Range of Motions Flashcards
Foot/ankle eversion
20 degrees
eversion - moving foot out and up
foot/ankle inversion
40 degrees
ankle dorsiflexion
20 degrees
dorsiflexion - bringing foot up 90 degrees
ankle plantarflexion
45 degrees
planting the foot in the ground, pointing the toes
knee flexion
140 degrees
quad stretch, bending the knee
hip adduction
40 degrees
adduction (adding to the body), bringing the body part into the leg
hip abduction
45 degrees
abduction (taking away from body) bringing the part up and away
hip extension
10 degrees
on the last part of your running, your leg ends up behind you, this is extension
hip flexion
125 degrees
hip internal rotation
45 degrees
pigeon pose
hip external rotation
45 degrees
opposite of pigeon pose
shoulder flexion
180 degrees
raising your head
shoulder extension
50 degrees
naruto running (im sorry i have no clue how to better explain it)
shoulder abduction
180 degrees
raising your shoulder so that it is flat when looking straight on in the anatomical position
shoulder adduction
40 degrees
bringing your shoulder in
like a little ballerina
shoulder internal rotation
90 degrees
throwing the ball (ir exercise)
shoulder external rotation
90 degrees
opposite of thorwing it (er exercise)
elbow flexion
145 degrees
bending your elbow
forearm pronation
80 degrees
holding soemthing by its top
forearm supination
85 degrees
holding up soup by the bottom
wrist extension
high fiving someone
wrist flexion
80 degrees
like someone is kissing your hand
wrist radial deviation/abuduction
20 degrees
wrist ulnar deviation/abduction
45 degrees