Random.CardioReview Flashcards
Describe the phase of action potentials through heart: Phase 4
Resting membrane potential (Na-K pump and K leak)
Describe the phase of action potentials through heart: Phase 0
Depolarization d/t rapid Na entry (slow Ca entry)
Describe the phase of action potentials through heart: Phase 1
rapid/early repolarization (early & transient K exit)
Describe the phase of action potentials through heart: Phase 2
Plateau d/t Ca entry and K exit (electrically balanced)
Describe the phase of action potentials through heart: Phase 3
Repolarization d/t K continuing to exit; Ca entry stops
Cardiac glycosides (ie digoxin) blocks Na-P pump and work on which phase of the cardiac action potential?
Phase 4
(Na-K pump and K leak channels)
na channel blockers (eg, quinidine, lidocaine) work on what phase of the cardiac action potential?
Phase 0
(dpolarization occurs d/t rapid Na entry & slow Ca entry)
The rate of Ca entry is responsible for (slow) depolarization of nodal cells) (phase 2 of cardiac action potential) affects what?
heart rate
conduction velocity
Hyperkalemia causes what to electrocardiograms?
decreases repolarization time
–> shortens QT interval & see “tall & tented” T waves on ECG
–> delayed conduction velocity–> prolonged PR interval, prolonged QRS
***absent P waves
What are hallmarks of atrial fibrillation on ECG?
- no p waves
- irregular chaotic rhythm
- normal appearance of QRS complexes +/- tachycardia
In an attempt to determine the underlying cause of arrhythmias– what is the acronym for diagnosis?
H– heart dz–> cardiomyopathies, valvular dz, myocarditis, PE/cardiac neoplasia & any severe heart dz
E– electrolyte imbalance/metabolic dz–> K, Ca, Mg
A– Adrenergic tone/Autonomic imbalance–> stress, anxiety, pain, GI dz
D– Drugs/toxins–> catecholamines, digoxin/cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmics
S– Surgical disease/ “usual suspects”–> splenic dz (benign or malignant), GDV, any severe systemic dz (pancreatitis, severe anemia, sepsis)
Advanced 2nd degree AV block occurs when?
when multiple consecutive “dropped beats” occur
**multiple P waves not followed by QRS
Describe how 3rd degree AV block looks on ECG?
-complete dissociation between P waves & QRS
-Pwaves at regular interval (normal/elevated rate)
-irreg QRS complexes
-P-R intervals variable
-WRS complexes normal (junctional) or abnormal (ventricular)
Describe how atrial premature depolarizations (APDs) appear on ECG?
-early P waves
–irregular PP and RR interval
-PR interval: normal, dec or prolonged
-Variable P wave configuration
Describe how atrial tachycardia appears on ECG?
-rapid, usually regular atrial rate
**most cases AV node is blocked, so normal ventricular rate with rapid atrial rate