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Needed to confirm death?
No response to sound No Pain response Absent corneal reflexes No Eye response (Fixed) No Carotid 1 minute No heart sounds 1 minute Absent breath sounds 3 minutes/effort
5 mins continuous no signs of life
When is “Time of death” ?
When you finish confirming death
Things to remember in notes when writing confirmation of death?
Everything you did, was it expected? Time you wrote in notes
The patient had died also can include cause if known - coroner referral if relevant
Name GMC and BLEEP
Reasons to refer to coroner?
No cause established Suicide or violent or accident Under a DOLS, Prison or Mental health act Within 24hrs in hospital Effects of anaesthetic Occupational/industrial
When can you not fill out a death certificate?
If not seen the patient within last 14 days you are not allowed to fill in the certificate
Must be a doctor
Must have a cause of death
No reason to coroner refer
Things to avoid on death certificate?
Modes of dying or failures for example “liver failure”
or “cardiac arrest”
Cremation form things to remember?
Hospital address not mine, use death certificate to fill in parts, examination part if you checking the body for a pacemaker etc
Units cross matched certain problems?
Upper GI bleed about 6
AAA 10 units
What is done in the A part of rrapid?
Airway check speech (how much can they speak) and or any obstruction in the airway could be anaphylaxis tongue swelling. Abnormal sounds and stridor due to obstruction any abnormal chest issues
B part of rrapid?
Inspection of patient are they looking unwell in terms of breathing
Chest movements, RESP RATE and SPO2
Visible signs of cyanosis? Attach monitoring and KEEP ATTACHED
Listen to chest, expansion and percussion. Consider ABG if felt needed
Interventions such as oxygen or nebulisers
What should we start COPD patients on 02 wise?
28% venturi
C of rrapid?
Do they look shocked, pale, sweaty and unwell?
Capillary refill time
Blood pressure and JVP
Heart rate and pulse thready or fast or slow
Cannulation and bloods if needed
Fluid challenge and urine output
? sepsis what to do/
Blood cultures, urine, fluids, abx, lactate and oxygen
Consider sepsis with which criteria?
> 2 of
SIRS Temp <36 >38
HR >90
Tachypnoe >20 or low CO2
White cells low or high
What should urine output be?
D part of rrapid?
GLUCOSE and pupil reactions
Consider GCS or AVPU
Neuro exam if needed
E for rrapid and acronym to remember?
BRACE Blood loss Rashes Abdominal - palpate percuss and auscultate Calves Everything else- Temp
Review charts- important of trends
Blood results from bleeding in upper GI tract?
High urea, can also be due to dehydration
Chest pain specific questions?
Worse when lying down? SOB/Exercise? Worse on inspiration? Leg swelling? Nausea/vomiting? Sweating? Palpitations? Relieving? GTN if so, how long and how many times?
Chest pain differentials?
ACS PE Pneumothorax GORD MSK
Palpitations important questions to ask?
Have they been persistent, or do they come and go?
How often? Duration?
Fast/slow? Tap it out?
Anything made worse- alcohol, caffeine, stress, recreational drugs, exercise?
LOC or faints? Dizziness?
Differentials palpitations?
Hyperthyroid AF/Flutter Ectopics Anxiety Hypoglycaemia Anaemia
Collapse syncope questions?
Pre- Intra- Post
Emotional stress, pain, anxiety? Prolonged periods of standing? Flashing or flickering of lights? Symptoms prior to event? Witnesses? Movement during? Tongue biting/incontinent? Head injury? Recovery time? Post ictal? Weakness? Medications, new?
Collapse differentials?
Vasovagal Medication Arrhythmia AS PE Postural hypotension Hypoglycaemia
Dysphagia Questions?
Where does food get stuck? Is swallowing itself difficult? Onset etc Solids or liquids? Progressive? Any systemic features such as weight loss and GORD? Voice changes or hoarseness?
Causes of dysphagia?
Extra luminal- Masses goitre maligancy
Intraluminal- Spasm, achalasia
Luminal, oesophagitis, candida, strictures tumour
Myasthenia gravis or stroke or parkinsons
Questions for haematemesis?
Volume? Colour? How many times, what happened before? Prolonged retching and straining? Alcohol or liver disease? Bowel habits or changes any malaena or fatigue? Weight loss? Medications such as NSAIDS or steroids?
Haematemesis differentials?
Oesophagitis, variceal bleeding, ulcers, gastritis, mallory weiss, malignancy
Abdo pain questions?
Site, onset? Timing? Colicky? Character? Mouth ulcers? Vomiting? Weight loss? Fever? Change in bowel habit? Change in the stool? Relieved by defecation? Pregnancy? Jaundice? Urine colour?
Abdo differentials?
Gallbladder Obstruction Appendix AAA Pancreas Pregnancy problems Diverticular Ulcers Colic (renal)
Rectal bleeding questions?
Onset? When and how quickly? Duration? How many times? Intermittent or continuous? Colour? Quantity? Mixed in? on paper? Steatorrhoea? Mucous? Urgency, Incontinence and tenesmus? Anal pain? Weight loss? Fevers? Travel? Takeaway? Constipation?
Rectal bleeding causes ?
Malignancy Gastroenteritis Peptic ulcer Varices Diverticular Ischaemic colitis/mesenteric Haemorrhoids Fissure
Nausea and vomiting questions?
Onset? Duration? How many times? Volume? Was it forceful? Colour and consistency? Fever and diarrhoea? Chest pain? Abdominal pain? Headache? Weight loss? Recent travel? Takeaway or eaten out? Contact with others/anyone else ill?
Nausea and vomiting differentials?
Gastro Obstruction Appendix Peptic ulcer Renal colic pancreas DKA Raised ICP Inner ear or migraine
Back pain important questions?
Worse at night? Analgesia used? Sudden or insidious? Where is it? Paraesthesia, or weakness? Thoracic pain? Cancer history? When did you last go to the toilet? Saddle anaesthesia? Persistent pain? Steroid use? Activity? Precipitating factors?
Back pain differentials?
Mechanical Myeloma Spinal cord compression Cauda Equina Osteoarthritis Wedge fracture Sciatica Disciitis Psoas abscess
Headache questions?
SOCRATES Episodic, diurnal night time? Worse in any position ie laying down? Worse in morning and betetr when awake? Progressively getting worse? Any vision or sensory loss? Prodromal? Smoking, alcohol medication ? Neck stiffness and Photophobia? Phonophobia? Watering of eye?
Headache differentials?
Migraine Tension Cluster SAH Meningitis Temporal arteritis Angle closure glaucoma
Confusion questions?
Onset? Progressive or suddenly worse? Memory loss? Depressive or psychiatric? Sleep? Change in behaviour? Hallucinations or personality change?
Confusion causes?
Dementia Delirium Infection Malignancy Depression Head injury
Shortness of breath questions?
Episodic? Triggers- dust, pollen, exercise, cold air? Change in exercise tolerance? Problems with sleep? Haemoptysis? Wheeze? Fever? Weight loss? Ankle swelling? Smoking? Travel? Recent surgery? Chest pain?
Shortness of breath Differentials?
Asthma/COPD Fibrosis PE.Pneumothorax MI HEar failure Arrhythmia Anaemia Anxiety