Random Words Flashcards
Recondite (adj)
(of a subject or knowledge): Little known, abstruse.
Synonyms: Esoteric, Obscure, Arcane, Cabbalistic, Occult
Sanguine (adj)
Optimistic, or positive in a bad situation.
“Sanguine about the global economy”
Syn: Bullish, Buoyant.
Similar to Penguins- Penguins are optimistic, Bernadict Cumberbatch called them Peng-Wings.
Irresolute (adj)
Showing restraint, uncertain
“Stood irresolute outside his door”
Syn: Vacillating, Equivocating, Tentative, ambivalent, dithering.
Panacea (n)
A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.
“Panacea for all corporate life”
Syn: Elixir, panpharmacon, diacatholicon, nostrum, magic bullet
Promulgate (v)
Promote or make widely known (an idea or cause)
“ These objectives have to be promulgated”
Syn: Disseminated, propagated, circulated.
Promul -> promote -> Open the Gates: Open the gates to promote
Serendipitous (adj)
Occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
“A serendipitous encounter”
Syn: Fortuitous, Unforseen, lucky, fluky.
Serene= Peaceful - Diptious only in this word. “Lucky with a Chance of Meatballs”?
Chicanery (n)
Use of deception or Subterfuge to achieve one’s purpose
“You think this is something? This chicanery? He defecated on a SUNROOF”
Syn: Duplicity, Sophistry, Skulduggery, Swindling, Subterfuge, hoodwinking, duping, guile.
You know lol, you know, THIS CHICANERY?
“The Tinder Swindler is packed with cases of Chicanery”
Prescient (adj)
Having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
“a prescient warning”
Syn: Prophetic, Clairvoyant, augural, prognostic, Oracular, fatidic, vatic, SYBYLLINE.
Clairvoyance in Skyrim -> is a Prescient ability.
“ one glimpses them, uttering sibylline predictions of weal an woe”
Inadvertent (adj)
Not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.
“An inadvertent administrative error occurred that resulted in an overpayment”
Syn: Unconscious, Unwitting, involuntary, chance, innocent.
Very common word to use while referring to mistakes
“Inadvertent Mistake that didn’t harm anyone”
Taciturn (adj)
A reserved (person) or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
“ The taciturn student inadvertently spoke out of turn, shattering his confidence even further”
Syn: Reticent, Aloof, Unforthcoming, antisocial, inarticulate.
Good characteristic that fits me, “Harshvardhan had been a taciturn boy for most of his life, handicapping his ability to make meaningful relationships with people”.
Pretensions (n)
- A claim or assertion of a claim to something
“His pretensionS to the imperial inheritance”
Syn: Aspiration, pretence, purport, - The use of affection to impress; pretentiousness.
“ he spoke simply, without pretension”
Syn: Ostentation, snobbery, showy, pedantry, posturing, magniloquence, grandiosity,
Pretend -> Pretentiousness
Incredulous (adj)
(of a person) Unwilling to help or unable to believe something.
“An incredulous gasp”
Syn: Dubious, Distrustful, questioning, sceptical, CHARY, apprehensive.
Garrulous (adj)
Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters
“ An NYC Cab driver is a garrulous fellow”
Syn: Loquacious, Verbose, chatty, Voluble, Prating,
Loquacious (adj)
Tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
“ Never loquacious, Sarah was now totally lost for words”
Syn: Garrulous, talkative, voluble, effusive.
Verbose (adj)
Using, or expressed in more words than are needed.
“Much academic language is obscure and verbose”
Syn: Voluble, Orotund
Impunity (n)
Exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.
“ The impunity enjoyed by military officers so implicated in Civilian Killings”
Syn: Immunity, INDEMNITY, Carte Blanche, Reprieve.
With impunity-> Legal freedom to do anything.
Reprieve (v or n)
Cancel or postpone the punishment of someone( especially someone condemned to death)
“Under the new regime, prisoners under sentence of death were reprieved
Syn: Pardon, Acquit, AMNESTY.
Ostensibly (Adv)
As appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; apparently.
“The party secretary resigned, ostensibly from ill health”
Syn: Seemingly, on the face of it, Purportedly, supposedly.
Spurious (adj) or Specious (adj)
Not being what it purports to be; false or fake.
“Separating authentic and spurious crime”
Syn: Factitious, Specious
Superficially plausible, but actually wrong.
“ a specious argument “
Spurious claims of being the best Rogue like in the world -> Darkest Dungeon
Factitious (adj)
Artificially created or developed
“A largely factitious national identity”
Syn: Fake, Bogus, Specious, engineered, Contrived, Sham
Sounds like (FACT), but is actually MANU(FACT)URED
Contrive (v or adj)
1.Create or bring about( an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice.
2. Deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously.
Syn: Feigned, Hokey, Voulu, pretended
Syn: Engineer, devise, concoct, plan, hatch.
“The ending of the novel is too PAT and CONTRIVED”
“He contrived to flood the flat 3 times to claim Insurance on it”
Mawkish (adj)
Sentimental in an exaggerated or false way.
“ a mawkish ode to parenthood”
Syn: Cloying, over-sentimental, maudlin, TRITE ( commonplace), Banal (boring), Hokey
(of a person) talking fluently, readily or incessantly
“ Conan is a voluble yet charismatic to show host”
Syn: Loquacious, eloquent, articulate, chatty, garrulous, GLIB, gushing.
Voluble -> Volume -> Speaking with Volume
Gush (adj or verb)
(of a speech or writing) effusive or exaggeratedly enthusiastic.
“Gushing praise”
speak or write effusively or with exaggerated enthusiasm
“Everyone came up to me and gushed about how lucky i was”
syn: Rave, Rhapsodize, enthuse, wax lyrical, effervesce
Wax lyrical or Effuse (V)
Talk in a highly enthusiastic and effusive way
“ He waxed lyrical about his splendid son-in-law”
Syn: Enthuse
Opulent (adj)
Ostentatious, costly and luxurious
“ The opulent comfort of a limousine”
Syn: Sumptuous, Palatial, Grandiose, Profuse, swanky, ritzy,
For the optics, a wealthy politician should go out of his way to not showcase his opulent lifestyle.
Eclectic (adj)
Deriving ideas, style, or taste, from a broad and diverse range of sources.
“ Universities offering an eclectic mix of courses”
Syn: Broad, Multi-faceted, LIBERAL, CATHOLIC, multifarious, assorted, encyclopedic.
Catholic (adj)
Including a wide variety of things; all embracing.
“Her tastes are pretty catholic”
Syn: Diverse, UNDOGMATIC, eclectic.
The fact that Catholic means diversified, and is also the name for the Roman Catholic faith is pretty ironic
Adroit (adj)
Clever or Skillful
“He was adroit at tax evasion”
Syn: Adept, Skillful, Dexterous, DEFT , NIMBLE , agile, gifted, NIPPY, shrewd,
Adroit -> Detroit-> DE TROIT -> In between, clever in between the lines.
Nimble (adj)
Quick and light in movement or action; Agile.
“With a deft motion of her nimble fingers”
of the mind: Able to think and understand quickly
“her mind was so nimble and she was so quick to learn”
Syn: Quick-witted, agile, alert, ASTUTE
Nimble on the feet
Astute (adj)
Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this into one’s advantage
“ An astute Businessman”
Syn: Shrewd, Acute, razor-sharp, PERSPICACIOUS, DISCERNING, intuitive, wily, crafty.
Ambani is an astute and discerning businessman.
Perspicacious (adj)
Having a ready insight into and understanding of things.
“It offers quite a few facts to the perspicacious reporter”
Syn: Perceptive, penetrating , astute, sharp
Perspicacious -> Perceptive
Sagacious (adj)
Having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd.
“ They were sagacious enough to avoid any outright confrontation”
Syn: Wise, Clever, PRUDENT , astute, shrewd, SAPIENT, acute, profound
Prudent or Abstemious (adj)
Acting or showing care and thought for the future
“No prudent money manager would authorise a loaned without first knowing its purpose”
Syn: Provident, far-sighted, SPARING
Indulging only very moderately in something, especially food and drink
“We only had a bottle” “ Very abstemious of you”
Syn: ABSTINENT, AUSTERE, ASCETIC, restrained, spartan.
Abstinence -> Abstemious -> ABSTAIN from something (especially drinking alcohol or having sex).
HDFC Provident Fund - Prudent
Prolix (adj)
of a speech or writing: using or containing too many words; tediously lengthy.
“ HE found the narrative too prolix and discursive”
Syn: Lengthy or long-winding, overlong, prolonged, verbose, rambling , protract ( opposite of retract), Circumlocutory, meandering.
Prolix -> Prolix, a professional way to avoid mincing one’s words, now even you! can sound sound like a rambling old man once you start to use PROLIX! Get on with the program!
Circumlocutory (adj)
Using many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive.
“ He has a meandering, circumlocutory speaking style.”
Syn: Periphrastic, circuitous, rambling, discursive.
Circumlocutory -> Circumvent -> Going out of your way to be vague? evasive? find a way around an obstacle?
Ostentatious (adj)
Characterised by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress.
“ A simple design that is glamorous without being ostentatious”
Syn: Obtrusive, showy, pretentious, GAUDY, GARISH, kitsch, glitzy, affected
Remarkable (adj)
Worthy of attention; Striking
“a remarkable coincidence”
Syn: exceptional, astounding, marvellous, sensational
Very important point is that In SENTENCE EQUIVALENCE, this word is used to show a contrast.
Succinct (adj)
Briefly and clearly expressed (especially of something written or spoken)
“Use short succinct sentences”
Syn: Concise, short, brief, compact, condensed, crisp, LACONIC, TERSE, COMPENDIOUS.
Mark the ZUCCC speaks in a manner that is anything but SUCCinct.
Laconic (adj)
(of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words
“his laconic reply suggested a lack of interest in the topic”
Syn: Brief, Concise, succinct, economical, TART, EPIGRAMMATIC, TERSE
LACONIC -> LACK of a lot of words, i.e PITHY
Pithy (adj)
Containing much pith, OR Terse and vigorously expressive. “His characteristically pithy comments” “Newspaper columnists give pithy advice” “He was always pithy, always moderate, always clear-headed, always courteous, always SCRUPULOUSLY accurate and responsive, and end never afraid to speak his mind”.
Pithy is used to describe a person in a GOOD WAY
, even though it sounds like Apathy (n)
Terse (adj)
sparing in the use of words; abrupt.
“A Terse statement”
“He expressed himself in a Terse and Vigorous style”
Terse is a tense and possibly rude word. Brief yes, but not in a good way
Succinct speaks lucidly. Brief yet clear.
Concise contains a lot dispute its small size. Brief, yet comprehensive.
Laconic is just brief; it doesn’t hint at other virtues. Unlike Terseness, it’s connotation is usually neutral, and it alone is useful among this synonym family for describing an individual’s personality generally.
Terse is a tense and possibly rude word. Brief yes, but not in a good way
Succinct speaks lucidly. Brief yet clear.
Concise contains a lot dispute its small size. Brief, yet comprehensive.
Laconic is just brief; it doesn’t hint at other virtues. Unlike Terseness, it’s connotation is usually neutral, and it alone is useful among this synonym family for describing an individual’s personality generally.
Terse “ Stuff! leave me alone”
Concise “I am building a play-house an don’t want to be disturbed”
Trenchant (adj)
Vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
“The white paper makes trenchant criticisms of health authorities”
Syn: Forthright, SCATHING, ACERBIC, sharp, keen
“Sometimes your tone of voice is so trenchant that you come across as being a mean person.”
“Although the movie’s plot is exciting, the dialogue is boring and needs to be polished until it is more trenchant.”
“Marvin’s trenchant wit made him a popular speaker at conservative fundraisers.”
Trenchant - Nonchalant people can imo give Trenchant opinions. The carpet doesn’t match the drapes.
Scrupulous (adj)
(of a person or process) careful; thorough and extremely attentive to details.
“The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail”
Syn: Meticulous , painstaking, ASSIDUOUS, PUNCTILIOUS, PEDANTIC, studious.
An accountant who never leaves the books unbalanced is an example of Scrupulous person.
Epigrammatic (adj)
in the style of an epigram; concise, clever and amusing.
“an epigrammatic style”
Syn: Concise, succinct, compact, condensed,
- Man must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind
- Little stokes fell great oaks
Acerbic (adj)
(especially of a comment or style of speaking) sharp and forthright.
“ His acerbic wit”
Syn: SARDONIC, SCATHING, SATIRICAL, cutting, sharp, stinging, hurtful, unkind, VITRIOLIC
Acerbic -> Acidic-> “ acerbic commentary an acerbic reviewer”
Pedantic (adj)
Excessively concerned with minor details or rules; OVERSCRUPULOUS.
“ His analysis are careful and even painstaking, but never pedantic”
Syn: over-scrupulous, precise, Exact, FINICKY , FINICKY, FINICAL, FASTIDIOUS, DOGMATIC, carping,
didactic, pretentious, pedagogic, nitpicking. cautious
Pedantic -> The Titanic crew members were Pedantic about the entire guest list, Food, entertainment, but they failed to rescue everybody unfortunately.
Punctilious (adj)
Showing great attention to detail or correct behaviour.
“He was punctilious in providing every amenity for his guests”
Syn: Meticulous, conscientious , careful, diligent, attentive, thorough, FASTIDIOUS, FINICKY, FINICAL, PERSNICKETY.
Punctilious -> Punctual -> and behaving correctly!?
Persnickety (adj) - INFORMAL
Placing too much emphasis on trivial or minor details; fussy.
“She’s very persnickety about her food”
Syn: fussy, finicky , over-fastidious, DAINTY, over-particular.
Ashni’s a persnickety kid with regards to her food.
Dainty (adj)
- Delicately small and pretty
“ A dainty lace handkerchief” - Fastidious, especially concerning food
“ A dainty appetite”
Syn: refined, elegant, exquisite, trim, pretty
Syn: fastidious, fussy, finical, finicky, exacting,
Dainty -> Daisy is a dainty person, weird since she’s kind of a Wall flower.
Fastidious (adj)
Very attentive to detail and concerned about accuracy
“ She dressed with fastidious care”
Syn: Scrupulous, punctilious, ASSIDUOUS, choosy, precise, finicky.
Mac Miller’s records are representative of his fastidious attention to the musical undertones
Donnish (adj) British
Resembling a college DON, particularly because of having a pedantic, scholarly manner.
No one more Donnish than the Prince of Dorne!
Dogmatic (adj)
Inclined to lay down principles as undeniably true.
“ she was not tempted to be dogmatic about what she believed”
Syn: Opinionated, Assertive, PEREMPTORY, EMPHATIC, adamant, inflexible, rigid
DOGMATIC -> STERN -> Unbroken Resolve -> Darkest Dungeon is Dogmatic in it’s Difficulty
Pedagogic (adj)
Relating to Teaching
“ they show great pedagogic skills”
Syn: Educational, educative, EDIFYING, DIDACTIC, instructive
Didactic (adj)
Intended to teach, particularly in having moral instruction as an ulterior motive.
“ A didactic novel that set out to expose social injustice”
Syn: Instructional, educative, informative, EDIFYING, PEDAGOGIC, academic, heuristic, illuminating,
Didactic method of teaching, Edifying and capturing the attention of the class, Pedagogic -> Teaching
Edifying (adj)
Providing moral or intellectual instruction
“ Edifying literature”
Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.
“Rachel had edified their childhood with frequent readings from Belloc”
Syn: Develop, instruct, teach, tutor, coach, INCULCATE, enlighten.
Assiduous (adj)
Showing great care and perseverance.
“ She was assiduous in pointing out every feature”
Syn: Diligent, careful , meticulous, thorough, sedulous, Conscientious, PUNCTILIOUS, Industrious, Studious, Minute, Punctilious, demanding.
Hermione -> Assiduous sounds like a spell -> Hermione was an Assiduous wizard.
Vindicate (V)
Clear someone of blame or suspicion.
“ Hospital staff were vindicated by the inquest verdict”
Syn: Acquit, clear, absolve, exonerate, EXCULPATE
Show or prove to be right; reasonable or justified.
“ More sober views were vindicated by events”.
Syn: Justify, warrant, substantiate, establish, demonstrate, ratify, Verify, confirm , Prove, defend. EXTENUATE (EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES)
Exculpate (v) - Formal
Show or declare that (someone) is not guilty of wrongdoing
“ The article exculpated the mayor”
Exculpate -> Excavate someone out of a false charge
Extenuate ( V)
- Cause ( an offence ) to seem less serious.
“ Even the fact that you once helped to save my life could not extenuate your offence”
Syn: Excuse, Mitigate, soften , play down, Vindicate, Palliating, JUSTIFY.
Surly (adj) -
Bad tempered and unfriendly.
“ The porter left with a surly expression”
Syn: Bad-tempered, ill-natured, GRUMPY, grim, glum, crotchety, prickly, CHURLISH, CRUSTY, CURT, MOROSE, BRUSQUE
Sully in Monsters INC was anything BUT SURLY! The guy was ADORABLE!
Sardonic (adj)
Grimly, mocking or cynical
“ Starkey attempted a sardonic smile”
Syn: Mocking, satirical, sarcastic, ironic, cynical, scornful, contemptuous, derisive, derisory, Jeering, scoffing, taunting, cutting, MORDANT, TRENCHANT, SARKY.
Vitriolic (adj)
Filled with bitter criticism or malice.
“ Vitriolic attacks on the politicians”
Vitriol -> Poison used in Slay the Spire
Acrimonious (adj)
typically of a speech or discussion : Angry and Bitter
“ An acrimonious dispute about wages”
Acrimonious debate on Gender equality
Virulent (adj)
- Of a disease: extremely severe or harmful in its effects
- Bitterly Hostile
“ a Virulent strain of influenza”
“ his involvement with the temperance movement led to his virulent attack on the drink trade”
Syn: Vitrolic, Malicious, incisive, cutting, biting, vicious, vindictive, savage, nasty, CAUSTIC, RANCOROUS, MORDANT , MALEVOLENT.
Mordant (adj)
(especially of humour): HAVING or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting.
“ mordant sense of humour”
Syn: Acerbic, Cutting, SARDONIC , TRENCHANT, Venomous, Vitriolic, Stinging, POLEMIC
Polemic (n)
A strong verbal or written attack on someone or something.
“ His polemic against the cultural relativism of the Sixties”
Syn: Critical, Hostile, bitter, VITRIOLIC, VIRULENT, Incisive, TART, SARDONIC, SCATHING,
Rancorous (adj)
Characterised by bitterness or resentment.
“ Sixteen miserable months of rancorous disputes”
Churlish (adj)
Rude in a mean-spirited and SURLY way.
“it seems churlish to complain”
Syn: Ill-mannered, Rude, ungracious, inconsiderate, Boorish.
Mbappe handled the entire transfer talk churlishly.
Boorish (adj)
Rough, and bad-mannered; coarse.
“ boorish behaviour”
Syn: Coarse, UNCOUTH, Rude, discourteous, impolite, ungentlemanly, uncultured, thuggish, Rough, VULGAR, PHILISTINE.
Philistine (adj or noun)
A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts.
“ I am a complete philistine when it comes to paintings”
Hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts
“there were displays to inspire even the most philistine of visitors”
Syn: LOUTISH, UNCOUTH, Vulgar, Coarse, savage, boorish, barbarian, BOURGEOUIS, IGNORAMUS.
Ignoramus (n)
An ignorant or stupid person
“ assume that your examiner is an ignoramus and explain everything to him”
Syn: Nincompoop , blockhead, dunce, dolt, dum-dum.
Morose (adj)
Sullen and Ill-tempered.
“She was morose and silent when she got home”
Syn: Sullen, Sulky, Gloomy, bad-tempered, sour , glum, melancholic, sober, SATURNINE, SOMBRE, DOLEFUL
Saturnine (adj)
(of a person or their manager) gloomy.
( of a person or their features) dark in colouring and moody or mysterious,
“ a saturnine temperament”
“his saturnine face and dark, watchful eyes”
“ a saturnine setting”
Syn: SWARTHY , DARK, Mysterious, Melancholic, moody, SOMBRE.
Sombre (adj)
Dark or dull in colour or tone
“ The night skies were sombre and starless”
Having or conveying a feeling of deep seriousness and sadness
“ he looked at her with a sombre expression”
Syn: Solemn, earnest, grave sober, unsmiling, dull, Humourless, sad, DISMAL, DOLEFUL.
Solemn (adj)
- Formal and dignified
- Not cheerful or smiling Serious
“ Tim looked very solemn” - Characterise by deep sincerity
“ He swore a solemn oath to keep faith”
Solemn vow, Solomon Grundy looked Solemn in his Sister’s Solace.
In earnest ( phrase)
To a greater extent or more intensely than before
“ Work began again in earnest”
(OF A PERSON) SINCERE and serious in intention
“ Cameron looked at him to make sure he was IN EARNEST.”
Brusque or BRISK (adj)
Abrupt or offhand in speech or manner
“ She could be brusque and impatient”
Syn: CURT , Blunt, short sharp, TERSE
Irascible (adj) or Crotchety (adj)
Having or showin a tendency to be easily angered
“ An irascible and difficult man”
Syn: Irratable, Quick-tempered,
RUSS from the Netflix show OZARK an Irascible man
Old men -> Use Crutches, -> Are easily angered
Cursory (adj)
Hasty and therefor not thorough or detailed.
“ A cursory glance at the figures”
Syn: PERFUNCTORY, DESULTORY, Casua, superficial, TOKEN.
Cursor -> Moves fast, not detailed
Perfunctory (adj)
(of an action) carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort.
“ he gave a perfunctory nod”
Syn: DESULTORY, PERFUNCTORY, hasty, brief, sketchy, dismissive, FLEETING.
Desultory (adj)
Lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm,
or Random
“ a few people were left, dancing in a desultory fashion”
“ Desultory passengers were appearing”
Syn: Casual, half-hearted, lukewarm, cursory, superficial, token, PERFUNCTORY, CURSORY, CAPRICIOUS
Capricious (adj)
given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behaviour.
“ It’s terrible to feel our livelihood hinges on a capricious boss”
Syn: Fickle, Inconstant, Changeable, Mercurial, fanciful, whimsical, Erratic, VACILLATING.
Vacillating (adj)
Wavering between different opinion or actions; irresolute.
“He was accused of vacillating leadership”
Syn: Dither, Ambivalent, Teetering, wavering, SWITHER, waver.
Vacillate -> Oscillate
Mercurial (adj)
Subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.
“ His mercurial temperament”
Syn: Volatile, CAPRICIOUS, FICKLE, whimsical, moody, unstable, unsteady, giddy.
Mercurial Attitude
Piquant (adj)
Having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetising flavour.
“ a piquant tartare sauce”
Syn: Spicy, stimulating, interesting, fascinating, colourful, TART, exciting, lively.
Ignominious (adj)
Deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.
“ no other party risked ignominious defeat”
Syn: Humiliating, unidentified, embarrassing, mortifying, ABJECT, INGLORIOUS
Alexander handed his foes an Ignominious defeat on the battlefield
Inglorious (adj)
not famous; causing shame or loss of honour.
Syn: Discreditable, disgraceful, ABJECT
Abject (adj)
(of a person or behaviour) : Completly without pride or dignity, self - abasing.
(of a situation or condition): Extremely unpleasant and degrading.
( of something bad) : Experienced or present to the maximum degree.
“An abject apology”
“the abject condition of peasants”
“ His letter plunger her into abject misery”
Syn: OBSEQUIOUS, Snivelling little rat, SERVILE
Obsequious (adj)
Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
“ they were served by obsequious waiters”
Syn: Servile, ingratiating, unctuous, SYCOPHANTIC, OLEAGINOUS, grovelling , ABJECT.
Obsequious -> Obedient -> Teacher’s Pets
Sycophantic (adj)
Behaving or done in an obsequious way in order to gain advantage.
“ a sycophantic interview”
Syn: Subservient, deferential, toadying, fawning, Ingratiating, slavish, INGRATIATING, SERVILE.
Servile (adj)
- Having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others.
“ he bowed his head in a servile manner” - of or characteristic of a slave or slaves.
“ the servile condition of the peasants”
Oleaginous (adj)
Rich in, covered with, or producing oil; oily.
“ fabrics would quickly become filthy in this oleaginous kingdom”
exaggeratedly and distastefully complimentary; obsequious.
“candidates made oleaginous speeches praising government policies”
Syn: Servile, Sycophantic, Obsequious.
Aloof (adj)
not friendly or forthcoming; cool or distant.
“they were courteous but faintly aloof.”
conspicuously uninvolved.
“he stayed aloof from the bickering”
Syn: Unresponsive, remote, forbidding, unapproachable, distant, AUSTERE, HAUGHTY, Supercilious.
Spartan (adj)
showing or characterised by austerity or a lack of comfort or luxury
“ The accommodation was fairly spartan”
Syn: Rigorous, arduous, strict, frugal, severe, rigid, AUSTERE, ASCETIC
Ascetic (adj)
Characterised by sever self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons.
“ An ascetic life of prayer, fasting and manual labour”
Syn: Austere, self-denying, Abstemious, abstinent, Rigorous, Reclusive, Mortified, Cloistered, frugal.
Cosmopolitan (adj)
- Including people from many different countries.
“ Immigration transformed the city into a cosmopolitan metropolis”
Syn: Multiracial , global, worldwide, universal
Urbane (adj)
(of a person) courteous and refined in manner.
“ They are charming and urbane”
Syn: SUAVE , sophisticated , DEBONAIR , worldly, POISED, AFFABLE.
Suave (adj)
Charming, confident, and elegant (typically used of a man).
“ All the waiters were suave and deferential”
Syn: Charming, Sophisticated, DEBONAIR, URBANE, Worldly-wise , polished, refined, POISED.
Glib (adj)
(of words or a speaker) Fluent but insincere and shallow.
“ The glib phrases soon roll off the tongue”
Syn: Slick, Pat, Plausible, smooth-talking, LOQUACIOUS, DISINGENUOUS, FACILE, FLIP, VOLUBLE, URBANE
Facile (adj) vs Erudite (adj)
Ignoring the true complexities of an issue; superficial.
( of a person ) having a superficial or simplistic knowledge or approach.
“ a man of facile and shallow intellect”
Harsh thinks he is erudite in a lot of subjects but when he speaks in front of an intellectual his intellect is revealed to be of a Facile nature.
Debonair (adj)
confident, stylish, and charming (typically used of a man).
“ All the men looked debonair and handsome in white tie and tails”
Syn: Suave, Urbane, elegant, stylish, GALLANT, SPRUCE
Poised (adj)
Having a composed and self-assured manner
“ not every day you saw that poised, competent kid distressed”
Syn: Assured, Tranquil, Serene, Placid? URBANE, EQUABLE, NONPLUSSED, IMPERTURBABLE.
Nonplussed (adj)
So surprised and confused that one is unsure of how to react.
“ Henry looked completely NONPLUSSED”
Non-plus -> !+ = Exclamation mark meaning you’re surprised.
Syn: Dumbfounded, unnerved, shaken, discomposed, troubled, DISCOMFITED, DISCOMBOBULATED, BAMBOOZLED, Clueless, Unnerved, Disoriented.
Equable (adj)
- Not easily disturbed or angered; calm and even-tempered.
“ he could look sterner than his equable temperament would suggest” - Not varying or fluctuating greatly.
“ an equable climate”
Syn: Stable, Constant, steady, unchanging, consistent, moderate, temperate.
Imperturbable vs Unperturbed (adj)
- unable to be upset or excited; calm
“ an imperturbable tranquility” - not perturbed or concerned.
“ Kenneth seems unperturbed by the news”
Syn: composed, calm, cool,
Syn: untroubled, undisturbed, unconcerned.
Irate (adj)
Feeling or characterised by great anger.
“ a barrage of irate letters”
Syn: Angry, furious, infuriated, incensed, enraged, IRKED, raging, ranting, seething, VEXED, INCANDESCENT.
Incandescent (adj)
- Emitting light,
- Full of strong emotion.
- extremely angry
“ she felt an incandescent love for life”
Syn: Furious , enraged, incensed, seething, wrathfully IRATE, APOPLECTIC.
Equivocation (n)
the use of ambiguous language to conceal the truth or to avoid committing oneself; prevarication.
“ I say this without equivocation”
Syn: Indecision, doubt, vagueness, parrying, vacillation, Hedging, evasion, dodging.
Obfuscate (v)
BCS! To be frank here, you’re ____ the ____.
make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
“The spelling changes will deform some familiar words and obfuscate their etymological origins”
Syn: Blur, Muddle, Jumble , confuse, obscure, befog, garble, MUDDYING THE WATERS
Prevaricate (V)
speak or act in an evasive way.
“ He seemed to prevaricate when journalists asked pointed questions”
Syn: Beat about the bush, hedge, fence, shilly-shally, pussyfoot, equivocate, Palter, TEMPORIZE, CAVIL.
Temporize (verb)
avoid making a decision or committing oneself in order to gain time.
“ The opportunity was missed because the queen still temporised”
Syn: Equivocate, Procrastinate, play for time, stall, delay, hang back beat about the bush!, PREVARICATE.
Choleric (adj)
bad-tempered attitude.
“ He was a choleric, self-important little man”
Syn: bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, grumpy, grouchy, crotchety, pettish, prickly, peppery, snappy, chipper, Fractious.
Jejune (adj)
- Naive, simplistic, superficial.
“ Their entirely predictable, and usually jejune opinions”
Syn: Naive, simple, innocent, artless, guileless, unworldly, Childlike. - (of ideas or writings) dry and uninteresting.
Syn: Tedious, Dreary, uninteresting
Puerile (adj)
Childishly silly and immature.
“ a puerile argument”
Syn: Childish, immature, infantile, juvenile, adolescent, babyish, silly, ASININE.
Pui-Pui was very Puerile.
Asinine (adj)
Extremely stupid or foolish.
“ Lydia ignored his asinine remark”
syn: Puerile, Jejune, Ludicrous, insane, imbecile , INFANTILE, MORONIC, DRUB, CRETINOUS. FATUOUS.
Infantile (adj)
of or occurring among babies or very young children.
“ infantile colic”
“Infantile jokes”
Syn: Juvenile, inane, Fatuous, Jejune, silly.
Inane (adj)
Lacking sense or meaning; silly.
“ don’t badger people with inane questions”
Syn: Silly, foolish, stupid, fatuous, idiotic, absurd, ridiculous, Cretinous, Unintelligent.
Belie ( adj)
(of an appearance) fail to give a true impression of (something),
“His lively alert manner belied his eyes”
2. fail to fulfil or justify ( a claim or expectation)
“The quality of the music seems to belie the criticism”.
Syn: Confute, Falsify, contradict, Discredit.
Capricious (adj)
Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood and behaviour.
“it’s terrible to feel our livelihood hinges on capricious bosses”
syn: Erratic, Fickle , temperamental, fanciful, whimsical, Wayward, VACILLATING.
Congenial (adj)
(of a person) pleasing or liked on account of having qualities or interests that are similar to one’s own.
2. Of a thing: Pleasant or agreeable because suited to one’s taste or inclination
“his need for some congenial company”
“ he went back to a climate more congenial to his cold stony soul”
Syn: Like-minded, compatible, KINDRED, CONVIVIAL, SOCIABLE, GENIAL
favourable, nice, pleasurable.
Misanthropic (adj)
having or showing a dislike of other people; unsociable
“ a misanthropic drunken loner”
Syn: Antisocial, Reclusive, UNCONGENIAL, inhospitable, Cynical, suspicious, distrustful, sceptical, Jaundiced.
Proclivity (n)
a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing.
“ A proclivity for hard work”
Syn: Leaning, inclination, propensity, BENT, preference, BIAS, PENCHANT, predisposition , predilection , VELLEITY.
Bent (n) and Velleity (n)
A natural talent or inclination
“ a man of religious bent”
Syn: Instinct, orientation, leaning, predisposition, disposition, inclination, PENCHANT, PROCLIVITY, FACULTY, SKILL, CAPABILITY, FORTE, MIND, BRAIN, KNACK.
A wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.
“ the notion intrigued me, but remained a velleity”
Quixotic (adj)
extremely idealistic ; unrealistic and impractical
“ a vast and perhaps quixotic project”
Syn: Romantic, idealistic, extravagant, visionary, Unworldly, unworkable, inoperable, UTOPIAN, USELESS, Non-viable
Realistic -> Exotic -> Quixotic
Alacrity (n)
Cheerful Willingness; eagerness; speed.
“ The football coach was pleased to see the team get to work on the task of improving its tackling skills with Alacrity”
Syn: readiness , FERVOUR, ARDOUR, ZEAL, Haste.
Avaricious (adj)
Having or showing an extreme greed for wealth or material gain,
Syn: Grasping, acquisitive, covetous, Greedy, RAPACIOUS, Miserly, Materialistic, grabby,
“ Father stretch my hands” -> Father stretch
Covetous (adj)
Rapacious (adj)
Aggressively greedy or grasping
“Rapacious landlords”
Syn: Grasping, greedy, Avaricious, Acquisitive, COVETOUS, Mercenary, INSATIABLE, VORACIOUS, USURIOUS.
Rapey? Taking what they want from innocent people
Voracious (adj)
wanting or devouring great quantities of food
“ A voracious appetite “
Syn: Unquenchable, Unappeasable, Prodigious, Greedy, Craving, Hungry, Ravenous, Gutsy, PIGGISH, HOGGISH, Ravening, Compulsive.
Benign (adj)
- Gentle and kindly
“ His benign but firm manner”
Syn: Warm-hearted, good-natured, friendly, warm, CONGENIAL, Gracious, GENIAL, CORDIAL, sympathetic, Caring
Cordial (adj)
- Warm and friendly
“ The atmosphere was cordial and relaxed “
Syn: Friendly, warm, AFFABLE, AMIABLE, Pleasant, fond , affectionate , gracious, Hearty, Enthusiastic, Eager - Strongly felt
“ I earned his cordial Loathing”
Syn: Intense, strong, FERVENT, FERVID, Deep, ARDENT.
Calumny (n)
The making of false and defamatory statements about someone in order to damage their reputation; slander.
“ A Bitter struggle marked by Calumny and litigation”
Syn: Slander, Libel, Aspersions, Derogation, Denigration, Aspersions, Scurrility, Lies, Slurs, Smears.
Contrite (adj)
Feeling or expressing remorse at the recognition that one has done wrong;
“ A contrite tone”
Syn: Remorseful, Repentant, PENITENT, regretful, rueful, apologetic, ashamed, chastened, Compunctious.
Craven (adj)
Contemptibly lacking in in courage; cowardly.
“ A craven abdication of his moral duty”
Syn: Cowardly , PUSILLANIMOUS, Timorous, Gutless, Trembling, Recreant, Poltroon, Chickenshit.
the Craven Crow -> Courage the Craven dog ( cowardly )
Deft (adj)
Neatly skilful and quick in one’s movements
“ a deft piece of footwork”
Syn: Skilful, adept, adroit, handy, able, capable, proficient, expert, polished, masterful.
Diatribe (n)
A forceful and bitter verbal attack against someone or something.
“ a diatribe against consumerism”
Syn: Tirade, harangue , denunciation, reproved, admonishment, VITUPERATION, Flak, invective, blast, broadside, stricture, UPBRAIDING, Castigation.
Promiscuous (adj)
- having or characterised by many transient sexual relationships
“ promiscuous teenagers”
Licentious, profligate , abandoned libertine, TARTY, Debauched,
- Demonstrating or implying an unselective approach; casual or indiscriminate
“ The city fathers were promiscuous with their honours”
Syn: Indiscriminate , irresponsible, rando, unthinking , careless
PROM -> What they envision happening after -> 2. with random people
Penitent (adj)
Feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.
“ A penitent expression”
Syn: Repentant. Contrite, Regretful, ABJECT.
Chastened (v)
(of a rebuke or misfortune ) have a restraining or moderating effect on.
“ The director was somewhat chastened by his recent flops.”
Syn: Subdue, humble, cow, squash, Mortify, deflate, flatten.
Compunctious (adj)
characterised by guilt or moral scruple that prevents or flows the doing of something bad
“ compunctious feelings of apprehension”
Pusillanimous (adj)
showing a lack of courage or determination; timid
Syn: Spineless, Craven, Base, Cowering, Gutless, Quaking.
Timorous (adj)
Showing or suffering from nervousness or a lack of confidence
“ a timorous voice”
Recreant (n)
a coward
“ the recreant acted with outward boldness”
an apostate , unfaithful to a belief.
Licentious (ADJ)
- Promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters
“ the ruler’s tyrannical and licentious behaviour”
Licious -> Licentious -> SEXY MEAT.
Dressed in a sexually provocative manner hat that is considered to be in bad taste
Dissolute (adj)
(of a person or a way of life) overindulging in sensual pleasure.
“ unfortunately he’s heir was feckless and dissolute “
Syn: Dissipated, debauched, decadent, intemperate, PROFLIGATE, PROMISCUOUS, LECHEROUS, LIBERTINE, LIBIDINOUS.
Decadent (adj or n)
Characterized by or reflecting a state of moral or Cultural Decline
“ a decaying decadent Britain”
n - a person who is Luxuriously self-indulgent
Decade in decline -> DECADENT
Demure (adj)
Reserved, modest and shy (women)
“ a demure young lady”
Syn: Unassuming, Meek, Mild, Reserved, DIFFIDENT, TIMOROUS, COY.
Bad POSTURE can easily characterise a woman as DEMURE, decreasing her STATURE.
Diffident (adj)
modest or shy because of a lack of self-confidence
“ a diffident youth”
Syn: Shy, BASHFUL, Timid, TIMOROUS, Abashed, RETICENT.
Another trait that defines Harshvardhan. Taciturn and Diffident. :|
Apostate (n or adj)
A Person who renounces a religious or political belief or principle.
“ after 50 years as an apostate he returned to the faith”
abandoning a religious or political belief
“ an apostate Roman Catholic”
Syn: DISSENTER , HERETIC , Defector, Deserter, Recreant , RENEGADE, RECUSANT, Turncoat, Schismatic.
Profligate (adj or n)
- Recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources
“ Profligate consumers of energy” - Licentious; dissolute.
“ he succumbed to drink and a profligate lifestyle”
Syn: Dissolute, Degenerate, dissipated, debauched, corrupt, depraved.
- A Licentious, dissolute person.
“ he is a drunkard and a profligate”
Syn: Libertine, Debauchee, Degenerate, Reprobate , Lecher.
A PROFLIGATE CONSUMER who promulgated the secrets of his family, leading to its demise.
Lascivious (adj)
feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or desire.
“ He gave er a lascivious wink”
3rd: Having or showing excessive or offensive sexual desire.
“ she ignored his lecherous gaze”
Syn: lustful, Lewd, UNCHASTE, impure, Dissolute, Debauched, SALACIOUS.
Amenable (adj)
Open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
“ parents who have amenable children”
- Receptive
Syn: Susceptible, receptive, responsive, reactive, vulnerable.
Construe (v)
interpret ( a word or action) in a particular way.
“ his words could hardly be construed as an apology”
Syn: Interpret, understand, read, PARSE, ELUCIDATE.
Demur (v)
Raise objections or show reluctance
“ Normally she would have accepted the challenge, but she demurred”
Syn: Object, protest, take issue, CAVIL, DISSENT, BALK , Hesitate.
Ingenuous (adj)
(of a person or action) innocent and unsuspecting.
“ he eyed her with wide, ingenuous eyes”
Syn: Simple, Childlike, Trusting, Trustful, Uncritical , Frank, Candid, Guileless, Genuine.
Louche (adj) Sordid (Adj)
Disreputable or sordid in a rakish or appealing way.
“The louche world of the theatre”
Involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.
“The story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams”
Syn: SLEAZY, Seamy, shoddy, Vile, Foul, Tawdry
WANTON (adj)
(of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.
“ sheer wanton vandalism”
Syn: Deliberate, wilful, malicious, malevolent, Spiteful, Vicious, Wicked, Evil, Cruel, Senseless, Pointless.
Sybaritic (adj) or Hedonistic (adj) or Epicurean (n)
Fond of sensuous luxury or pleasure; self-indulgent
“ their Opulent and Sybaritic lifestyle”
Syn: Pampered, Lavish, Self-indulgent, HEDONISTIC , EPICUREAN, VOLUPTUOUS.
CAVIL (v) Carp (v)
Make petty or unnecessary objections
“ they cavilled at the cost”
complain or find fault continually about trivial matters
“ I don’t want to carp about the way you did it”
syn: Complain, Carp, Grumble, Moan, Grouse, Grouch, Whine, Censure, Denounce, Bleat, DECRY.
Cogent (adj)
Of an argument - clear, logical, convincing
‘’they put forward cogent arguments for British membership’’
Syn : efficacious , potent sound
Deference (n) or Obeisance (n)
Polite submission and respect
“ He addressed her with the deference due to age”
Syn: Respect, esteem , regard, Courtesy , Acquiescence, OBEISANCE, BOW, NAMASKAR, BOB, Salaam, Salutation
A Gesture expressing deferential respect such as a bow or curtsy,
Dilatory (adj) or Indolent (adj) or Plodding (adj)
Slow to act
Intended to cause delay
“ He had been dilatory in appointing a solicitor”
Syn: Slow, Unhurried, TARDY , LAZY, IDLE INDOLENT
Wanting to avoid activity or exertion; lazy
“ They were indolent and addicted to a life of pleasure”
sYN : Apathetic, inert, lackadaisical, plodding, dull.
Slow-moving and unexciting
“ A Plodding comedy drama”
Prodigal (adj)
1.Spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.
2. Having or giving something on a lavish scale.
“ Prodigal habits die hard”
“ The dessert was prodigal with whipped cream”
Phlegmatic (adj) or Stolid (adj)
(of a person) having an unemotional and stolidly Calm disposition.
“ The phlegmatic British character”
Calm, Dependable, and showing little emotion or animation,
“ A Stolid Bourgeois gent”
syn: Impassive, Unruffled, Tranquil , Poised, Serene, Imperturbable, STOLID.
Involved (adj) or Tortuous (adj)
Difficult to understand; complicated. “ A Long, involved conversation” Full of twists and turns. “The route is remote and tortuous” Excessively lengthy and complex. “ A Tortuous Argument” Syn: Complicated, Elaborate, Confused, Intricate, Jumbled, Knotty, Mixed up, Hard, TORTUOUS , Labyrinthine, Byzantine.
Derisive (adj) or Jibe (v)
Expressing contempt or ridicule
“ He gave a harsh, derisive laugh “
Make insulting or mocking remarks; jeer.
Syn: Sneer, Mock, Taunt, Scoff.
Syn: Mocking, Ridiculing, JIBING, Pillorying, Dismissive, Detracting, Derisory, SARKY, Contumelious, Caustic, Scathing.
Denigrate (V) or Disparage (V)
Criticise unfairly; Disparage.
“ Doom and gloom merchants who denigrate their own country”
Syn: Decry, Diminish, Disparage, Belittle, Deprecate
Regard or represent as being of little worth.
“ He never missed on opportunity to disparage his competitors “
Syn: Belittle, Denigrate, Deprecate, Depreciate, Downgrade, Play-down, Trivialise, Ridicule,
Emulated (adj)
Match or surpass ( a person or achievement ) typically by imitation
“ Most rulers wished to emulate Alexander the Great “
Syn: Imitate, Copy, Reproduce, Mimic, Mirror, Echo, Follow, Rival
Game Emulators
Boisterous (adj)
Noisy, Energetic, and Cheerful.
“ A group of boisterous lads “
Syn: Lively, active, animated, Exuberant, spirited, bouncy, Frisky, excited, Vibrant, Disorderly , Romping, EBULLIENT.
Restive (adj) or Wired (adj) or Recalcitrant (adj) or Refractory (adj)
( of a person ) unable to remain still, silent or submissive, especially because of boredom or dissatisfaction.
“ The crowd had been waiting for hours and many were becoming restive”
in a nervous, tense, or edgy state.
“not much sleep lately—I’m a little wired”
having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline. "a class of recalcitrant fifteen-year-olds"
stubborn or unmanageable.
“his refractory pony”
Syn: Restless, Fidgety, Jumpy, Jittery, REFRACTORY, WILFUL
Perverse (adj) or Obstinate (adj) or Obdurate (adj)
- showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable.
“Kate’s perverse decision not to cooperate held good” - contrary to the accepted or expected standard or practice.
“in two general elections the outcome was quite perverse”
stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or chosen course of action, despite attempts to persuade one to do so.
“her obstinate determination to pursue a career in radio”
stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion or course of action.
“I argued this point with him, but he was obdurate”
Syn: Obstinate, Obdurate, Intractable, Refractory, Recalcitrant, Intransigent, Pertinacious, Mulish.
Intractable (adj) or Pertinacious (adj)
OR Mullish (adj) or Intransigent (adj)
- hard to control or deal with.
“intractable economic problems” - (of a person) difficult or stubborn.
holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action.
“he worked with a pertinacious resistance to interruptions”
resembling or likened to a mule in being stubborn.
“a mulish expression”
unwilling or refusing to change one’s views or to agree about something.
“her father had tried persuasion, but she was intransigent”
Syn: Obstinate, Obdurate, Perverse, Recalcitrant, Refractory, INTRANSIGENT
Vociferous (adj) or Vehement (adj) or Clamorous (adj)
expressing or characterized by vehement opinions; loud and forceful.
“he was a vociferous opponent of the takeover”
showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
“her voice was low but vehement”
expressing or characterized by vehement protests or demands.
“the clamorous radical wing of the party”
SYN: Clamorous, Animated, Zealous, Strident, Fervent, Fervid
Forbidding (adj)
unfriendly or threatening in appearance.
“a grim and forbidding building”
Syn: Harsh, Uninviting, , off putting, Foreboding
TO FORBID: To stop in its tracks -> Stop friendliness
Partisanship (n)
Prejudice in favour of a particular cause; Bias.
“ An act of blatant political Partisanship “
Syn: Bias, Prejudice, Discrimination, Favouritism, Favour, Partiality, unfairness.
Objurgate (v) rare
Rebuke severely, scold.
“ The old man objurgated his son”
Precipitous (adj) or Impetuous (adj)
- dangerously high or steep.
“ The track skirted a precipitous drop” - (of an action) done suddenly and without careful consideration
“ precipitous intervention “ - Acting or done quickly and without thought or care.
“ She might live to rue this impetuous decision “ - Moving forcefully or rapidly.
“an impetuous but controlled flow of water”
Syn: Steep, sheer, high, perpendicular, abrupt, dizzy, VERTIGINOUS (VERTIGO)
Contravene (V)
Offend against the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct ).
“ He contravened the Official Secrets Act”
Syn: Violate, Infringe, Flout, Disobey, Defy.
Conflict with (a right, principle, etc) especially to its detriment.
“ The privy council held that the prosecution contravened the rights of the individual.”
Syn: Be contrary to.
Exhort (v) Adjure (V) Formal or Entreat (V)
Strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
“ I exhorted her to be a good child “
Syn: Enjoin, ADJURE, Urge, Call On, Implore, Beseech, Entreat, Pressurise, ENTREAT.
Urge or request (someone) solemnly or earnestly to do something.
“ I adjure you to tell me the truth “
ask someone earnestly or anxiously to do something.
“His friends entreated him not to go”
Importune (V) or Solicit (V) or Supplicate (v)
Harass (someone) persistently for or to do something.
“ Reporters importuned him with pointed questions”
Syn: Beg, Beseech, Entreat, Implore, Supplicate.
- Approach to request or offer sexual services especially as a prostitute.
Ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly.
“ the plutocrazy supplicate to be made peers”
Superfluous (adj)
Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.
“ The purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information “
Syn: Surplus, Redundant, Unneeded, excess, spare, extra, Useless, left over, pointless, inessential, gratuitous.
Ephemeral (adj) or Fugacious (adj) LITERARY
Lasting for a very short time.
“ Fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly drive out the old”
Syn: Passing, short-lived, transient, Transitory, Evanescence, Fugitive, FUGACIOUS
tending to disappear, fleeting
“ she was acutely conscious of her fugacious youth”
Wane (v)
- (of the moon) have a progressively smaller part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size.
- (of a state or feeling) decrease in vigour or extent; become weaker.
“ confidence in the dollar waned”
Nettle (v) or Gall (v)
irritate or annoy (someone).
“ I was nettled by Alene’s tone of superiority”
Syn: Irritate, annoy, gall, irk, VEX, provoke, bother, infuriate.
Cow (v)
Cause someone to submit to one’s wishes by intimidation
“ the intellectuals had been cowed into silence “
syn: intimidate, dismay, scare, subdue, Petrify, browbeat
Affluent (adj)
Having a great deal of money, wealthy.
“ The affluent societies of the western world”
Syn: Prosperous, OPULENT, Substantial, Comfortable, SUBSTANTIAL, Flush, Moneyed.
Imperious (adj) or Overweening (adj)
Arrogant or Domineering.
Adj: Peremptory, Commanding, Imperial, Overbearing, Lordy, Pushy, Authoritarian, Officious, Assertive, Bullish, Bossy, Dictatorial.
Impertinent (adj) or Impudent (adj) or Insolent (adj)
- Not showing proper respect; rude.
Syn: Brazen, PERT, TACTLESS, IMPUDENT, - Not pertinent to a particular matter; irrelevant
Not showing due respect for another person; impertinent.
“ He could have strangled this impudent upstart “.
Showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.
“ INSOLENT CHILD” Screams Odin to Thor the god of thunder!
Lax (adj)
Stigmatize (V) or Pillory (v)
- Describe or regard, as worthy of disgrace or great disapproval.
Adj: Condemn, denounce, brand, label, DISPARAGE, VILIFY, PILLORY - Mark with stigmata
Attack or ridicule publicly.
“ He found himself pilloried by members of his own party”
Undermine (V)
- Erode the base or foundation of ( a rock formation ).
“ The flow of water had undermined pillars supporting the roof”
Syn: Chip away, undercut, erode, wear away
Affectation (N)
Behavior speech, or writing that is pretentious and designed to impress.
“ The affectation off a man who measures every word for effect”
ASHNI’S AFFECTATION when speaking to foreigners is evident.
Dogged (adj)
Having or showing tenacity and grim persistence
“ Success required dogged determination”
Syn: Resolute, Relentless, indefatigable, OBDURATE, unyielding , unwavering, PERTINACIOUS.
Engender (V)
Cause or give rise to a feeling , situation, or condition )
“ The issue engendered continuing controversy “
Syn: ENKINDLE , lead to, give rise to, produce, generate , stir up, whip up.
Probity (n)
The quality of having strong moral principles honesty and decency.
“ Financial probity “
Syn: Integrity, honesty, goodness, virtue, honour.
Venal (adj)
Showing or motivated y susceptibility to bribery; corrupt.
Venerate (V)
Regard with great respect; revere.
“ Philip of Beverly was venerated as a saint “
Syn: Adulate, hallow, daily, deify, aggrandize, value, laud, revere.