random Qs Flashcards
If a patient presents with: Decreased calcium increased phosphate Increased PTH Increased phophotase What do they have?
What is another name for osteopetrosis
Marble bone disease
If a patient has a poor osteoclast function due to carbonic anhydrase what conclusion would you come to?
On biopsy, a mosaic pattern of lamellar bone is revealed. What disease is associated with these results?
Paget’s disease
What bone disorder is caused by an autosomal dominant defect in the synthesis of collagen type 1?
Osteogenesis imperfecta
If a child comes in with a normal sized head and vertebral column but their arms and legs are shortened what conclusion would you come to?
Name the disorder
Increased osteoclastic breakdown of bone due to PTH secretion
Primary hyperparathyroidism
Patient presents with: Heliotrope rash Malar rash Gottron's papules Cant brush her hair due to weakness Has increased creatine kinase What is your diagnosis
Which is the most common STI caused by bacteria?
What is an osteosarcoma?
A malignant proliferation of osteoblasts
Gives some clinical features of osteosarcoma
Bone pain with swelling
Which joint disease is associated with morning stiffness that improves with activity?
Rheumatoid arthritis
Which part of a joint does osteoarthritis usually affect?
Name the best medicine to treat osteoarthritis
Corticosteroid injections
What bone tumour is associated with lifting of periosteum off bone producing the Codman triangle and a sunburst appearance on X-ray?
What is the main complication of the macrophage phase (4 to 7 days) after an MI?
- Cardiac tamponade
- Shunt through the ventricular wall
- Mitral insufficiency
What is the most commonly involved coronary artery in myocardial infarction (MI)?
Left anterior descending artery
What is the most common cause of mitral stenosis?
Rheumatic heart (valve) disease
A patient who has chest pains that occur occurs with exertion and or emotional stress has what?
A patient presents with: hypotension Muffled heart sounds Increased jugular venous distension What do you diagnose them with
cardiac tamponade
Name the most frequent etiologic agent of acute infective endocarditis in IV drug abusers?
Staphylococcus aureus
Name the most common cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD)?
Ventricular arrhythmia
What is the key complication in the first 24 hours of an MI?
What is the most common cause of right-sided heart failure?
Left side heart failure
Mary is 50 years old. During a checkup, a bone scan reveals that portions of her skeleton show signs of osteoporosis. After reviewing the test results, her physician suggests hormone therapy. What hormone is prescribed for Mary?
The bones of the skeleton store energy reserves as lipids in areas of
The lacunae of bone contain
What are flame shaped red lines underneath fingernails due to?
May be due to emboli
Patients with glandular fever may form a skin rsh in response to with antibiotic?
What is hearing and balance lost associated wit? How is ti treated
Associated with damage to the 8th cranial nerve and treated using ahminoglycosides
Name the antibiotic that stimulated peristalsis reducing the gut transit time causing diarrrhoea
Name foreign bodies known to cause cancer in a high percentage of patients
Give the term used to describe the wasting syndrome consisting of progressive loss of body fat accompanied by profound weakness, anorexia and anaemia, seen in the terminal stages of carcinomatosis
What is another term for superficial dermatitis
Name a chronic mucocutaneous disease of unknown aetiology that affects the skin, tongue, and oral mucosa
Lichen planus
Name the disorder:
Reduction in the bone mass int eh presence of normal mineralisation
Name the disorder:
Aggressive malignant bone tumour which usually affects adolescents
Ewings sarcoma