Random Java snippets Flashcards
trim the extension from a filename
str.substring(0, lastIndexOf(‘.’)
capitalize first letter of a String
str.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1).toLowerCase()
Copies all of the elements from one list into another
(List super T> dest, List extends T> src)
Returns true if the two specified collections have no elements in common
(Collection> c1, Collection> c2)
Return the name of the dish - the dish may be null.
public Optional getDishName(Dish dish)
return Optional.ofNullable(dish).map(Dish::getName)
Print out name of a vegetarian dish, if any.
public void printVeggieDish(List menu)
Optional.ofNullable(menu) .orElse(Collections.emptyList()) .stream() .filter(Dish::isVegetarian) .findAny() .ifPresent(System.out::println);
Streams: Transaction: Trader: Comparator—
Find all traders from Cambridge and sort them by name alphabetically.
public List cambridgeTraders()
return transactions.stream()
.filter(trader -> trader.getCity().equals(“Cambridge”)
Streams: Transaction: Trader: Collector
Return a single string of all traders’ names sorted alphbetically.
public String traderNames()
return transactions.stream() .map(Transaction::getTrader) .map(Trader::getName) .distinct() .sorted() .collect(Collectors.joining());
- flatMap not needed, since one item in in, one item out: flatMap is needed when one item in, list of items based on that one item comes out
- distinct better suited after getTrader, but wanted to illustrate the point 1 above
Stream: Transaction: Trader: terminal operation
Are there any traders based in Milan?
public boolean isMilanBased()
return transactions.stream()
.anyMatch(trader -> trader.getCity().equals(“Milan”);
Stream: Transaction: Comparator
What’s the highest value of all the transactions:
public Optional highestValueTrade()
return transactions.stream()
- max(Comparator.comparing(Transaction::getValue) returns a transaction, so based on the signature we need to pull value first
- the terminal operation ‘max’ returns an Optional
Stream: Transaction: Comparator
Find the transaction with the smallest value.
public Optional smallestTransaction()
return transaction.stream()
Stream: Transaction: sorted-Comparator
Find all transactions in the year 2011 and sort them by value (small to large).
public List transactions2011()
return transactions.stream()
.filter(transaction -> transaction.getYear().equals(2011)
what is result of this stream?
result = files.stream
.filter(file ->file.contains(“.doc”);
nothing, because the stream doesn’t evaluate (no terminating operation)
difference between
list. stream().forEach(Consumer action);
list. forEach(Consumer action);
nothing - so the second way is better - if you only need forEach, then don’t need to stream a list;
(basically if the stream has only a terminating operation, then you can prob do it directly without stream)
For the following code:
what kind of list is created?
We cannot assume any particular List implementation with this method.