Random/Questions from 300 question exam Flashcards
At what age are males screened for dyslipidemia if no risk factors?
All males 40-75
25 if risk factors which include obesity, smoking history, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes and a family history of cardiovascular disease.
When does colon cancer screening for low risk individuals begin?
Colonoscopy at age 50
How do you differentiate conduct disorder from oppositional defiance disorder?
Conduct disorder occurs in childhood and adolescence and includes repetitive violations of rights of others
OPP - 6 months of negative, hostile and defiant symptoms but DOES NOT include aggressive behavior toward people, animals, destruction of property
What is the best initial medication for african american male after no improvement with lifestyle modifications?
First line = CCB or diuretic
Amlodipine often first line
Tibial tubercle tenderness should prompt you to think of which disease (average age 10yo)
Osgood Schlatter disease = Tibial apophysitis. Seen in adolescents with growth spurts and overuse
What are the rule of 9s?
Anterior torso = 18% (chest + abdomen)
Arms = 9% (front 4.5% + back arms 4.5%)
Full leg = 9%
Perineum = 1%
Hands = 1%
MCC bacteria involved in postop surgical site infections
Staph aureus
What population is most at risk for spontaneous pneumothorax?
Tall, thin males between 10-30yo are at greatest risk
Acute onset of ipsilateral chest pain + dyspnea
On exam = unilateral chest expansion, decreased tactile fremitus, hyperresonance, and diminished breath sounds
How does coal worker’s pneumoconiosis present?
Small opacities in the upper lung fields
How does silicosis present?
Small round opacities throughout lung fields, calcified lymph nodes
What are common xray findings associated with asbestososis?
Interstitial fibrosis and thickened pleura
What is the test of choice to confirm diagnosis of intussception?
Barium enema is diagnostic and therapeutic
What is the best test to confirm bladder cancer?
Cystoscopy + biopsy has rate of almost 100% and is definitive diagnostic procedure
What is the salter- harris classification
S- Slipped
M- Metaphysis
A- Articular
C - Complete
K - Krushed
What is the MC type of kidney stone? What is the MC type of infected kidney stone associated with UTIs and urease-producing bacteria?
Calcium oxylate
MC infected = Struvite stones
Which congenital abnormality is commonly associated with tracheoesophageal fisula?
Esophageal atresia
Common in newborns
Sx = excessive saliva, choking, or coughing with feeding
Dx = inability to pass NG tube
Tx = Surgical + suction or withholding of oral feeds to prevent pulmonary aspiration until surgery
What is the medication of choice for those who desire medication for insomnia during pregnancy
Doxylamnie = Unisom
*melatonin isnt studied significantly to recommend
First line tx for pertussis?
Zpack = Azithromycin
Alternative = Bactrim
Vertigo lasting one minute or less and are provoked by head movements; “room is spinning”
Dx = Dix hallpike
Tx = epley maneuver
*Due to calcium debris within the posterior semicircular canals
What are the MCC of acute respiratory distress syndrome?
Sepsis, multiple trauma, aspiration of gastric contents = 75% of cases
Signs and symptoms of acute respiratory distres syndrome?
Tachypnea, dyspnea, frothy pink or red sputum, diffuse crackles, hypoxemia that doesn’t respond to O2
Short stature, webbed neck, prominent ears, low posterior hairline, broach chest with widely spaced nipples should indicate which syndrome?
Turner syndrome (monosomy x)
Which leads are posterior?
V1, V2
Which leads are anterior?
V1-V3; Artery = Left anterior descending
Which leads are lateral?
I, AVL, V5, V6; Circumflex artery
What is the most likely complication associated with Kawasaki disease?
Coronary artery aneurysm = occurs in 25% of cases
Radiographs of what area are best for evaluating bone age?
Distal radius
Ossifications of the hand and wrist including the distal radius are the most predictable and sensitive for determining bone age
What is first line medication for social phobias>
SSRI - first line for social phobias
Short term benzo or TCA are less effective
Idiopathic adolescent scoliosis should be monitored based on curve of degree. How often should 10-15 degrees be monitored? 15-20? 20 or greater?
10-15 = monitoring every 6-12 months
15-20 = Serial AP radiographs every 3-4 months
20 degrees or more = referral to orthopedist for continuous monitoring and management (braces, electrical stimulation, surgery)
Which type of lung cancer has the most aggressive clinical course, is likely to spread early, and is rarely amenable to surgery?
Small cell lung cancer
What is the test to confirm celiac disease?
Initial test = IgA antiendomysial and anti-TTg antibodies
Confirm with small bowel biopsy
What does a positive (HBsAg) indicate?
Ongoing infection of any duration
What does a positive (anti-HBs) indicate
Immunity by past infection or vaccination
What does a positive Hep B core antibody (anti-HBc) indicate
Acute hepatitis
What does a positive hep b envelope antigen indicate (HBeAg)
Indicates active infection that is highly contagious
MC type of shoulder dislocation?
Anterior = MC
If seizure or electrocution is involved = Posterior
MC type of renal malignancy in children ; Most commonly associated with sudden abdominal swelling without other signs or symptoms; firm, nontender smooth mass palpable on exam
Wilms tumor
Transmural inflammation is associated with UC or Crohns?
MC location terminal ileum
String sign seen on barium xray
Passage of intestine through the internal ring down the inguinal canal describes what type of hernia?
Inguinal hernia
Indirect = passage through INTERNAL inguinal ring
Direct - Passage through external ring at hesselbachs triangle
What is charcots triad vs reynold pentad?
RUQ pain, jaundice, fever
Pentad includes hypotension + AMS
Hip dysplasia occurs is MC in what population?
Increased incidence in firstborn infants
Unequal thigh folds on exam due to ligament laxity
Herpangina is caused by what virus? What other disease does this virus cause?
Presents with onset of fever and posterior pharyngeal vesicles, painful and children often dont want to eat or drink
Coxsackie also causes hand foot and mouth but is more mild than herpangina
If a baby <3 weeks contracts pneumonia, what is the MCC?
Group B strep
If a baby 3 weeks -3 months contracts pneumonia, what is the MCC?
Bacterial = Strep pneumo
If a preschool child (4yo) contracts pneumonia, what is the MCC?
Virus = RSV, parainfluenza, influenza
What is the MCC of atypical pneumonia in age 5 and up?
Mycoplasma pneumonia
What cervical myotome affects the biceps and flexion of the arm?
What cervical myotome affects the triceps and extension of the arm?
What cervical myotome affects the interossei including the thumb?
What cervical myotome affects the deltoid and aBduction of the arm?
Which type of insulin has an onset of 30-60min, peaks around 2 hours, and lasts 6-8 hours?
Regular insulin
Which type of insulin has a rapid onset of 5-15 minutes, peaks at 60-90 min and lasts 3-4 hours?
Lispro aka Humalog or Novolog
Which type of insulin is an intermediate acting and has an onset of 2-4hours, peaks at 6-7 hours and lasts 10-20 hours?
NPH (Humalin)
What clotting factors are inhibited by warfarin?
2, 7, 9, 10
Warfarin inhibits the vitamin K dependent synthesis of these
Hodgkins disease is diagnosed by the presence of which cells?
JAK-2 mutation is a diagnostic for what?
Primary polycthemia vera
Auer rods are associated with what?
G6PD is x-linked recessive disorder which causes chronic hemolysis and is associated with what cells?
Heinz bodies
If a patients father was diagnosed with colorectal cancer at 45, at what age should that patient recieve their first colonoscopy?
If its a first degree relative diagnosed before age 60 then the patient should receive one 10 years younger than the earliest diagnosis
In this case, the patient should receive one at 35 if their relative was diagnosed at 45. If negative, repeat colonoscopy every 5 years
What is the cause of increased risk of preeclampsie?
Multifetal gestation (twins), nulliparity, advanced maternal age, AA race, obesity
Which drugs have an effect on the INR of a patient taking Warfarin?
TMP.Sulfa = Bactrim
Sudden, unilateral painless blurry vision or vision loss
Retinal vein occlusion
Retinal artery occlusion can also present like this but on exam the patient will have retinal pallor and “cherry red spot” or fovea
What are retinal findings associated with retinal vein occlusion?
Venous hemorrhage, disc swelling, cotton wool spots, dark, dusky retinal background
DM and HTN are risk factors
MCC of overuse injury of the elbow
Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Pain with lifting when arm is pronated ; Reproducible pain on exam if arm is pronated and extend the wrist and fingers against resistance
Which vaccines are contraindicated in an immunosupressed patient?
Live vaccines such as MMR
Which type of meningitis presents with an increased opening pressure, increased cell count, decreased glucose, and increased protein?
Bacterial meningitis = Strep pneumo
Patient has barky cough and cxr revelas subglottic tracheal narrowing, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Laryngotracheobronchitis aka CROUP
“Steeple sign” on CXR
Renal artery stenosis is the MC 2ndary cause of HTN, but what are some other causes?
Chronic steroid use
Estrogen use
Coarctation of Aorta
Describe PCN mechanism of action?
Inhibits cell-wall synthesis
What is a common side effect of statin therapy?
Muscle pain (myalgias) rarely patients will develop rhabdo
Which cardiac marker initially rises in 1-4 hours, peaks at 6-7 hours and returns to normal after 24hours?
What is the first line tx for endometritis (most likely developed a few days postpartum, patient will have pelvic pain + fever)
Clindamycin and gentamicin
Ampicillin can be added if there is no response and metronidazole added if patient is septic
Which medication lowers blood glucose by slowing gastric emptying, stimulating pancreatic insulin response to glucose and reducing glucagon release after meals?
Liraglutide (victoza/saxenda) which is a GLP-1
How do DDP-4 inhibitors (aka -gliptans) work?
Reduce the breakdown of endogenous GLP-1; Work similarly to GLP-1s but do not have the higher effect on gastric emptying
A lesion present on the right optic tract posterior to the optic chiasm will have what effect?
Left homonymous hemianopsia
An elevated BUN to creatinine ratio >20:1 indicates what?
Prerenal cause of acute renal failure most likely due to hypovolemia, hypotension, HF, aortic aneurysm, renal artery stenosis
Is cystic fibrosis autosomal dominant or recessive?
Autosomal recessive disorder of the CFTR gene
CF causes abnormal mucus production that causes obstruction in multiple organs including the lungs, and pancreas (decreased life span because of this)
Which vaccine significantly decreased the incidence of epiglottitis?
Hib (haemophilus influenza type B)
Patients w/ epiglottitis present with “tripoding”, fever, drooling
Thumb sign on lateral soft tissue xray
EKG findings of a RBBB and ST elevation in leads V1-V3 should may you think of what diagnosis?
Brugada syndrome - hereditary condition that may cause sudden death in those without heart disease
Responsible for 1/2 of sudden death in healthy young individuals WITHOUT structural heart disease
If a 20yo sexually active female presents for wellness exam, what is recommended?
Chlamydia/Gonorrhea screening
*Pap smear not recommended until age 21 regardless of sexual activity and every 3 years after
Which test is used to determine cortisol excess in patients suspected of having Cushings syndrome?
Overnight dexamethasone suppression test
*Dexamethasone works by lowering amount of ACTH released by posterior pituitary which lowers amount of cortisol released by the gland. In patients with Cushings, the dexamethasone wont work and they will still have elevated cortisol levels
A patient with heart disease has marked limitations of physical activity, they are asymptomatic at rest, but even mild activity causes symptoms. What NY heart stage functional classification is this?
Stage 3
Stage 1 = No limitation
Stage 2 = Slight limitation of physical activity
Stage 3 = Marked limitation of physical activity
Stage 4 = Unable to engage in physical activity without discomfort
What are signs/symptoms of lower motor neuron lesions?
Hyporeflexia, absent Babinski, weakness, muscle atrophy
*Lower motor neuron symptoms are caused by Guillain Barre or spinal radiculopathy
What are signs/symptoms of upper motor neuron lesions?
Hyperreflexia, positive Babinski, spastic weakness
*Upper motor neuron symptoms are caused by multiple sclerosis or cerebral palsy
The Centor criteria is used in diagnosing strep pharyngitis, what are the 4 criteria?
Tonsillar exudates
Absence of cough
Tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy
*Pts with at least 3 of these have a 60% chance of infection with Beta hemolytic group A strep
Which antiarrhythmic inhibits conversion of T4 to T3?
Carries risk of thyroid dysfunction due to decreased iodine uptake, inhibition of T4 to T3 and possibly direct immune-mediated destruction of thyroid
**TSH should be obtained prior to initiating therapy and at regular intervals
Which labs are increased in acute pancreatitis?
Serum lipase
Often liver enzymes are indicating biliary obstruction (gallstone, MCC)
Patellar reflex is caused by stimulation of which nerve roots?
Topical anesthetic agents are MCC of methemoglobinemia which causes which symptoms?
Cyanosis, low pulse ox, normal ABG
Check a methemoglobin level
If a patient (30-50yo) presents with hip pain with activity, loss of ROM, and possible a limp due to pain what should be suspected? + Crescent sign
Aseptic necrosis or avascular necrosis
MRI = preferred imaging
Crescent sign = linear area of subchrondral lucency
MCC of first trimester pregnancy losses?
Congenital abnormality
If acetaminophen overdose is suspected and patient is alert and vitals are normal, how should the patient be managed?
Obtain immediate acetaminophen levels and if normal repeat in 4 hours
If overdose and patient is symptomatic tx = acetylcysteine (NAC)
What is the treatment for PDA?
Indomethacin = treatment
If pt is going to have surgery and we want to keep it open use prostaglandin E1 to maintain patency
What type of hernia is more prevelant in females and is highly susceptible to incarceration?
Femoral hernias
Bullous myringitis and cold agglutinins is associated with which type of pneumonia?
What is the treatment of choice for treating cystitis in pregnant female?
What is the initial tx of dacrostenosis?
Digital massage
If symptoms persist longer than 6-10 months lacrimal duct probing can be performed
What physical exam findings would raise suspicion in abuse in a child?
Abdominal bruising = most suspicious
Boxer fracture is fracture of what?
Metacarpal neck fracture
Common in patients punching a wall
*5th metacarpal is MC affected
Tx = Ulnar/Gutter splint
What lab finding is most consistent with B12 deficiency?
Elevated MCV (Macrocytic anemia)
Other findings could include thrombocytopenia, low WBC, low reticulocytes
What is the MC bacteria associated with dog bites?
Eikenella is MC associagted with what type of bite?
Bartonella bacteria is MC associated with what type of bite?
Infected cats
When is there a surge in LH for a female with a 28 day menstrual cycle?
Day 12
24-36 hours after the LH surge, follicular rupture occurs releasing oocyte from follicle at the surface of the ovary (ovulation)
What is the MOA of metformin?
Decrease hepatic glucose production and increase peripheral uptake
What is the MOA of SLG-2? (-Flozins)
Lower renal glucose threshold and increase glucose excretion in urine
FLO = Increased risk of UTI
What is the treatment of chlamydia/gonorrhea?
Azithromycin 1000mg single dose and doxycycline 100mg BOD for 7 days
8mm TB reaction in a patient with an HIV would be positive or negative?
> 5mm in HIV positive or those with known contact with active TB or evidence of TB on CXR and immunocompromised on steroids
> 10mm recent immigrants, HIV negative IV drug users, immunocompromised not on steroids
> 15mm healthy persons with no risk factors
Diagnostic study to confirm PE?
Chest CT
Most common fracture after FOOSH?
Colles = Distal radius fracture
Colle = Dog = Distal
Smith = opposite Colle
Which ligament is injured in a gamekeeper’s thumb?
Ulnar collateral ligament
When testing for accomodation, what is the expected result?
As the person shifts gaze from far object to a near object, pupils constrict
What happens in all phases of clinical trials?
0 = evaluating bioavailability and half life
1= testing for safety and involves multiple doses
2- testing for efficacy and side effects
3= assessing efficacy, effectiveness, and safety
4 = assessing long term effects
What are symptoms of Parkinsons caused by?
Imbalance of dopamine and acetylcholine
Degeneration of substantia nigra
DX - Clinical; MRI not needed but may be helpful in identifying structural lesions
Which test is helpful in diagnosing De Quervains tendinopathy?
Finklestein - Thumb into hand, pressure on wrist causes pain
Which test is used to assess for blood flow in hands?
Allens test