Random Flashcards
Where is the Thymus derived from?
Third Pharyngeal pouch
Hypoplastic thymus in DiGeroge and SCID
Which Ab is the ONLY one that can cross the placenta?
IgG is the MAIN Ab for the 2ndary response to an antigen* (IgM is the primary (immediate) response)
IgG is the most abundant*
Provides passive immunity to infants
Which Ab does not fix complement?
Found in mucous membranes and is secreted in tears and saliva and mucus
What are the live-attenuated vaccines?
BCG Influenza (intranasal) Varicella Adenovirus MMR Polio (Sabin) Yellow Fever
What are the killed/inactivated vaccines?
"RIP A-lways" Rabies Influenza (injection) Polio (Salk) A: Hep A
What do B-cell and T-cell deficiencies have a decreased immunity to?
B-cell: Bacterial infection
T-cell: Viral and Fungal infections
Where is Hexokinase Vs Glucokinase found?
Hexokinase: all tissue except liver and B-cells of pacrease
Glucokinase = Liver and b-cells of pancrea
What are the major precursors for gluconeogenesis?
Glycerol, Amino Acids, Lactate
-Make glucose for my “GAL”
What is the most abundant protein in the human body?
High tensile strength and undergoes extensive post-translational modification
What other drug is given with 6-MP to prevent an adverse SE as well as increase the [6-MP]?
6-MP turns into thio-IMP via HRGT, and is a purine analog, so allopurinol will help prevent gout and keep 6-MP level in the body high
What causes Glycolysis to produce ZERO ATP?
Which tissues are insulin DEPENDENT and what GLUT do they use?
Muscle and Fat: GLUT 4
Which bacteria has Vi Antigen as a VF?
Vi Antigen = Capsule
Which 3 bacteria are the most common causes of meningitis in people over 2 months of age?
Step. Pneumo, H. Influenza, N. Meningitis
Where is the highest visual sensitivity in the retina?
Fovea Centralis, which is inside the macula lutea (lateral to the optic disc)
Where does the Optic N. leave the retina?
Optic Disc
What are the components of the portal triad?
Bile Duct
Portal Vein
Hepatic Artery
Which structures are in the lesser sciatic foramen?
Obturator Internus exits
Pudendal A, V, N, exit the greater and enter the lesser
What type of collagen contains the greatest proportion of collagen fibers?
Fibrocartiledge (interverebral discs and pubic symph)
What lies directly inferior of the sustentaculum tali?
FHL tendon
Where is the medial ridge on the fibula?
Posterior surface
Which vein drains directly to the right atrium?
Anterior Cardiac Vein
What are the 5 cardinal signs of inflammation?
Rubor: red Calor: heat Dolor: pain Tumor: swell Funtcio Laesa ("loss/disturbance of a function")
What is the #1 cause of SPORADIC ENCEPHALITIS in the US?
Temporal Lobe Encephalitis
othe buzz words:
“dew drop”
what is autoregulation of the of the CV system?
How blood flow to an organ remains constant over a wide range of perfusion pressures.
Action of Pec Minor?
Protract Scapula
Innervation of Stylopharngous m
Glossalphaengeal N (CN9)
innervation of cricyothyroid mm
External Larnyngreal N
what is the action of the traps on the scap?
Elevate, rotate, retract, depress
what type of filament is actin?
double helix of F-actin with myosin binding site
what the is the supinator of the forearm inervated by?
deep branch of the radial n
what is another name for Type II Pnuemocytes?
Septal Cells
what is not found in normal synovial fluid?
what is the blood supply to the gallbladder?
Cystic Atery from the hepatic artry
lesion to the meyers loop would cause what?
Contralateral UPPER hemonymous quadrantopia
which ventricle is the diencephalon in?
3rd ventricle
what does pigmented villonodular synovitist stain + for?
what does the allen test, test?
Radial and Ulnar A
where does the articularis genu originate and insert?
O: distal, anterior, shaft of the femur
bacteriuem recieve DNA from external enviromnet