Random review questions Flashcards
What part of the vertebrae is most likely fractured in severe osteoporosis?
Vertebral bodies
Spinal stenosis is likely due to proliferation of which ligament?
Ligamentum flavum
Herpes Zoster is likely to proliferate in which structure?
Dorsal Root Ganglion
Which landmark is used for lumbar puncture?
Iliac crest
Weakness in medial rotation and adduction of the humerus is due to?
Lesion to thoracodorsal n affecting Latissimus dorsi m.
Spinal cord in adults ends at which level?
Which ligament is removed in lamenectomy?
Ligamenum flavum
Fracture of transverse processes of cervical vertebra is likely to injure which artery?
Vertebral a.
Difficulty elevating shoulder is due to injury of which nerve?
- Dorsal Scapular n. (rhomboids and levator scapulae)
Fracture of the pedicles at C2 is likely to injure which ligament?
- Cruciform ligament
Bleeding from vertebral venous plexus of Batson is likely to result in hematoma of which space?
- Epidural space
Dislocation of the atlantoaxial joint results in deficit of which movement?
- Rotation of the head
Shattering of lateral border of scapula and difficulty in laterally rotating arm likely indicates injury to which muscle?
- Infraspinatus
At which level is the conus medullaris located?
Unique feature of the vertebral venous plexus of Batson that allows to spread tumor to the brain from the abdomen?
Is valveless
Lateral shift of the spinal cord is likely due to a tear in which structure?
Dentriculate L.
Bull rider’s thumb
Sprain of the radial collateral ligament + avulsion fx. of lateral part of proximal phalanx
Skiier’s thumb
- Rupture/laxity of collateral ligament of 1st MP joint
- Hyperabduction of MP joint
Dupuytren Contracture
- Progressive shortening, thickening, and fibrosis of palmar fascia and aponeurosis
- 4th and 5th digits pulled into partial flexion at MCP and PIP
- Raised ridges in palmar ski.
Tendons of which digits have separate synovial sheaths?
2nd, 3rd, and 4th.
Tenosynovitis is likely to spread where?
- Synovial sheath of 5th digit is continuous with common flexor sheath.
- Involves tendon of flexor pollicis longus m.
Tx for Raynaud’s syndrome
- Cervico-dorsal presynaptic sympathectomy
- Postsynaptic fibers of sympathetic ganglia join nerves of brachial plexus –> distributed to digital arteries
The pisohamate ligament forms? Relevant why?
- Ligament between pisifrom and hook of hamate forms te Guyon canal
- Ulnar canal syndrome with compression of ulnar n.
On palmar side what two structures are at the same level?
Superficial palmar arch and distal end of common flexor sheath.
Border of triangluar space for lung sounds?
Latissimus dorsi, trapezius , medial border of scapula
Surgery on lower back injured structure that resulted in widespread paralysis of lower limbs.
Great radicular artery
Stretching of which structure results in sagging breasts?
Suspensory (Cooper’s) ligament
Which nerve injured with weakened medial rotation and adduction of humerus?
Inferior subscapular n. (subscapularis m. and teres major)
Fracture of medial epicondyle is likely to result in complete paralysis of which muscle?
Flexor carpi ulnaris
Supracondylar fracture of the humerus is likely to injure which nerve?
Median N.
Wrist drop with weakness of grasp, but normal extension of elbow joint without loss of sensation is likely to injury to which n?
Posterior interosseous n.
Radial n injury results in?
Loss of elbow extension
Radial pulse is found laterally to which tendon?
Flexor carpi radialis m.
Which part of brachial plexus is injured in Erb’s palsy?
Roots of the upper trunk
In order to relieve pain under the nail bed of little finger, which nerve needs to be anesthesized?
Common palmar digital of ulnar n.
Best place to control hemorrhage of brachial artery?
Compress brachial artery medial mid shaft of humerus
Loss of sensation in lateral forearm?
Lateral antebrachial cutaneous from musculocutaneous n.
What prevents upward dislocation of the of glenohumeral joint?
- Coracoacromial arch and rotator cuff muscles
Inability to extend wrist, fingers and thumb, although the extension of elbow is intact + loss of sensation in the lateral half of the dorsum of the hand indicates injury of which n? and what part of arm?
Radial nerve, midhumerus (triceps brachii is supplied by radial nerve proximally to the spiral groove)
Pain in the posterior aspect of forearm at 2cm distal to and posteromedial to the lateral epicondyle is likely to injury at?
Compression of deep radial nerve by the supinator
Inability to extend the terminal interphalangeal joint is due to injury of?
Flexor digitorum profundas m.
Which arteries accompany ulnar nerve behind the medial epicondyle?
Superior ulnar collateral a. and posterior ulnar recurrent a.
Injury of radial nerve is likely to result in the following deficits at MCP, DIP and PIP joints?
No extension of MCP joints only
Inability to abduct the UE more than 15 degrees is likely to due to injury to which muscle?
Deltoid m.
Infraspinatus does first 15 degrees
Which ligament is injured in shoulder separation?
Partial or complete tearing of coracoclavicular ligament or acromialclavicular
An injury to the deep forearm, no opposition of the tip of thumb to the tip of index finger as in making OK sign, but able to touch the tips of the ring and little fingers to the pad of the thumb. Which n is injured?
Anterior interosseous n.
lateral 1/2 of FDP, flexor pollicis longus and pronator quadratus
Inability to hold paper between thumb and the lateral side of index finger without flexing the distal joint of thumb aka Froment sign indicates injury to which n. and m.?
Ulnar n. and Adductor pollicis muscle
Which muscle is responsible for adduction of the distal fragment of the fractured humerus (at the surgical neck)?
Pectoralis major m.
Which muscle is responsible for lateral deviation of the fractured upper third of the radius?
Supinator m.
Which tendon passes superficially to carpal tunnel?
Palmaris longus m.
Brachioradialis reflex tests integrity of which spinal level?
Which spinal level is motor and which is afferent for biceps brachii?
Motor = C5 Afferent = C6
With which bone(s) does head of the ulna articulate at the wrist?
Radius only
Shoulder dislocation is likely injure?
Axullary n.
Difficult breech delivery or cervical rib compression causes?
Damage to the inferior trunk of brachial plexus (C8/T1)
- Paralysis of intrinsic hand muscles, flexors of wrist (flexor carpi ulnaris, and medial 1/2 of FDP)
- Klumpke’s palsy/Claw hand)
Which artery reverses flow in scapular anastomosis?
Subscapular a.
Spinal levels of radial and median n?
Which bones form the floor of snuff box?
Scaphoid and Trapezium
Which structure attaches dural sac to the coccyx?
Filum terminale
Palmar carpal ligament
Thickening of deep antibrachial fascia at the wrist, covering the tendons of the flexor muscles, median nerve, and ulnar artery/nerve, EXCEPT palmar branches of the median and ulnar nerves
Synovial flexor sheaths (2 types)
- Envelopes or contains the tendons of both the FDS and FDP muscles (ulnar bursa)
- Envelopes the tendon of flexor pollicis longus muscle (radial bursa)
Suprascapular artery anastomses with what arteries around scapula?
Deep branch of the transverse cervical artery (Dorsal scapular) and circumflex scapular artery
The contents of the cubital fossa from medial to lateral side
Median N, Brachial A, Biceps brachii tendon, and Radial A.
Which artery would supply blood to the deep brachial if the brachial artery were ligated at its origin?
The posterior humeral circumflex artery anastomoses with an ascending branch of the deep brachii artery