Random problems Flashcards
Crying that occurs in otherwise healthy infant for >3 hrs daily (usually evening), >3 times a wk and for a duration of >3 wks
Colic rx
calming techniques
feeding patterns checked
Gynecomastia in pubertal boys causes
transient increased testicular production of estrogen over testosterone and peripheral conversion of prohormones to estrogen
kid with Fever> 5 days, conjunctivitis oral muosal changes rash cervical LAD
Kawasaki Disease
acute vasculitis of small/medium arteries
Peak age: 18-24 months
Do Dx kawasaki what do you need?
Should have fever >5 days and 4/5 findings:
Conjunctivits: bilat, nonexudative, spares limbus
Oral mucosal changes: erythema, fissured lips, “Strawberry tongue”
Extremity: erythema, edema
desquamtion of hand/ft, (usually last manifestation)
Cervical LAD: >1.5cm
Supporting lab values for Kawasaki Disease
Increased CRP/ ESR
leukocytosis w/ neutrophilia
Reactive thombocytosis
Sterile pyuria on urinalysis
Complications of Kawasaki disease
Coronary artery Aneurysms
MI or ischemia
Rx of Kawasaki disease
Aspirin plus IVIG
What to be aware with Rx of kawasaki and when to stop?
Aspirin can cause Reye syndrome: hepatic encephalopathy
but it prevents coronary thrombosis
Clopidogrel can be substitued during acute influenca or VZV
Intussusception can be assoc with
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Meckels diverticulum
Mongolian spots are
congenital dermal melanocytosis
benign usually on lower back and buttock
Fade by 1st decade of life
Adrenal enzyme: 21-hydroxylase deficiency symptoms
Ambigous genitalia in girls Salt wasting(vominting, hypotension, Decrease Na, increased K)
Dx 21 hydroxylase def
Inc 17-hydroxyprogesterone
inc testosterone
decr: cortisol/aldosterone
Adrenal enzyme 11B-hydroxylase deficiency symptoms
Ambigous genitalia in girls
Fluid and salt retention
DX 11B hydroxylase def?
Incresed testosterone and 11-deoxycorticosteone & 11 deoxycortisol
Decreased Cortisol and aldosterone
Adrenal enzyme 17a hydroxylase deficiency C/F
All patients: phenotypicaly female
Fluid&salt retention
Dx 17a hydroxylase
Decreased cortisol & testosterone
Increased Mineralocorticoids
Increased corticosterone
Normal anion gap acidosis
failure to thrive
urine alkolotic
Renal tubular acidosis
RTA type 1
Distal: poor H ion secretion into Urine
Urine pH> 5.5
Serume K: low to normal
Causes of RTA1
Genetic disorders
medication toxicity
AI disorders (SS, RA)
RTA type 2
Proximal: poor hCO3 resorption
urine pH: below 5.5
Serum K-low to normal
Causes of RTA2
Fanconi syndrome (glucosuria, phosphaturia, AAuria)
RTA type 4
Aldosterone resistance
Urine pH: Below 5.5
Serum potassium: High
Causes of RTA4
Obstructive uropathy
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Kid with sickle cell comes in with ABD pain and jaundice. type of blood issue
Chronic hemolysis: extravascular
Increased LDH, unconjugated bilirubin, reticulocytes
Low haptoglobin
Seperation anxiety is normal when
9-18 months
Child (9 months)with history of otitis media and used to babble but stopped. raises concern for?
Hearing problem
Do a audiology evaluation
Girl seen due to hair loss for a week. Mom has vitiligo
P/E: scaling slightly erythematous patch on scalp; no LAD
Tinea capitis infection
Tinea capitis C/F
Scaly, erythematous patch on scalp Hair loss w/ residual black dot Possible painful LAD Blacks Human->huma or fomite transmission
Dx/Rx tinea
KOH exam of hair shaft to document spores
Rx: Griseofulvin or oral terbinafine
Smooth and discrete circular areas of hair loss w/out scaling… DX?
Alopecia areata
well demarcated plagues, inflammation and scarring of hair follicles, cutaneous lesions, and maybe photosensitivity…. Dx?
Discoid lupus erythematosus
Itchy scalp, neck and ears or asymptomatic. Whole family some how got it… Dx?
Lice: Pediculosis humanus capitis
MCC of 2ndry HTN in kids
Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) 20% of all cases of renal htn
Physical exam for FMD in kid with HTN?
hum or bruit in the costovertebral angle due to well -developed collaterals
R renal artery more affected than L
Angiography pattern in FMD
“string of beads” pattern to the renal artery
Kid OD’s on grandmas TCA meds cause he is a moron. What to give him to help?
SUpplemental O2, intubation IV fluids Charcoal within 2 hrs Seizures= BZs IV Sodium Bicarb for QRS widening or ventricular arryhthmias
Kid comes in with bleeding from bottom, bruises, multiple pneumonias, and thrombocytopenia.. Dx?
Wiskot aldrich syndrome
X-linked WAS gene
T cells cunable to reorganize atin cytoskeleton
Wiskot aldrich syndrome mnemonic?
WAS gene A: IgA/IgA Increased Infections Thrombocytopenia= purpura Eczema= truncal Response to bacterial polysacharides decreased
typical infections in WAS?
S. pneumonia
N. meningitis
Febrile seizure R/Fs?
Fever from mild viral or bacterial infection (influenza, adenovirus, HHV-6)
Immunizations (DTaP, MMR)
Family Hx
Dx febrile seizure
Age 6m- 6 yrs Temp>38 (100.4) No hx of seizure No CNS infection No acute systemic metabnolic cause of seizures