Random Facts 1 Flashcards
Nerve affected:
- Decreased sensation palm and 3rd digit
- Weakness wrist and finger extension
- Biceps and Brachioradialis DTR normal
- Triceps reflex diminished
Ligamentum Flavum
Runs inside spinal canal
Posterior (just under spinous process
Thickening can stenose spinal cord
Nerve that supplies sensation to TMJ
Mandibular Nerve (CN V3)
Also supplies floor of mouth, anterior tongue, lower face
Tensor Veli Palatini and Tensor Tympani (ear pain, muffled hearing)
Contraction of pterygoids (jaw pain)
1st Aortic Arch –> adult derivative
Part of maxillary Artery
2nd Aortic Arch –> Adult derivative
Hyoid Artery
Stapedial artery
3rd Aortic Arch –> Adult derivative
Common Carotid Artery
Proximal Internal Carotid Artery
4th Aortic Arch –> Adult derivative
On LEFT: Aortic Arch
On RIGHT: Proximal R Subclavian Artery
6th Aortic Arch –> Adult derivative
Proximal Pulmonary arteries
On LEFT: Ductus Arteriosus
Most likely site of obstruction in unilateral fetal hydronephrosis
Ureteropelvic junction
Confounding definition in regards to experiments
When a perceived assoc btw an exposure and an outcome is actually explained by a confounding variable assoc w both the exposure and the outcome
Excessive accumulation of amniotic fluid
Increased abd circumference not matching age
Fetal GI obstruction or Anencephaly –> impaired swallowing
High fetal cardiac output –> Increased urination
B-pleated sheets
Congo red staining
Apple green birefringence in polarized light
Primary Amyloidosis
Systemic deposition
AL amyloid from Ig Light Chain
Assoc w plasma cell dyscarasias
Kidney most commonly involved organ
Secondary amyloidosis
Systemic deposition
AA amyloid from SAA (acute phase reactant)
Chronic inflammatory states
Familial Mediterranean Fever
Dysfunction of neutrophils
Autosomal recessive
Fever and inflammation –> SAA –> AA amyloid
Clinical presentation of amyloidosis
Nephrotic syndrome (most common) Restrictive cardiomyopathy Arrhythmia Tongue enlargement Malabsorption Hepatosplenomegaly
Senile Cardiac Amyloidosis
Non-mutated transthyretin deposits
Usually asymptomatic
Familial Amyloid Cardiomyopathy
Mutated transthyretin deposits
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
African americans
Dialysis assoc Amyloidosis
B2-microglobulin deposits in joints
Medullary carcinoma of thyroid
Calcitonin deposits within tumor
Acetoacetate can spontaneously convert to _____ causing a fruity breath
ACTH is inhibited by
Antidote for Digoxin toxicity
Digoxin Ab Fragments
B-hCG expected to see an intrauterine pregnancy
Bacteria with Exotoxins
Corynebacterium diphtheria Pseudomonas aeruginosa Shigella E.coli Bacillus anthracis Vibrio cholera Clostridium Strep pyogenes Staph aureus
Carcinoid Syndrome Rule of Thirds
1/3 metastasize
1/3 present w secondary malignancy
1/3 are multiple
Causes of Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Amyloidosis Sarcoidosis Hematochromatosis Lysosomal Storage diseases Myocardial Fibrosis (radiation, scleroderma)
Characteriatics of Exotoxins:
High virulence with Low concentration
Induce high-titer antibodies (anti-toxins)
Toxoids can be used as vaccines
NOT heat stable
Characteristics of Endotoxins
Adverse effect intensity is low Clinical effects are fever, shock, DIC Heat stable (100 deg C for 1 hr) Induce TNF, IL-1, IL-6 NO vaccines available because poor antigenicity
Diagnosis of Prinzmetal Angina
- Recurrent CP at rest
- Transient ST elevation on ECG
- No high grade coronary artery stenosis on angiography
- no coronary obstructions makes the diagnosis
Diagnostic for PID
Cervical motion tenderness (chandelier sign)
Ectopic Pregnancy risk factors
Previous ectopic History of infertility Previous tubal surgery PID Smoking Advanced maternal age IUD/ tubal ligation Hx ruptured appendix
Responds to cyclic hormones
Form chocolate cysts on ovaries
Form catamenial pneumothorax in lungs
Vagus Nerve
- Swallowing
- Elevates soft palate
- Keeps uvula midline
- Talking
- Cough reflex
- Parasympathetics to thoracoabdominal viscera
- Monitoring aortic arch
Serum marker for Seminoma
Alk Phos
Screening test for Kartagener’s Syndrome
Decreased Nasal Nitric Oxide
Reyes Syndrome is aka
Rate limiting enzyme of ketogenesis
HMG-CoA Synthase
Rate limiting enzyme in cholesterol synthesis
HMG-CoA Reductase
Inhibited by statins
Neuroendocrine tumor marker (Ex. carcinoid, insulinoma, gastrinoma…)
Oxytocin is stored in the
Posterior pituitary
Oxytocin stimulates
Milk ejection (breast) Uterine contraction
Presentation of Prinzmetal Angina
Pain at rest
Occurring at night
Indistinguishable from classic angina
Symptoms of Carcinoid Syndrome
B-FDR Bronchospasm Flushing Diarrhea R valvular disease
Kidneys are located at spinal levels
Treatment for Carcinoid Syndrome
Surgical resection
Somatostatin Analog
Treatment for ruptured esophageal varicies
Octreotide (somatostatin analog, splanchnic vasoconstriction)
Rubber band ligations (prevent bleeding)
TSH is inhibited by
Tumor marker for Endodermal Sinus Tumor (Yolk Sac Tumor)
Urine Ketone test assesses
NOT B-hydroxybutarate
Kehr’s Sign
Pain that radiates to shoulder
Sign of perotinitis
LH in women acts on _____ to produce _____
Theca lutein cells
Produce estrogen and progesterone
and stimulates ovulation, helps form corpus luteum
LH is inhibited by increased levels of
Progesterone (women)
Testosterone (men)
Main ketone bodies
Major risk factor for Prinzmetal Angina
Auditory sensation goes to which thalamic nuclei
Medial geniculate nucleus
Visual sensation goes to which thalamic nuclei
Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
Motor to the body goes to which thalamic nucleus
Ventral Lateral Nucleus
Facial sensation goes to which thalamic nuclei
Body sensation goes to which thalamic nuclei
Ventral Postermedial Nuclei
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Pica Hypovolemia (hemorrhoids) Brittle nails Angular cheilitis Microcytic Tx: Iron replacement, colonoscopy to r/o CA
Treatment for Tyl overdose or inhaled drug to loosen mucus plugs
Mechanism of Action of Benzos
Increased FREQ of GABAa receptor Cl channel opening
Mechanism of action of Barbiturates
Increased DURATION of GABAa receptor Cl channel opening
CNS depression
Resp depression
CV depression
ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in pregnancy bc
Teratogenic Use Methyldopa (a2-agonist) instead
Syncope in positive G forces
4-6 G
Forces pool blood in abd and legs
Not returned to heart
Hypoperfusion of brain
Dorsal Root Ganglia derive from ______ embryological tissue
Neural crest (from ectoderm)
Presentation of PCP intoxication
Sympathomimetic Psychosis Superhuman strength Hallucinations Vertical and Horizontal Nystagmus
Chemo agent responsible for restrictive lung disease
Induces free radicals to interfere w DNA structure
Most common renal malignancy in adults
Renal Cell Carcinoma Deletion of genes on Ch 3 (assoc w VHL) -hematuria -flank pain -palpable flank mass -yellow tumor -clear cells *can be sporadic or hereditary
Mechanism of Factor V Leiden
Mutation produces Factor V that cannot be degraded by Protein C
Pulmonary diseases with increased Reid Index
- Emphysema
- Chronic Bronchitis
Neoplasm responsible for
ACTH –> Cushing’s
Small Cell Lung CA
Neoplasm responsible for
PTH-related peptide –> Hypercalcemia
Squamous Cell Lung CA
Neoplasm responsible for
Erythropoietin –> Polycythemia
"possibly really high hematocrit" Pheochromocytoma Renal Cell Carcinoma Hepatocellular Carcinoma Hemangioblastoma
Neoplasm responsible for
Small Cell Lung CA
Intracranial CA
Viral illness assoc w Burkitt Lymphoma
Neoplasm of mature B cells
Starry Sky appearance
T cells are found in the _____ of the spleen
PALS and White Pulp
B cells are found in the _____ of the spleen
White Pulp
Compliment deficiency seen with
Frequent Neisseria infections
C5- C9
Compliment deficiency seen with
- Frequent pyogenic RTIs
- Increased frequency of type 3 hypersensitivity reaction
Compliment deficiency seen with
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria
CD55, CD59
Prevents compliment from attacking RBCs
Function of LH in men
Acts on leydig cells to produce testosterone
LH release is stimulated by
Pulsatile release of GnRH
Hydratidiform mole is the most common precursor of what malignancy
High B-Hcg
*make sure B-Hcg returns to zero bc any remaining mole could –> choriocarcinoma
Most common form of adrenal hyperplasia
21a-hydroxylase deficiency
Hormone levels altered in 21a-hydroxylase deficiency
Decreased aldosterone
Decreased cortisol
Increased sex hormones
Clinical manifestations of 21a-hydroxylase deficiency
Volume depletion
Hyperkalemia bc decreased aldosterone
Masculinizing effects in fems bc increased androgens
Mechanism of Scopolamine
Antagonist of M1 muscarinics
Mechanism of Promethazine
Antagonist Histamine receptors
Antagonist D2 receptors
Mechanism of Prochlorperazine
D2 antagonist
Mechanism of Metocloparmide
D2 antagonist
Prokinetic in GI system
Mechanism of Ondansetron
5HT3 blocker
Mechanism of Methylphenidate
Indirect sympathomimetic
Releases stored catecholamines
1st line treatment for ADHD
Stimulants (methylphenidate, dextroamphetamine)
SNRI (atomoxetine)
If insomnia –> clonidine
Kid with
High fever –> Rash –> Fever resolves with appearance of rash
HHV-6 Roseola -lacy rash -rash spares face -Tx is supportive
Mechanism of Strichnine
Glycine Antagonist
Mechanism of Tetanus toxin
Binds Renshaw cells
Blocks inhibitory function of glycine and GABA
Mechanism of Black widow spider toxin
Excessive release of Ach
Mechanism of Botulinum toxin
Inhibits release of Ach
Decreased amniotic fluid/ fetal urine production
Placental insufficiency
Bilat renal genesis
Posterior urethral valves (males)
Increased fetal urine/ amniotic fluid
Decreased fetal swallowing
GI obstruction
Potter Sequence
Bilateral Renal Agenesis
Congenital Malformations
POTTER: palm hypoplasia, oligohydramnios, twisted skin, twisted face, extremity deformity, renal agenesis
Risk factors for osteosarcoma
Bone infarcts Radiation Paget's disease Familial Retinoblastoma (mutated Rb gene) Male 10-20 yrs old
Efferent fibers that carry input from brain to influence outer hair cells of the cochlea
Olivocochlear Bundles
Results in contraction of OHCs –>
Stiffening of cochlear basilar membrane –>
Sensitizes inner hair cells to particular frequency
Result of damaged Outer hair cells of the cochlea
Wide deflection of basilar membrane
Hearing loss
I Cell Disease
Defect in N-acetylglucosaminyl-1-phosphotransferase
Mannose 6 is not phosphorylated
Proteins are secreted extracellularly rather than to lysosomes
-Coarse facial features
-Failure to thrive
-Cognitive impairment
-Corneal clouding
Tag directing golgi –> plasma membrane or endosome
Tag directing golgi –> endoplasmic reticulum
Tag directing endoplasmic reticulum –> golgi
Zellweger Syndrome
Autosomal recessive
Mutated PEX gene
Defective peroxisome function
Increased Very Long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs)
Hypotonia, seizures, hepatomegaly, early death
X-linked recessive
Mutated ABCD1 gene
No B-oxidation
Impaired transport of VLCFAs to peroxisome
Increased VLCFAs in brain, adrenals, testes
-cognitive impairment
-adrenal insufficiency
Tag for degradation in proteosomes
Kartagener’s Syndrome
Autosomal recessive Defective dynein arm (retrograde axonal t/p) Immotile cilia Infertility/ ectopic Bronchiectasis Situs Inversus
Mannose 6 Phosphate
Golgi Tag for degradation in the lysosome
Intermediate filament found in muscle cells –> rhabdomyosarcoma
Intermediate filament found in mesenchymal tissue –> sarcoma
Secures organelles inside cytosol
Provides resistance to mechanical stress
Intermediate filament found in neuroglia –> astrocytoma
VitC deficiency
Decreased collagen hydroxylation
-swollen gums
-poor wound healing
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
AutoDOM (COL1A1 and COL1A2) Decreased normal procollagen (type 1) -frequent fractures (weak bones) -blue sclera (translucent connective tissue, veins more prominent) -hearing loss (ossicles) -abn teeth
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Procollagen peptidase (terminal cleavage) or Lysyl oxidase (cross-linking) deficiency Classic Type (stretchy skin, hyper mobile, easy bruising, Type V collagen affected) Vascular Type (aneurysms, muscle rupture, Type III collagen affected)
Menkes Disease
X-linked recessive Defective Menkes protein (ATP7A) Impaired Copper absorption Cu cofactor for lysol oxidase (last) step of collagen cross-linking -growth retardation -brittle hair (kinky hair) -hypotonia *ATP7B is Wilson Disease *no bone deformity *not hyper extensible *presents in infancy
Marfan Syndrome
Defective fibrillin-1 (FBN1) –> defective scaffolding for elastin synthesis
Weak connective tissue
Heart (cystic medial necrosis, MVP), cataracts, periosteum, pectus excavatum/ carinatum
UPWARD subluxation of lens (down in homocystinuria)
Blotting techniques detect _____
SNoW DRoP Southern- DNA Northern- mRNA Western- Proteins Southwestern- DNA binding proteins
Antiviral Mechanism of Interferons
Induce viral defenses
RNA protein kinase (degrades viral RNA)
Trigger apoptosis
Influence macrophages/ dendritic cells
Vanco is good for
Multidrug resistant organisms (MRSA, enterococci)
2nd line for Diff (after metronidazole)
Mechanism of Vanco resistance
Vanco binds D-ala D-ala to inhibit cell wall synthesis
When D-ala D-ala –> D-ala D-LAC
Vanco cant bind
Gastrinoma + kidney stones + hypogonadism
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 1 (MEN1)
Given for PCOS
Induces ovulation
Estrogen antagonist –> increases LH/ FSH
Bedbugs transmit what diseases
No transmission to humans
Local allergic reaction
Receptor on vascular endothelials
Binds neutrophil LFA-1 (integrin)
Aids in extravasation
Receptor on vascular endothelials
Aids in neutrophil/ monocyte/ platelet diapedesis from vascular compartment
Neutrophil chemotactic factors
IL-8 (continued inflammation)
_____ and _____ cannot use ketones
RBCs (lack mitochondria, no TCA)
Hepatocytes (produce the ketones)
Ketogenesis is unregulated during
Intense gluconeogenesis
Oxaloacetate is depleted (1st step of TCA)
Acetyl-CoA shunted to ketone formation
Ex. type 1 dm
High _____ in alcohol intoxication inhibits conversion of Malate to _____
Inhibits Malate –> Oxaloactate
Inhibits TCA cycle
Accumulation of Acetyl-CoA –> ketone pathway
Zinc deficiency
Decrease in adult hair (pits, pubic, face) Immunesuppression Hypogonadism Dysguesia (distorted taste) Anosmia (loss of smell) Perioral and Buttock rash Predispose alcoholics to cirrhosis
Acrodermatitis enteropathica
Inherited zinc deficiency
Perioral and buttock rash
Vit B1 (thiamine)
Cofactor for dehydrogenases and transketolase
Vit B1 (thiamine) deficiency
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Seen in alcoholism and malnutrition
Oculomotor dysfunction, ataxia
Chronic –> Korsakoff (amnesia, confabulation, apathy)
Affects mammary Bodies (high metabolic demand)
Vit B2 (riboflavin)
Cofactor for dehydrogenases
Necessary for FAD synth
Vit B2 (riboflavin) deficiency
Corneal vascularization
Vit B3 (niacin)
Cofactor for dehydrogenases
Necessary for NAD synth
Derived from tryptophan
Assoc w Hartnup Disease
Vit B3 (niacin) deficiency
3 Ds of Pellagra
Vitamin B3 (niacin) toxicity
Facial flushing due to PGs
Vit B5 (pantothenic acid)
Cofactor for dehydrogenases
Hartnup Disease
Deficiency of neutral AA transporters (tryptophan) in kidney and sm intestine
Elevated neutral AA levels in serum
No Tryptophan –> No Niacin
Vit B5 (pantothenic acid) Vit B7 (biotin) deficiency
Vit B6 (pyridoxine)
Cofactor for
- transaminases
- cystathionine synthase
- DOPA decarboxylase
- Serotonin synth
- Niacin synth
- GABA synth
- heme synth
Vit B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency
Peripheral neuropathy
Isoniazid induces deficiency
Vit B7 (biotin)
Cofactor for carboxylases
Avidin in egg whites binds biotin
Vit B9 (folate)
Converted to Tetrahydrofolate
Found in green leafy veggies
Vit B9 (folate) deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia
Increased homocysteine
Normal methylmalonic acid levels
Vit B12 (cobalamin)
Cofactor for methionine synthase and
Methylmalyonyl-CoA mutase
Found in animal products
Vit B12 (cobalamin) deficiency
Megaloblastic anemia
Increased homocysteine
Increased methylmalonic acid
Subacute combined degeneration
Vit A
Vision Differentiation of specialized epithelials Isotretinoin treats cystic acne All-trans retinoid acid treats APL Required for maturation of immune cells
Vit A deficiency
Night blindness
Dry skin
Metaplasia –> Thin squamous conjunctiva –> Keratomalacia
Immune cells trapped in blast state –> Myelocytic Leukemia
Vit A toxicity
Increased ICP
Dry skin
Vit D
Ca and phosphate regulation
Formed in UV exposed epithelium
Vit D deficiency
*defective mineralization of osteoid
Vit E
Protects RBCs from free radicals
Vit E deficiency
Anemia (not macrocytic, MCV <100)
Neurological deficits
Glucose –> pyruvate
Occurs in cytoplasm
Generates ATP and NADH
Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young
is a deficiency of _____ function
No glycolysis
Post-Strep Glomerulonephritis
Coca-Cola colored urine
Subepithelial humps (lumpy bumpy)
+ antiDNAase titer
+ streptolysin O titer
IgA GlomeruoNephropathy
After URI Purpura on buttock/ legs (henoch) aka Buerger disease Mesangial deposits of IgA RBC Casts
Alport Syndrome
Defect in type IV collagen X-linked inheritance Thinning and Splitting of BM Cataracts Isolated Hematuria High freq hearing loss "cant see, cant pee, cant hear a high c"
Granulomatosis w polyangitis
Nasal granulomas Pulmonary infultrates Hematuria \+ c-ANCA aka Wegners
Eosinophilic granulomatosis w polyangitis (Churg-Strauss)
Sm-Med Vessel Vasculitis
Involves nasal passages
Assoc w late-onset asthma, rhinosinusitis
+ p-ANCA
Mononeuritis multiplex due to epieneural vessels
Biopsy: granulomas
Goodpasture’s syndrome
Microscopic Hematuria
Pulmonary infiltrates
Type 2 Hypersensitivity
+ Anti-GBM Ab
Fetal Hb
2 a and 2 y
Does not bind well to 2,3 BPG
Single peptide
1 heme
High affinity for oxygen
Serotonin Syndrome presentation
3 As
- increased neuromuscular Activity
- Autonomic stimulation
- Agitation
Treatment for Serotonin Syndrome
Cyproheptadine (5HT2 antagonist)
Benzos (muscles, seizures, agitation)
Mechanism of Benzos and Barbiturates
Increase GABA
Benzos: inc fred
Barbs: inc duration
Presentation of Benzo or Barbiturate use
CNS depression Dizziness Slurred speech Resp depression Nystagmus
Reversal Agent for Benzos or Barbiturates
Mechanism of LSD
Stimulates 5HT receptors
Mechanism of Cocaine
Inhibits catecholamine reuptake
Mechanism of amphetamines
Increases catecholamine release
Intrinsic Apoptotic Pathway
Increased BAX (pro-apoptotic) Decreased Bcl-2 (anti-apoptotic) Increase in mitochondrial permeability --> Cyt C release--> Activation of caspases *Bcl-2 is 4 letters = live *BAX is 3 letters = die
Extrinsic Apoptotic Pathway
Signal from outside cell TNF receptor - TNFa CD95 (FasR) - FasL Binding of TNFa/ FasL activate caspases Cytotoxic T cells release perforin (perforates) and granzyme B (activates caspases)
DiGeorge Syndrome
22q11 micro deletion Affects 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouches Abn face and cardiac Thymic aplasia (3rd pouch) T cell deficiency Parathyroid aplasia (hypoCa) Recurrent fungal infections
Which cranial nerve nuclei receives fibers from carotid baroreceptors?
Nucleus Tractus Solitarius- Caudal
thru glossalpharyngeal nerve
Popcorn-like calcifications on lung tumor
Hamartoma "popcorn is good" Benign Composed of fat, connective tissue, cartilage Well-circumscribed Peripherally located
Substrate for gluconeogenesis
BCAA increased in maple syrup urine disease
Precursor of homocystene
Assoc w endothelial damage and atherosclerosis
Precursor of serotonin, niacin, melatonin
AAs that stimulate growth hormone and insulin
Precursor of NO
Pediatric with Flank Mass
Wilm’s Tumor (nephroblastoma)
Deletion of WG-1 tumor suppressor gene W-wilms tumor A-aniridia G-genitourinary malformation R-mental/motor retardation
Neutrophil chemotaxis
Hereditary Spherocytosis
Defect in RBC cytoskeleton proteins Spectrin, Band 3, Pallidin, Ankyrin Dx: Osmotic fragility test Microcytic round RBCs NO CENTRAL PALOR Increased mean corpuscular Hb Increased RDW Extravascular hemolysis NEG Coombs Splenomegaly, Gallstones Aplastic Crisis
Urge Incontinence
Uninhibited bladder contraction
Detrusor overactivity
Stress incontinence
Involuntary leak of urine due to increased abd pressure
Decreased support and function of urinary sphincter
Overflow incontinence
Incomplete bladder emptying
Bladder outlet obstruction
Neurogenic bladder
Impaired detrusor contractility
Organ failure after a transplant is a type _____ hypersensitivity
Type 4- delayed
Chronic rejection
T cell and Ab mediated vascular damage
Obliterative vascular fibrosis
Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-y
Nuclear receptor and Transcription factor
Found in adipose
Role in adipocyte differentiation
Thiazolidinediones (TZDs)
Diabetes meds
Bind PPAR-y
Improve insulin sensitivity
MOA Disulfiram
Inhibits acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
Meds w disulfiram like effect
Certain cephalosporins
1st Gen Sulfonylureas
Half lives to reach steady state
T 1/2 equation
a1 antagonists can treat
Urinary retention in BPH
Ex. Terazosin, Prazosin, Doxazosin
Hansen Disease (Leprosy)
Mycobacterium Leprae
Coolest parts of body (Skin, Superficial nerves)
Obligate Anaerobes lack
Superoxide dismutase (oxygen radicals --> water and peroxide) Catalase (peroxide --> water and oxygen)
Bicornate uterus is due to
incomplete fusion of paramesonephric ducts (aka muellerian ducts)
Paramesonephric ducts (muellerian ducts) form
Fallopian tubes
Upper vagina
Primary oocyte arrested in _____ until ovulation
PrOphase I until Ovulation
Primary oocyte arrested in _____ until fertilization
Metaphase II until fertilization
Kallmann Syndrome
-decreased GnRH in hypothalamus
-no secondary sex characteristics
DiGeorge Syndrome
3rd and 4th branchial pouches fail to devo
Aplasia of thymus and parathyroids
22q11 Deletion
Cleft palate, Abn face, Heart and Great Vessel defects
Tetany (no PTH –> hypoCa)
Recurrent infections (no thymus –> no mature T cells)
Primary amenorrhea
Never menstruated
- turner syndrome
- imperforate hymen
- androgen insensitivity
- mullerian duct genesis
- delayed puberty
Secondary amenorrhea
Menstruated previously then stopped
Post-Traumatic vulvar hematoma
Saddle trauma/ Sexual assault
Bulb of vestibule- highly vascular erectile tissue under labia majora
Amygdala receives inputs from
Limbic cortex
Neocortex of parietal, temporal, occipital
Auditory and Visual areas
Amygdala sends output to
Back to cortical areas that sent input
Hippocampus (memory)
Thalamus and Hypothalamus
Stimulation of Amygdala
Memory and Emotion Arterial BP and HR GI motility and secretion Defecation or Micturition Pupillary dilation or constriction Piloerection Sexual Responses Secretion of Ant Pituitary hormones Licking, Chewing, Swallowing
What prevents mast cell degranulation
Cromolyn Sodium
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Genes encoding Sarcomere proteins
Decreased compliance
Affects LV –> diastolic dysfunction
Decreased CO (decreased filling and compliance)
Functional Aortic Stenosis (hypertrophic septum)
Stimulates neural tube development
Neural Tube
Neural plate
Cell types that do NOT require insulin for glucose uptake
Neurons RBC Intestines Cornea Kidney Liver
VitD to active form
VitD –> Liver –> 25 D –> kidney –> 1,25 D
VitD helps prevent osteoporosis by
Stimulating Ca and phosphate absorption in gut
Von Gierke Disease
Glucose-6-Phosphatase deficiency
Cannot break G6P from glycogen into glucose
Glycogen accumulation
Presentation of Von Gierke Disease
Hypoglycemia Lactic acidosis Glycogen accumulation PAS + (stains glycogen) High triglycerides Hyperuricemia
Patients with Von Gierke Disease must avoid
Fructose and Galactose
Cori Disease
Glycogen debranching enzyme deficiency
Breaks a-1,6 linkages
Glycogen accumulates
Presentation of Cori Disease
Glycogen accumulates
PAS + (stains glycogen)
Gaucher Disease
Lysosomal storage disease
Glucocerebrosidase deficiency
Tx of Gaucher
Recombinant Glucosecerebrosidase
Presentation of Gaucher Disease
Lipid laden macrophages (crumpled tissue paper)
Bone disease
Krabbe Disease
Lysosomal storage disease
Galactocerebrosidase deficiency
Psychosine accumulation
Globoid cells on nerve biopsy
Presentation of Krabbe Disease
Oligodendrocyte destruction
Peripheral neuropathy
Optic atrophy
Developmental delay
Turner Syndrome
45 XO genotype Ovarian dysgenesis Lymphatic blockage Bicuspid Aortic valve Aortic coarctation
Presentation of Turner Syndrome
Webbed neck Shield chest Swollen hands/feet Short stature Low estrogen High LH and FSH Horseshoe kidney
Patau Syndrome
Trisomy 13
Meiotic non-disjunction
Presentation of Patau Syndrome
Cleft lip/palate Polydactyly Microcephaly Holoprosenencephaly (hemispheres don't separate) Cutis aplasia (skin or bone missing) Microphthalmia Polycystic kidney disease Rocker-bottom feet
Mother’s labs in Patau Syndrome
1st trimester: low B-hcg
2nd trimester: all normal
Rett Syndrome
X-linked Dominant (boys die in utero) MECP2 gene Regression of motor/ verbal abilities (age 1-4) Growth failure Seizures Stereotyped hand wringing
Cri-du-chat Syndrome
Deletion of short are of Ch 5 Microcephaly Epicanthal folds Intellectual disability Ventricular Septal Defect
Communicating Hydrocephalus
Arachnoid granulations do NOT absorb CSF properly
Too much fluid
Arachnoid scaring after meningitis
Increased ICP, papilledema, herniation
Non-Communicating Hydrocephalus
Stenosis of aqueduct of Sylvius
Colloid Cyst
Ex Vacuo Ventriculomegaly
Looks like increased CSF Brain tissue smaller than normal ICP normal Rest of NPH triad absent Seen in alzheimers, HIV, pick's, huntington's
Warthin’s tumor
Cystic salivary gland tumor
Heterotopic lymphoid tissue inside gland tissue
Can form germinal centers
Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy
AutoDOM CTG trinucleotide expansion DMPK gene Aches and weakness High arched palate Cognitive impairment Can have frontal balding, bilateral cataracts
Seborrheic Keratosis
Immature keratinocytes
Small keratin filled cysts
Resistance to fluoroquinolones
Mutation of DNA gyrase/ topoisomerase
Decreased outer membrane permeability
Increased expression of efflux pumps (plasmid)
Polycythemia Vera
Mutation JAK2
uncontrolled EPO proliferation
Secondary Polycythemia
Due to hepatocellular carcinoma or exogenous EPO intake
Increased EPO
Increased RBC mass
Mutated Rb gene increases risk of
Mechanism of Oxytocin
Activation of Phospholipase C
Treats post-partum hemorrhage
Mechanism of
Inhibition of HIV enzyme protease
Osteitis deformans (Paget disease)
Idiopathic bone remodeling Overlying erythema Hearing loss (ossicles) Thick sclerotic bone Easily Fractures Mosaic patter of lamellar bone (unsealed cement lines) Bone pain Increased hat size Lion faces
Muscarinic antagonist
Treats overactive bladder
Adverse anticholinergic effects
Carcinoid Syndrome
Watery diarrhea Crampy abd pain Cutaneous flushing w eating or emotions Asthma attacks Tricuspid regurg
Carcinoid tumors puts patients at risk for
Pigmented dermatitis
Increased serotonin metabolism depletes tryptophan precursors of niacin
Lysyl oxidase uses _____ as a cofactor
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome is treated with
Dantrolene- Ryanodine receptor blocker
Prevents rhabdo
Benzos for agitation
If metabolic alkalosis, order _____ next
Urine Chloride
For Renal Cell Carcinoma
For Neovascular macular degeneration
Risk of GI bleed, HTN heart failure, thrombosis
Membranous Nephropathy
Caucasians Thick basement membrane on H/E Subepithelial Anti-PA2 Ab deposition Granular Immunofluorescence Spike and Dome on EM Assoc w HepB/HepC, solid tumors, lupus, drugs (NSAIDs, penicillamine)
Mechanism of Fibrates
Activate PPAR-a Increase LPL activity Increased TG clearance Increased HDL production Risk of gallstones
Live vaccines
Yellow fever
Increased cardiac oxygen efficiency
Tx refractory angina
Inhibits Na influx
Inhibits FA degradation
Benign tumors In sella turcica Arise from Rathke pouch Calcifications and Cystic Cholesterol crystals
Particles between ____ in size are most likely to be eliminated by the mucociliary escalator
> 2 micrometers
*< 2 micrometers cleared by alveolar macrophages (ex. asbestos bodies)
Lambert-Eaton Syndrome
Assoc w Small Cell Lung CA
Auto Ab to VG Ca channels at NMJ
Impairs Ach release
Strength improves w exercise
Budd-Chiari Syndrome
Hepatic Vein Obstruction
Hepatocellular hypoxia
Nutmeg liver
Heme is synthesized in
Sabouraud agar
+ latex agglutination
India ink- clear halo
Mucicarmine- red inner capsule
Uhthoff phenomenon
Tingling sensation
Exacerbated by hot shower
Seen in MS
CSF and MRI findings in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Ig bands on CSF immunofixation
Periventricular sclerotic plaques
From Arachnoid cells Benign Spindle-shaped Whorled pattern Compress structures
Blocks a1 and a2 receptors
Alkylating chemo drug
Inhibits DNA replication
Creates cross-links in DNA strands
Trigeminal N exits skull thru
Foramen ovale
Prolonged/ Rapid administration of Nitroprusside can cause
Cyanide poisoning (ams, abd pain, flushing) Tx Hydroxycobalamin
Wide split S2
Pulmonary hypertension
Hereditary form is from abn BMPR2 gene (predisposes endothelial and smooth muscle proliferation)
Mechanism of Metronidazole
Free radical metabolites damage bacterial DNA
Stim of B-1 receptors in JGA incudes
Renin release
Tx HepC, RSV
Nucleoside analog
Acts on both RNA and DNA viruses
For HepC always w other med
E.coli is heat _____
Refsum Disease
Autosomal Recessive
No a-oxidation
Phytanic Acid (BCFA) —-X—-> Pristanic Acid
Scaly skin, Ataxia, Short 4th toe
Impaired vision (night blind) and hearing
Peripheral neuropathy
Epiphyseal dysplasia
Tx: diet (no seafood, grass feeders or their milk), plasmaphoresis
Long-acting GnRH agonist Tx androgen sensitive prostate CA Decreased GnRH receptor --> Decreased FSH/LH --> Initial transient increase testosterone
Trousseau Syndrome
Recurrent DVT in different veins
Simultaneous thrombophlebitis
R/O Visceral malignancy (pancreatic)
Due to production of procoagulants by malignant cells
Carcinoma in situ of skin
Irreversible nuclear changes in the stratum basale
Dx blood smear at night India Wuchereria bancrofti Thread-like larvae from female mosquito Tx diethylcarbamazine
1/3 (sBP + (2 x dBP))
Cardiac Output (CO) =
=SV x HR
End Diastolic Volume (EDV)=
Ejection Fraction=
Inhaled glucocorticoid
Tx asthma
Central Cord Syndrome
Cape-like distribution Absent temp sensation Normal fine touch Syringomyelia secondary to whiplash Risk of Horner Syndrome
Intervertebral disks derive from
Deficiency of phenlyalanine hydroxylase Cannot convert phenylalanine to tyrosine Pale skin Light blue eyes Eczematous extensors Intellectual disability Seizures Mousy/ Musty urine
Tuberous Sclerosis
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma Shagreen patches Ash-leaf spots Benign cysts Renal cell carcinoma Angiofibromas around nose and cheeks
Lisch nodules
Ophthalmologic finding in Neurofibromatosis 1 Cafe au lait spots Neurofibromas Optic gliomas Seizures Cognitive deficits Soft tissue sarcomas
Vestibular Schwannoma
Brain tumor assoc w Neurofibromatosis 2
Bilateral involvement
Peutz Jeghers syndrome
AutoDOM Hyperactive serine-threonine kinase Gain of function of STK11 on Ch19 Hamartomatous tumors Mucocutaneous hyperpigmentation
Peutz Jeghers Syndrome increases risk for _____
- Colorectal
- Pancreatic
- Ovarian
- Breast
Machine-like murmur
Patent ductus arteriosis 6th embryonic aortic arch L --> R shunting Heard at L infraclavicular Tx: indomethacin (PGE2 inhibitor)
Prostaglandin E1
Congenital heart defects (PDA, transposition, tetralogy)
Aminoglycosides are inactivated by
Nerve that runs between superficial and deep flexor digitorum
Decrease permeability to Na ions
Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxykinase (PEPCK)
Enzyme of gluconeogenesis
Least oxygenated blood in the body can be found in
Coronary Sinus
Cardiac myocytes pull O2 efficiently
NO release results in
Increased cGMP –> vasodilation
Layer of cardium most susceptible to ischemia
Vessels are outside the myocardium
Most effective lipid lowering drug for preventing future CV events
BPH _____ risk of prostate CA
Does NOT increase
Barrett’s Esophagus
Reflux causes lower esophagus squamous –>
Columnar non-ciliated mucinous
Can progress to adenocarcinoma
Apocrine Metaplasia of Breast _____ risk of CA
Does NOT increase
Mutated Retinoic Acid (VitA) receptor
Immune cells trapped in blast state
Myelocytic Leukemia
Tx: Atrol (all trans retinoic acid)- binds mutated receptor
Myositis Ossificans
Muscle turns to bone during healing
Form of menenchymal metaplasia
Dilation Cardiomyopathy
All chambers dilated Systolic dysfunction Mitral/ Tricuspid Regurgitation (ring stretch) Arrhythmia (conduction system stretch) Tx: transplant
Loeffler Syndrome
Eosinophilic infiltrate w inflammation of heart walls
Fibrosis of endo/myocardium
Restrictive cardiomyopathy
Most common Primary Cardiac Tumor in adults
Myxoma Benign mesenchymal proliferation Gelatinous appearance Pedunculated mass in LA Causes syncope due to mitral valve obstruction
Most common Primary Cardiac Tumor in children
Benign hamartoma of cardiac muscle
Assoc w tuberous sclerosis
Usually in ventricle
Metastisize to Heart
More common than primary of heart
From breast, lung, melanoma, lymphoma
Affects pericardium (effusion)
Carbon Monoxide poisoning
Cherry-picking red skin
Headache (early sign)
Fe in heme is oxidized to Fe 3+ Fe 3+ cannot bind O2 PaO2 normal SaO2 decreased Due to oxidant stress, newborns Cyanosis w chocolate colored blood
Treatment for Methemoglobinemia
IV methylene blue
Reduces Fe 3+ to Fe 2+
Fe 2+ binds oxygen
Decreased ATP creates cellular injury
No Na/K pump
Na retained –> hypertonic swelling
No Ca pump (increased cytosolic Ca)
Anaerobic glycolysis –> acidosis
Cell shrinking
Nucleus breaks into pieces
Nuclear pieces broken into building blocks
Coagulative Necrosis
Remains firm Cell shape and organ structure preserved Nucleus disappears Ischemic infarcts (except brain) Infarct often wedge shaped and pale
Red infarction
When blood re-enters a loosely organized tissue that has experienced an ischemic infarct
Liquifactive Necrosis
Enzymatic lysis of cells/ proteins
Complete removal of tissue w cystic cavity formed
Release of lysosomal enzymes from damaged cells
Brain infarctions (glial cells)
Abscesses (PMNs)
Pancreatitis (pancreatic enzymes)
Gangrenous Necrosis
Coagulative necrosis that resembles mummified (dry) tissue
Ischemia of lower limb or GI
If superimposed infection –> liquefactive –> wet gangrene
Caseous Necrosis
Cottage cheese appearance
Coagulative and liquefactive necrosis
Granulomatous inflammation (TB, fungal)
Fat Necrosis
Chalky white appearance (deposition of Ca)
Saponification- released FAs bind Ca
Due to trauma (breast), Pancreatic enzyme
Dystrophic calcification Ca binds dying tissue Normal Serum Ca and Phosphate Psamomma bodies --> tumor cells outgrow blood supply and die Metastatic Ca
Fibrinoid necrosis
Damage to blood vessel wall Leak of proteins into wall Bright pink staining Malignant HTN or Vasculitis Young woman: Pre-eclampsia- placental vessels affected
Bacteria of Necrotizing Fasciitis
S.pyogenes (GAS)
Case Fatality Rate
Fatal cases / Total people w disease
Microtubule assoc motor protein
Anterograde transport
Required in reactivation of latent HSV to get viral particles from neurons to ganglia in skin and oral mucosa
Cytoskeletal protein along membrane
Maintains shape of RBCs
Defects –> elliptocytosis, spherocytosis
Protein that forms fibrillar network lining inside of nuclear envelope
Structural supporte
Organize genome
Regulate gene expression
Microtubule motor protein
Retrograde axonal transport
Move organelles toward nucleus
Allows latency of HSV (t/p to sensory ganglia)
What makes me think Lupus
Photosensitive skin rash
Young woman
Marker of Lupus
Anti-Phospholipid Ab
Can cause PTT prolongation, false + RPR/VDRL
Increased risk for thromboembolism and recurrent pregnancy loss
Heme synthesis occurs in
Mitochondria and Cytoplasm of RBCs
Edwards Syndrome
Trisomy 18 (meiotic non-disjunction) Growth retardation Micrognathia Prominent occiput Low ears Heart defects Renal deficits Limited hip abduction Clenched hands w overlapping fingers (hypertonia) Rocker-bottom feet
Side effects of Methotrexate
Bone marrow suppression
Liver function abnormalities
For RA and Lupus Irreversible retinopathy (monitor during tx)
Superantigens bind to
MHC-II of APCs without processing
Nonspecifically activate T cells
Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome
Transverse duodenum trapped between SMA and aorta
Partial intestinal obstruction
Aortomesenteric angle decreases (fat, lordosis, surgical correction of scoliosis)
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)
AKI, Hemolytic Anemia, Thrombocytopenia
Decreased Hb and platelets
Increased bleeding time, LDH, bilirubin, BUN, Cr
For dermatophytosis
Inhibits synthesis of fungal membrane ergosterol by suppressing SQUALENE EPOXIDASE
Drug concentration
Drug dose / Vd
Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arch 1
Muscles of mastication (master, temporalis, pterygoids) Maxilla Mandible Malleus and Incus Trigeminal Nerve
Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arch 2
Muscles of facial expression Styloid process Facial Nerve Stapes Lesser horn of hyoid
Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arch 3
Greater horn of hyoid
Derivatives of Pharyngeal Arches 4 and 6
Pharyngeal and Laryngeal muscles
Cricoid and Thyroid Cartilages
Treacher-Collins Syndrome
Impaired 1st and 2nd pharyngeal arch development
Hypoplasia of mandibular and zygomatic bones
Familial Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia
Defective Ca sensing receptors (GPCRs) in the parathyroid and kidneys
Normal VitD
Primary site of ribosome synthesis and assembly
Mitochondrial Dysfunction Symptoms
Nervous system dysfunction
Lactic acidosis
RAGGED RED FIBERS on muscle biopsy
Where is the most highly oxygenated blood in the fetus
Umbilical vein –> ductus venous –> IVC
Gag reflex
CN 9-10
Sensory fibers Pteragopalatine branch of Trigeminal
Corneal Reflex
No true blood supply
Sensory- Nasociliary Nerve branch from CN V1
Motor- Facial Nerve to orbicularis oculi
Taste sensation to anterior 2/3
Chordae tympani branch of facial n
Muscles of mastication innervated by
motor branches of CN V3
Apo A-1
Activates LCAT
Apo B-48
Mediates chylomicron secretion from enterocytes
Apo B-100
Lipoproteins that come from liver
____ up-regulates HMG-CoA Reductase
Increased cholesterol
_____ is a complication of Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
Gallstones (no fat to duodenum, no CCK, GB stasis)
Bile acids are reabsorbed in the _____
Terminal ileum
*affected by Crohn’s
____ Km = _____ affinity
Low Km = High affinity for substrate
*and vice versa
Low Vmax of Hexokinase in skeletal muscle prevents
Cells from hoarding too much glucose