Random mix Flashcards
Inter-muscular fat is located
Between individual muscles
Endomysium surrounds
Muscle fibres
The l- band of muscle observed under the electron microscope contains
Thin filaments only
Measurement of which amino acid is used to estimate the collagen content of meat
Which is the most water soluble
Normal PH decline in meat
Ph 5.6-5.7 in 1st 6-8 hours
A high metmyglobin reducing activity
favours oxymoglobin retention
When bloomed beef is vaccum packaged, surface pigments change from
Oxymyoglobin to metmyoglobin to deoxymyoglobin
Optimum Ph for Calpins
What contributes to the species specific flavour of lamb
4- methyloctanic acid
Which is false
Water loss in meat is reduced following a rapid post portem Ph decline compared to a normal decline
Background toughness in meat is attributed to
Hexanal is a degradation product of
Linolenic acid 13- hydroperoxide
A meat flavour impact compound derived from degradation of thiamine is
4- Methyl-5- vinylthiazole
The 3 kdal fragment observed to increase with ageing of bovine muscle is the proteolytic fragment of: