Random questions from TCM tests -including pt. prescriptions Flashcards
3 meeting points of SP, LV, KD…
SP6, CV3, CV4
Meeting point of Yang Qiao and Yang Wei…
HT6, SP6, KD7, CV4, CV15, PC6, HT7
HT Yin xu
ST12 needled too deeply may puncture which artery?
Transverse cervical
BL39, LI4, SP9, LI6, LU7
Yang edema
Drawing in of the neck muscles when breathing/wheezing indicates
Kd’s inability to grasp Qi, therefore must tonify KD
What point should almost always be used in pathologies of Blood
BL 17
Tonify KD3, SP6, LV8, Reduce LV3, GB43
LV Yang Rising
HT8, HT7, CV15,SP6, KD6
HT Fire blazin
CV4, KD3, KD6, SP6
points for hot type Shao Yin disorder
LV3, PC6, CV22, ST40, CV17
Stagnant LV Qi with stagnant phlegm
GB20, GB14, ST4 on affected sd. LI4 on opposite sd.
Facial paralysis
CV3, SP6, LV3, BL32, LV5
downward pouring of damp heat