Random From Others Flashcards
When do we have powers of entry as per Fire Service act??
If we suspect a fire/ flood??
When can you extend a branch guideline
What are composite cylinders used for??
Domestic purposes, patio heaters, bbqs
DRA is whos responsibility
Primarily oic but everyone can act on their own DRA
Definition of a hazard
somithing that has the potential to cause harm
Definition of a risk
The likelihood that harm from a particular hazard could be realised
Flow rate of a dry rising main
Qualities of a good IC
Inspire confidence, to be trueted
Actions when attending incidents with unsecured guard dogs
Request key holder and police with dog handler
When can you enter a lift shaft
For immediate threat to life or life threatening injury
When can you return a CU before its arrival??
Can only return 2nd CU on day so of 1st CU in attendance
What are 4 categories of incident response
Normal, restricted, augmented, special
Who is responsible for use foam INC’S from incident ground??
What other role can a ORT officer perform at an incident??
Tactical advisor
Who should initial media enquiries be sent to
Communications department
What are your actions on hearing an intermittent double beep from your EPD
Withdraw until beeping stops
What should you include in a message requesting LAS
All usuals, TAC mode, NOT blood loss
3 levels of Incident command
Bronze, silver, gold
LFF and 3 FF minimum to bridgehead, what is LFF
Fire Sector Commander
Three phases of an incident
Initial assessment
Under Control
What is the definition of a flash point
The lowest temperature at which a flame can propagate in the vapour above the liquid
Definition of SSOW
A procedure that results from a systematic examination of a working process, and the production of a risk assessment, designed to control hazards and risks by elimination or other suitable method
When should the black and yellow hazard tape be used
Inner cordon
METHANE mnemonic
Major incident declared Exact location Type of incident Hazards present or suspected Access - routes that are safe to use Number - type and severity of casualties Emergency services present and those required
When should guidelines be used
The building has a complex layout
What height does a building need to offer fixed installations
Who can declare a major imcident
Any emergency service
Compartment fire initial actions
45mm jet, Tic etc
Definition of fire point
The lowest temp at which a volatile combustible substance continues to burn in air after its vapors have been ignited
When taking over at an incident, who should the new IC communicate this to
The foreground and control
If you receive an fsg on an appliance where should you record it
Control information board
3 types of cordon
Asbestos hazard zone
When to send fire surrounded message
No further escalation of the incident might be expected
Definition of ssow
Elec glove rating
Person near elec sub station, how close can we go without a ladder.
2, 5 or 8-10m