Random Facts Flashcards
Poorest President
Most slaves
George Washington
President when DC became capital
John Adams
Alien and Sedition Acts President
John Adams
“Thomas Jefferson Still Survives”
John Adams, not knowing Jefferson had passed hours earlier
Appointed John Marshall to the Supreme Court
John Adams
Died on America’s 50th anniversary (2)
John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
President when 12th amendment changed election rules
Thomas Jefferson
Father of the Constitution
James Madison
Secretary of State for Jefferson
James Madison
War of 1812 President
James Madison
President when In God We Trust originated
James Madison
Introduced the Bill of Rights in Congress
James Madison
Acquisition of Florida
James Monroe
Missouri Compromise
James Monroe
49th parallel Canadian border
James Monroe
Holds the flag in Washington Crossing the Delaware
James Monroe
Negotiated Louisiana Purchase w/Jefferson
James Monroe
Secretary of State for James Madison
James Monroe
Era of Good Feelings
James Monroe
Wrote the Monroe Doctrine
John Quincy Adams
President when Erie Canal was completed
John Quincy Adams
Monroe’s Secretary of State
John Quincy Adams
Won presidency by the House of Representatives
John Quincy Adams
The American System
John Quincy Adams, blocked in Congress by sore loser Andrew Jackson
Stroked out on the House floor
John Quincy Adams
President when Underground Railroad established
Andrew Jackson
General of the Battle of New Orleans (War of 1812)
Andrew Jackson
Started vetoing bills he didn’t like (before based on only constitutionality)
Andrew Jackson
Whig party formed to take him on
Andrew Jackson (King Andrew)
Led the Albany Regency
Martin Van Buren
The Little Magician, due to his organizing skills
Martin Van Buren
Managed first modern-looking Presidential campaign
Martin Van Buren, 1828, to get Jackson elected
The Panic of 1837
Martin Van Buren
Refused to annex Texas
Martin Van Buren - didn’t want to deal with slavery issue in new territory
Number of days WHH was in office
Started issue of Presidential Succession
William Henry Harrison
General of Battle of Tippecanoe
William Henry Harrison
Recruited by the young Whig party to get them started
William Henry Harrison, after already retiring to Ohio
Log Cabin Campaign
WHH - ignored politics and focused on personality
Longest inaugural speech in American history
WHH - 105 minutes
Two presidents without a party
Washington & Tyler
Oregon Trail started during his presidency
John Tyler
Treaty with China opened trade in the Far East
John Tyler
Entire cabinet resigned (except SoS Daniel Webster)
John Tyler
Organized rights to the Oregon Territory
James K. Polk
Launched the Mexican-American War
James K. Polk
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
James K. Polk
Old Rough N Ready
Zachary Taylor
General during Mexican American War
Zachary Taylor
Died of stomach pains
Zachary Taylor
1850 Fugitive Slave Act
Zachary Taylor
Compromise of 1850
Millard Fillmore
White House Library established
Millard Fillmore
Ran as Know Nothing Party (lost)
Millard Fillmore
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Franklin Pierce - let territories decide slavery policy before becoming state
Gadsden Purchase
Franklin Pierce - areas of Arizona and New Mexico
Only elected president denied re-nomination by his own party
Franklin Pierce
President during Dred Scott
James Buchanan
President during John Brown Raid on Harpers Ferry
James Buchanan
Play where Lincoln was shot
Our American Cousin
First president from Republican Party
Abraham Lincoln
Assassinated one month into second term
Abraham Lincoln
First president photographed
John Quincy Adams
First to be impeached
Johnson - acquitted in Senate by one vote
Reconstruction era
Andrew Johnson
Alaska purchased from Russia
Andrew Johnson
Military governor of Tennessee during Civil War
Andrew Johnson
Impeached for firing government officials against the law
Andrew Johnson
Panic of 1873
Ulysses S. Grant
Transcontinental Railroad completed
Ulysses S. Grant
14th Amendment passed
Andrew Johnson
15th Amendment passed
Ulysses S. Grant
Oversaw South rejoining the Union
Ulysses S. Grant
Compromise of 1877
Rutherford B. Hayes
End of Reconstruction
Rutherford B. Hayes
Made deal to be president if military left the South
Rutherford B. Hayes
Assassinated 199 days into first term
James Garfield
Killed James Garfield
Charles Julius Guiteau
Geronimo’s War
Chester A. Arthur
Chinese Exclusion Act
Chester A. Arthur
Bureau of Labor established
Chester A. Arthur
Immigration Act of 1882
Chester A. Arthur
Brooklyn Bridge, Statue of Liberty, and Washington Monument
Chester A. Arthur
President married in the White House
Grover Cleveland
Panic of 1893
Grover Cleveland (24)
Billion Dollar Congress
Benjamin Harrison
Ellis Island opens
Benjamin Harrison
Dependent Pension Bill for veterans
Benjamin Harrison
Sherman Antitrust Act
Benjamin Harrison
Spanish-American War
William McKinley
Treaty of Paris 1898
William McKinley - Spanish American War
Annexation of Hawaii
William McKinley
Assassinated William McKinley
Leon Czolgosz
Gold Standard Act
William McKinley
First inaugural address recorded on video
William McKinley
Rough Riders
Theodore Roosevelt
Square Deal
Theodore Roosevelt
Added a Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
Theodore Roosevelt
National Forest Service
Theodore Roosevelt
Restricted Japanese immigration
Theodore Roosevelt
Oversaw building of Panama Canal
Theodore Roosevelt
Nobel Peace Prize for ending a war between Russia and Japan
Theodore Roosevelt
Dollar Diplomacy
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act
Governor of Philippines
Secretary of War for Roosevelt
Fourteen Points
Woodrow Wilson
Federal Reserve Act
Woodrow Wilson
US entry into WWI
Woodrow Wilson
Tried to create League of Nations
Woodrow Wilson
Died in office of cardiac arrest
Warren G. Harding
Emergency Quota Act
Warren G. Harding
Teapot Dome Scandal
Warren G. Harding
Shepperd-Towner Act
Harding - maternity and infant health care
Capper-Volstead Act
Harding - helped depression of agricultural prices
Revenue Acts of 1924
Calvin Coolidge
Immigration Act of 1924
Calvin Coolidge
Air Commerce Act & Charles Lindbergh
Calvin Coolidge
Roaring 20s President
Calvin Coolidge
Wall Street Crash of 1929
Herbert Hoover
Lame Duck Amendment (20th)
Herbert Hoover
Secretary of Commerce for Harding and Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
Yalta Conference
Social Security Act
15 laws in first 100 days
New Deal
Four Freedoms Speech
Dropped atomic bombs
Harry Truman
Cold War begins
Harry Truman
Korean War
Harry Truman
22nd amendment passed
Harry Truman
“The buck stops here”
Harry Truman
NASA established
Interstate Highway System created
First military commander of NATO
Sent troops to the South for desegregation of public schools
Ended Korean Conflict
Peace corps created
Shot JFK
Lee Harvey Oswald
Bay of Pigs & Cuban Missile Crisis
1963 Equal Pay Act
New Frontier
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Entered Vietnam War
Civil Rights Act
25th amendment for presidential succession
Medicare/Medicaid introduced
Great Society
First to visit China
End of Vietnam War
Apollo 11 Lunar Landing
26th amendment passed
Pentagon Papers released
Tricky Dick
Richard Nixon
Foreign policy advisor for Nixon
Henry Kissinger
Established EPA
Richard Nixon
Pardoned Nixon
Gerald Ford
VP that resigned in a bribery scandal
Spiro Agnew
Whip Inflation Now - WIN Policy
Gerald Ford
Camp David Accords
Jimmy Carter - between Israel & Egypt
Iran Hostage Crisis
Jimmy Carter
Nobel Prize for humanitarian efforts
Jimmy Carter - 2002
National Energy Policy
Jimmy Carter
Great Communicator
Ronald Reagan
Attempt to assassinate Ronald Reagan
John Hinckley Jr
Iran-Contra Scandal
Ronald Reagan
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Ronald Reagan
‘Star Wars’
Ronald Reagan
Just Say No
Nancy Reagan - anti-drug campaign
President of Screen Actor’s Guild
Ronald Reagan
Exxon Valdez oil spill
George H. W. Bush
First Gulf War
George H. W. Bush
Cold War ends
George H. W. Bush
Invasion of Panama
George H. W. Bush
Hubble Space Telescope
George H. W. Bush
Americans with Disabilities Act
George H. W. Bush
Ambassador to UN & China
George H. W. Bush
Head of CIA
George H. W. Bush
Read my lips: no new taxes
George H. W. Bush - broke that promise
World Trade Center Bombing (not 9/11)
Bill Clinton - 1993
Family Medical Leave Act
Iraq Liberation Act
Second Gulf War
George W. Bush - War in Iraq - 2003
Guantanamo Bay established
George W. Bush
No Child Left Behind
George W. Bush
Hurricane Katrina
George W. Bush
Department of Homeland Security established
George W. Bush
Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
Barack Obama
American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
Barack Obama
Nobel Peace Prize for international diplomacy
Obama - less than eight months in office - 2009