Random Mix Flashcards
Before allowing a train to approach.
. The line, or at a facing junction the line for which the facing points are set, is clear up to and including the clearing point.
. All the points within the clearing point have been set for the safety of the approaching train
. No conflicting movement has been authorised that will cross or foul the line within the clearing point.
. No train has been accepted from another direction that requires a portion of the same line within the clearing point for acceptance.
When must blocking back inside home signal be used?
. Any movement that will be stopped on the running line.
. If work which will affect the safety of the line is to take place within the clearing point as shown in module TS1 general signalling regulations, regulation 13.2
. A work-site market board for a T3 possession, or work that will make the line unsafe within the work site
. An out of gauge moment.
. Any other obstruction
You must not allow trains carrying passengers into goods lines or goods loops unless
. The arrangements have been published, or
.it is an emergency, as long as you have been authorised to do so by the signal box supervisor or ops control
The definition of a stop signal
A stop signal is a signal that can show a stop aspect or indication.
Definition of a distant signal
A distant signal is a signal which cannot show a stop aspect or indication.
Some colour light distant signals are identified by a white triangle or the letters ‘R’ or ‘RR’ on the signal identification plate.
Work that affects the safety of the line
How do we communicate with train drivers
. In person
. Telephone
. Cab secure radio (CSR)
. GSMR (Global system for mobile communication railway)
. Signal post telephone (SPT)
. Crossing phone
. Hand signals
. Bells
What is the definition of a clearing point track circuit?
The track circuit or circuits beyond the home signal that control the block indicator
What is the allocated distance for braking distance between the distant signal and home signal?
400 metres
Would we ever cancel a train in the AB section?
What do we do if we receive 4-5-5
Try to stop the train
You must also send obstruction danger when you see, or become aware of, a train approaching for which you have not:
. Acknowledge is line clear
. Received train entering section
. Received train or vehicles proceeding without authority in the right direction (SPAD)
. Acknowledged shunting into forward section
What criteria must be met before offering a train to the signal box in advance during normal method of signalling.
. You must receive train out of section for the previous train
. The block indicator for the line concerned must be at normal
You must not allow the clearing point to be obstructed for a train that has been accepted, unless….
. The train has been stopped at the home signal
. The train has passed beyond any points or crossings that you need to use within the clearing point.
. You have received cancelling 3-5 for the train from signal box A
. The train has failed
What criteria must be met before offering a train to signal box in advance. Normal mode of signalling
. 2-1 must have been received for previous train
. Block indicator must be at Normal
At what point must you send train entering section to signal box in advance
. When the train passes the signal box
. When the train passes the location shown in SBSI
If a train has been accepted by the signal box in advance and is beyond your signal box, when do you send train entering section if you have an intermediate block section
. As soon as train has been accepted
. Once the intermediate block home signal has been cleared
You must not allow the clearing point to be obstructed for a train that has been accepted, unless
. The train has been stopped at the home signal
. The train has passed beyond any points or crossings that you need to use within the clearing point.
. You have received cancelling for the train
. The train has failed
What is the definition of an automatic signal?
A signal operated by the passage of trains, the signaller or a person operating a signal post replacement switch can place some automatic signals to danger
What is the definition of a semi-automatic signal?
A signal normally operated by the passage of trains, but can also be controlled from a signal box or a ground frame, or by a person operating a signal post replacement switch.
What is definition of a controlled signal?
A signal operated by the signaller, some of which may be set by the signaller to work automatically
What is the definition of a goods line?
A line that has not been signalled to the standard required for running passenger trains
When do you not have to stop and tell the driver what is happening before allowing them to enter a goods or loop line?
If the arrangements have been published
If a goods line is not protected by trap points, what assurances must you get before allowing a train to enter?
. The sidings are clear and no vehicles or movements will approach
. All vehicles and traction units are properly secured and clear of the line to be used by a passenger train.
What must you make sure of before before you allow a passenger train onto a good loop?
The loop must be clear and all points beyond the loop exit signal must be correctly set.
If you have allowed a train carrying passengers to enter a goods loop, when can you move the points?
You must keep all points in the correct position until the train has passed clear of those points or has stopped at the signal protecting those points
When can you allow another train to enter a good loop that is occupied by a passenger train?
MAD signals can be passed at danger for
Crossover for single line working
Detonators placed at signal and then every
20 meters
A wrong side failure is
Something that fails at its least restrictive
A right side failure
Something that fails at its most restrictive
Arrangements with COSS for L/B
T - time it will take to complete/needed
A - additional protection needed I.e detonator protection
L - location of the blockage (exact)
L - lines to remain open/blocked
P - protecting signals
A - arrangements at crossings affected by the work
N - nature of the work
T - time after which L/B will start
S - SLW in place
When to stop and examine?
Signals of alarm
An insecure load
A vehicle on fire
A hot axle box
A door open or on the catch
A person has fallen from a train
Unusual noise coming from a train
Or mishaps
Purpose of track circuits
C - can be used for safety equipment (T-COD/T-COC)
H - holds signal to danger
O - operates certain level crossings and equipment
P - proves presence or non-presence of trains
I - identifies faulty equipment
L - locks points/routes
SLW - when driver doesn’t need ticket
R - removing a portion of divided train
E - evacuate passengers from failed train
A - assist failed train
R - removing train/vehicles that proceeding without authority
Train or vehicle proceeding without authority
S - signals to danger
Against the train or any other train affected
C - controlled crossings down
R - radio messages (GSM-r)
A - Arrange for the line to be cleared ahead
P - move points if possible to divert the train
E - emergency bells or alarm
A - any other actions to stop the train
Wrong direction moves check
P - points set/ secured with FPL if able
U - unworked points secured
B - barriers/gates closed to traffic
A - automatic crossings under local control
G - ground frames in ‘normal’ unless needed
S - signals set to danger with reminder
S5 checks
G - ground frames in normal unless needed
R - reminders on protecting signals at danger
A - all points in the required position with FPL where provided
B - barriers/ gates at any level crossings closed to road traffic
P - portion of the line is clear and safe for the movement
Reminders and indicators
S5 driver instructions
W - why/ reason for this
H - how far movement will be
I - infrastructure - barriers/gates/level crossings
P - proceed at caution
W.D.M. Driver instructions
W - why/ reason for this
H - how far movement will be
U - unworked points secured
P - points crossing over to be checked
P - proceed at caution
A - arrangements at level crossings
What info needed from the driver of a failed train
D - direction from where assistance needed
E - exact location
N - not to move without authority
T - type of assistance needed/ train needed
When can a signal be passed at danger?
1, the signal is defective it disconnected
2, EMRTS equipment is defective or disconnected and is preventing an MA from being issued
3, the signal cannot be cleared or an MA cannot be sent because signalling or level crossing equipment has failed
4, for shunting purposes, a main aspect of stop signal is to be passed at danger when there is no associated position-light or semaphore shunting signal, or an EoA passed when it is not possible to issue an MA
5, the signal cannot be cleared because a train or movement which has reversed is then required to start from beyond that signal
6, an electric train is to pass the signal or EoA protecting an isolated section and proceed towards the limiting point
7, a train has been accepted using restricted acceptance because the line is clear only up to the home signal of the next signal box and the section signal cannot be cleared
8, in an emergency, and only when authorised by the signal box supervisor or operations control
9, an engineering trains is to
. Move towards a possession, or
. Leave a line under possession at an intermediate point
10, a train is to pass the signal or EoA protection engineering work under the requirements of module TS1, regulation 13.2 to gain access to:
. A station
. A siding
. A line under SLW
11, the line is to be examined to check that it is clear
12 a train is to proceed at caution through an AB section from the signal box in rear when a failed train has been removed
13, a train is to enter the section after:
. A train or vehicle that proceeded without authority has been removed, or
. The front portion of a divided train has passed through the section
14, a train is to enter the section to:
. Assist a failed train
. Evacuate passengers from a failed train
. Remove a portion of a divided train
. Remove a train or vehicles that have proceeded without authority
15, single line working applies
16, working by pilot or modified working applies
17, an engineering train is to move towards a protection zone.
Precautions before authorising movement S5
You must make sure
. The portion of the line concerned is clear and safe for the movement as required by the train signalling regulations
. The barriers or gates at any controlled level crossings are closed to the road traffic
. All points are in the required position and are locked by facing point locks, where provided
. Any ground frame release giving access to the route is ‘normal’ unless it is to be operated for the movement
Who can give the drivers authority to pass signal at danger
Before passing a signal at danger or an EoA without a MA, you must get the personal authority of:
. The signaller,or
. The shunter acting on the signallers instructions
. The pilot or handsignaller acting on the signaller’s instructions, or
. Another competent person where authorised in the rules
What must the driver of failed train do when assisting train is ready?
.Conducting the assisting train, or
. Waiting at the protection point to meet the assisting train
. Proceeding immediately to the protection point
What info must you give the driver of an assisting train?
. The exact location of the failed train
. How the failed train is protected
. The point from which the assisting train will be met
. Where the failed train must be taken
If a train has failed within your clearing point, but the section is clear to the home signal, what must you do?
. Make sure the failed train is complete with tail lamp
. Keep the block indicator at train on line
. Not send train out of section
. Tell the signaller in box A what has happened and that assistance is needed
. Give permission to the signaller at box A permission for the assisting train to enter section
If a train has failed within the clearing point at the signal box in advance and the section is clear to the home signal, what must you do before authorising the assisting train to enter section?
. Tell the signaller at box B the description of the assisting train
. Send train entering section, which must be acknowledged before the assisting train is allowed to depart
. Record details in the TRB
If a train has failed within the clearing point at the signal box in advance and the section is clear to the home signal, what must you tell the driver of the assisting train before authorising the assisting train to enter the section?
. Pass signal at danger
. Proceed at caution to, and stop at, the home signal at signal box B
. Then immediately contact the signaller at signal box B
List the three things a signaller will have to do to make the signal that is stuck tell the truth
. The train has been accepted by the next signal box
The line is clear to the buffer stop on a dead-end line
. The line is clear up to and including the overlap of an intermediate block home signal
If a light is out, you must:
. Arrange for it to be relit
. Treat the signal as defective during darkness or poor visibility