Random Cyto Stuff Flashcards
Liquid based prep # of cells for Pap?
Report endometrial cell in what age or above?
LBP: 5000
Conventional: 8000-12000
Age to start pap testing?
IF normal what range can you do 3 year screening?
What ages cotest?
What age to stop?
21 yrs
21-30; every 3 years if normal
31-64 yrs; Pap every 3 or Pap and HPV every 5; only HPV test high risk types!
65 yrs+; stop if normal in last 10 yrs
Pleomorphic adenoma has what 3 things?
Leptothrix occurs with?
Koilocyte caused by what protein?
Epithelial, myepithelial, and fibrous material
Trichamonas (gives halos)
Glycogenated nuclei in liver common from?
Urine with round glassy cell, think?
Oncocytic cells in liver?
Wilson’s is most common
Polyoma Virus
Fibrolamella tumor
Smudgy nucleus and cillia, what virus?
Thyroid with plasmacytoid/polygonal cells and “colloid”?
Medullary CA! Not colloid but amyloid
Exodus days in mestrual cycle?
6-10. Looks like a ball of stroma and cells in pap
Pap: Cookie cutter/spider cells?
Birth control pills show what on pap?
Post menopausal changes show?
Think metaplastic before HSIL!
Microglandular hyperplasia!!
Dirty background, inflammation and parabasalar cells and sometimes blue globs
Snow shoe like organism on pap?
What does AIS lack?
Pap with adeno like cells that are refractive with Eosinophils, consider?
Alternaria (lab contaminant); kind of looks like a herpes cell..?
Lacks prominent nucleoli: has feathering edge and abundance of cells with dark chromatin and microacinar structures
Glassy cell!
Crystaline material in pap name/significance?
Follicular cervicitis consider what organism?
Cornflaking cells on pap are caused by?
Cocklebur’s. No significance!
Air; recover slip
Plate like crystal that look like square crystals?
Hashimoto’s thyroditis shows what cells?
Hurthle and lymphocytes
Rearrangement genes in PTC?
IHC for PTC:
Medullary IHC and EM?
TG+, TTF1+, CK+, EMA+, CEA-, Calcitonin -
Calcitronin +, CEA+, TTF1+, Neuro endo +; Neurosecretory granules/amyloid
Sialadenitis findings; what kind of crystals?
Warthin’s tumor shows on cyto?
Findings of Pleomorphic adenoma?
Salivary gland tissue with enlarged ducts; but not “globules” like adenoid cystic
Sialadenitis: Square crystals of amylasse
Warthin: Onococytic and lymphocytes; associated with smoking
Magenta fibrillary background and epithelial and myoepitheal cells; PLAG1 and HMGA2
Pleomorphic adenoma has what kind of crystals?
Adenoid cystic has what cyto finding; classic clinical finding?
Most common malignant salivary gland tumor and cyto findings?
What Gene?
Tyrosine!; Petal shape pink crystals
Gumballs and really dark nuclei!; Also facial nerve pain or paralysis
Muco-ep: 3 cell types-glandular, intermediate, squamous
Adenoid cystic carcinoma mutations?
Does it have fibrillary background?
MYB-NIFB fusion and c-kit
No mucoid background
Acinic cell carcinoma cyto findings?
Does it have ducts?
Transversing capillaries, some bare nuclei, maybe granules and cohesive
Most common main salivary gland malignancy?
Gene test?
FIbroadenoma vs. phyloides on FNA?
What can ductal carcinoma look like?
T/F Ductal Carcinoma has more vacuoles than lobular?
FA: Staghorn shape with normal stroma
PT: Stag horn as well but more cellular and atypical stroma
Plasmacytoid cells; no myoeplayer seen
F: Both might have them but lobular>ductal
“Arrowhead, teardrop” in breast is buzzword for?
Medullary Ca associations?
Tubular carcinoma which is very bland looking; Best prognosis
BRACA, Triple Neg, and young black women
Funny looking “fibroadenoma” in a man?
DDx of lung cell block with froathy eosinophlic material?
Curshman spiral associations?
Gynecomastia; lacks terminal ductal lobules!
Pcp, Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis
Lung Charcot Laden crystal (small pink) think?
What is a Creola body?
Immunosuppressed patient with “negative rods” spaces, think?
Parasities; Crystal comes from Eosinophils
Catapiller like bronchial cells with cillia bodies in asthmatics
“Daisy cell” on lung FNA?
Benign mesothelial cells especially in women!
In urine a coffin shaped lid is, see in what kind of urine?
6 sided crystals are?
Thread like crystals are made of?
Triple phosphate, 3-6 sides, seen in alkaline urine, disolved in acetic acid
Cystine (Sixtine)
Ileal conduit urine finding?
Lots of columnar cells in urine, think?
Round ileal cells, dirty background, Globular lysosomal inclusions called Meamed Wolinska bodies
Cystitis Glandularis
Features of high grade urothelial carcinoma?
Features of low grade urothelial carcinoma?
High cellularity, Coy cells (single, high N:C, irregular memrbanes); Birds eyes/cell death, dirty back ground, dark nuclei and nucleoli
Loose or crowded cluster, enlarged uniform nuclei, no nuceloi, mild N:C increase, Clean background, Some irregular nuclear contours
Urine polyoma virus findings?
DNA or RNA virus?
What Schisto causes bladder SCC?
Glassy smudgy inclusios (BK virus); aka Comet Cells
S. Haematobium, Periapical spike classic feature
What is endocervicosis?
Is atypia a major feature?
Young women with bladder symptoms
Mass on posterior wall/dome
Irregular haphazard endocervical type glands without endocervical stroma
Minimal atypia
Ugly yellow pigmented cells in males, worry or not?
Refractile hooklet’s seeon on liver FNA?
No, monster cells from seminal vesicle. Benign
Hydatid cyst; Echinococcus hook worm.
Young male with eosinophilic tumor in liver not associated with cirrhosis?
Histologic features?
Think fibrolamellar
Stelate scar, large polygonal eosinophilic cells
Low NC ratios; rare cytoplasic modies of fibrinogen
Lamellar fibrosis present in some cases
CK7+,CK8+,CD18+, Neuroendo+, AFP-
What organism causes cholangiocarcinoma?
Cholangio staining IHC?
Clonorchis sinensis
MOC31+, PAS+, Mucin+, pVHL+CK7+, CK19+, pCEA (cytoplasmic)+ vs cannalicular in HCC, CK17-
What fungus can give calcium oxalate crystals especially in BAL?
Dreaded complication?
Lateral squamous lined cyst is?
A. Niger!
Fatal pulmonary hemorrhage
Branchial cleft