facility that supports the unit training objectives.
Page 4-1
Paragraph 4-1
What Army publication provides detailed information on the Army’s family of maneuver ranges and their capabilities?
TC 25-8, Training Ranges, provides detailed information on the Army’s family of maneuver ranges and their capabilities.
Page 4-1
Paragraph 4-3
What simulators are required for use on Tables III-Proficiency, IV-Basic, V-Practice, and VI-Qualification?
Each target emplacement includes either a battlefield effects simulator (BES) (for stationary Armor targets (SAT), moving Armor targets (MAT)), or a hostile fire simulator (HFS) (for stationary Infantry targets (SIT), moving Infantry targets (MIT)). These simulators are required for use on tables III, IV, V, and VI.
Page 4-3
Paragraph 4-7
What is the target visibility standard for both defensive and offensive engagements?
All targets must be 90-percent visible from the firing position for the entire exposure time. For offensive engagements, all targets must be 90-percent visible to the firing crew a minimum of 90-percent of the length of the maneuver/firing box.
Page 4-5
Paragraph 4-14
How long will targets be presented after target lock?
All targets will be presented for 50 seconds after target lock. For targets presented in groups, or where multiple targets are presented at the same time during the engagement, the target time begins when all targets are fully presented and locked.
Page 4-5
Paragraph 4-15
Friendly and neutral presentations are not authorized for which Tables?
Friendly and neutral presentations are not authorized for training during Table III-Proficiency, Table IV-Basic, Table V-Practice or Table VI-Qualification.
Page 4-5
Paragraph 4-17
How should targets be arrayed for MMG platforms?
For MMG platforms, targets arrays should be realistic and not aligned one behind the other or side by side whenever possible. Units should maintain a minimum of 100 mils and a maximum of 200 mils during their engagements.
Page 4-6
Paragraph 4-20
What is the target kill standard for Caliber .50 against Troop targets? (Verbatim)
Hit one target with one round.
Page 4-9
Paragraph 4-24 Table 4-6
What is the target kill standard for Caliber .50 against unarmored targets? (Verbatim)
Hit target with at least three rounds.
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Paragraph 4-24 Table 4-6
What is the target kill standard for 40mm against Troop targets? (Verbatim)
Hit with at least one round within five meters of target.
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Paragraph 4-24 Table 4-6
What is the target kill standard for 40mm against unarmored targets? (Verbatim)
Hit with at least one round within 5 meters of target.
Page 4-6
Paragraph 4-24 Table 4-6
What is the target kill standard for 7.62mm against Troop targets? (Verbatim)
Hit one target with one round.
Page 4-9
Paragraph 4-24 Table 4-6
What is the target kill standard for 7.62mm against Unarmored targets? (Verbatim)
Hit target with at least three rounds.
Page 4-9
Paragraph 4-24 Table 4-6
During what tables may units choose to incorporate facades, urban clusters, or digital air/ground integration villages (A-GI)?
Commanders may opt to conduct their weapons training neutralizing facades, urban clusters or digital air/ground integration villages (A-GI villages) to replicate urban operations. Units may choose to incorporate the targets available with these structures during Table III-Proficiency, Table IV-Basic, and Table V-Practice only.
Page 4-11
Paragraph 4-27
What are the key components of a maneuver box (in order) when referring to MMG platforms?
The key components of a maneuver box are— Start point, Acceleration box, Target activation line, Firing box, and Stop point/Cease fire line.
Page 4-12
Paragraph 4-32
Where is the SDZ for the maneuver box always calculated from?
The SDZ for the maneuver box is always calculated from the maneuver box’s farthest, most extreme firing locations, typically on the boundaries identified by the start point and the stop point/cease fire line.
Page 4-12
Paragraph 4-32 Note
If a crew extends beyond the downrange edge of the maneuver box with the potential to engage targets for the offensive engagement, what must the tower do?
If a crew extends beyond the downrange edge of the maneuver box with the potential to engage targets for the offensive engagement, the tower must cease fire the crew.
Page 4-17
Paragraph 4-44
What tables may units conduct training on scaled ranges when access to full scale ranges is limited?
Units may conduct training for Table III-Proficiency, Table IV-Basic, and Table V-Practice courses on scaled ranges when access to full scale ranges is limited.
Page 4-18
Paragraph 4-48
Why would scaled targets be used on a full scale range during the execution of Tables III-Proficiency, IV-Basic, and V-Practice?
Scaled targets also may be used on tables III, IV, and V on full-scale ranges when the commanders intent is provide a more challenging, higher level of difficulty to the training event.
Page 4-18
Paragraph 4-49
How many targets may be presented to MMG platforms and those platforms equipped with a RWS?
For MMG platforms and those platforms equipped with a RWS, no more than two targets will be presented during an engagement. Units may not separate these targets with a delay.
Page 4-19
Paragraph 4-53
How may Table V-Practice and Table VI-Qualification be conducted on the same range?
Practice and Qualification tables may be conducted on the same range provided they do not contain the same scenarios. If one range facility is used for multiple tables, units should consider requiring firing vehicles to fire each table from a different lane.
Page 4-19
Paragraph 4-54
Define engagement 58.
Engagement 58 identifies Table V-Practice, Task 8, Multiple Targets, STA/MOV
Page 4-20
Paragraph 4-58
Define engagement 39.
Table III-Proficiency, Task 9, Multiple Targets MOV/MOV
Page 4-20
Paragraph 4-58
Define engagement 47.
Table IV-Basic, Task 7, Multiple Targets STA/STA
Page 4-20
Paragraph 4-58
Define engagement 41.
Table IV-Basic, Task 1, Vehicle Commander/Assistant Gunner STA
Page 4-20
Paragraph 4-58
Define engagement 64.
Table VI-Qualification, Task 4, Single Target (Degraded) STA
Page 4-20
Paragraph 4-58
What MMG platforms follow the MMG tasks and required performance measures?
MMG platforms are tracked or wheeled vehicles with one weapon or system, including RWS, and the M1117, armored security vehicle (ASV), and the AAVP7A1, amphibious assault vehicle (AAV). These platforms follow the MMG models shown within this chapter.
Page 4-22
Paragraph 4-65
List the MMG Task Numbering System and the target posture requirements.
0 Vehicle Commander/Alternate Gunner STA—1 Vehicle Commander/Alternate Gunner STA—2 Single Target STA—3 Single Target MOV—4 Single Target (Degraded) STA—5 Multiple Target (Degraded) STA/MOV—6 Multiple Target STA/STA—7 Multiple Target STA/STA—8 Multiple Target STA/MOV—9 Multiple Target MOV/MOV
Page 4-23
Table 4-10
What does the ASV and AAV use as their primary weapons systems during all engagements unless specifically stated otherwise?
The ASV and AAV use the caliber .50 machine gun as their primary weapon during all engagements unless specifically stated otherwise.
Page 4-23
Paragraph 4-67
On platforms where the VC has the additional duty of the primary gunner (RWS), Task 0 and Task 1 should be utilized for what during Tables III-Proficiency, IV-Basic, and V-Practice?
On platforms where the VC has the additional duty of the primary gunner (RWS), Task 0 and Task 1 should be utilized to train alternate gunners during Tables III-Proficiency, IV-Basic, and V-Practice.
Page 4-24
Paragraph 4-68
On vehicles where there is no VC or the VC is the gunner, who will be the primary firer for all engagements during Table VI-Qualification?
On vehicles where there is no VC or the VC is the primary gunner, the VC will be the primary firer for all engagements.
Page 4-24
Paragraph 4-71
Degraded engagements for MMG platforms are only for use with what MMG platforms?
Degraded engagements for MMG platforms are for use only by RWS, ASV, and AAV platforms. MMG pintle-mounted platforms do not have any degraded requirement.
Page 4-24
Paragraph 4-73
What MMG platforms do not have a degraded requirement?
MMG pintle-mounted platforms do not have any degraded requirement.
Page 4-24
Paragraph 4-73
List the MMG Required Performance Measures (RPM) and their frequencies?
One defensive engagement—Day AND Night
One offensive engagement—Day AND Night
One short range machine gun engagement—Day OR Night
One long range machine gun engagement—Day OR Night
One CBRN engagement—Day AND Night
One VC engagement—Day AND Night
Digital tasks—Day AND Night
Call-For-Fire—Day AND Night
Call-For-CCA(Close Combat Attack)—Day AND Night
Page 4-26
Table 4-12
What is the short range and long range requirement for 7.62mm?
Short Range <400m
Long Range >600m
Page 4-26
Table 4-12
What is the short range and long range requirement for caliber .50?
Short <400m
Long >600m
Page 4-26
Table 4-12
What is the short range and long range requirement for 40mm (MK19)?
Short >65m and <400m
Long >600m and <1000m
Page 4-26
Table 4-12
Can a Required Performance Measure (RPM) that is categorized as a “Caution” be used on Table VI-Qualification?
No, “Caution” indicates engagements that may be fired using the listed RPM… Tasks of this nature will not be fired on qualification tables.
Page 4-27
Paragraph 4-83
What is the intent of short-range and long-range machine gun engagements?
The short-range and long-range machine gun engagements can be applied to tasks 0 and 1, however, the intent is for the primary gunner to receive the training.
Page 4-28
Paragraph 4-87
How will MMG platforms conduct offensive tasks?
MMG Platforms will conduct offensive tasks with the firing vehicle on the move at a tactical speed that facilitates engaging the target safely within the designated maneuver box.
Page 4-28
Paragraph 4-89
Will crews be penalized if they elect to execute a short halt at their own expense?
Vehicles may elect to execute a short halt at their own discretion without penalty.
Page 4-28
Paragraph 4-89
What is the minimum number of engagements for the day and night as outlined in the RPMs?
A minimum number of engagements for the day (two) and night (two) are outlined in the RPMs.
Page 4-28
Paragraph 4-90
What reason would moving target requirements be downgraded to stationary?
Moving target requirements for their respective engagements cannot be downgraded to stationary unless critical system failures have occurred on the range, specifically target malfunction or lack of sufficient moving target emplacements on the facility.
Page 4-28
Paragraph 4-92
What is the machine gun and 40-mm planning factor per target?
The machine gun planning factor is 50 rounds per target.
The 40-mm planning factor is 8 rounds per target.
Page 4-29
Paragraph 4-97
In regards to scenario difficulty, scenarios should follow what guidelines?
After reviewing the previous live fire training records, the Master Gunners scenarios should follow the guidelines below: 10-percent of the crews should achieve 90 points or better on each engagement. 20-percent of the crews should achieve 80 points or better on each engagement. 70-percent of the crews should be able to successfully complete each engagement.
Page 4-50
Paragraph 4-153
What are the minimum requirements for the digital communications task?
The minimum requirements include the following: Firing vehicle must populate icons once during the day and once during the night. Firing vehicle must send and receive one digital message on each table, day and night.
Page 4-51
Paragraph 4-164
All commands to the firing vehicle come from where?
All commands to the firing vehicle come from the tower, or digitally from the unit S-6 when directed by the tower.
Page 4-52
Paragraph 4-175
Proofing of the scenario includes what kind of targetry?
The proofing of the scenario, including primary and alternate targetry, is critical for the successful execution of the unit’s training event by preventing lost training time due to scenario adjustment.
Page 4-53
Paragraph 4-179
When proofing the scenario, what conditions must be met?
All conditions must be the same as if actually firing, using the same type weapon platform(s) that will be firing.
Page 4-54
Page 4-180
When verifying MMG targets, what should be used to ensure the thermalization is correct for both the day and night engagements?
When verifying MMG targets, the Master Gunner should use the thermal sight to ensure the thermalization correct for both day and night engagements.
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Paragraph 4-184