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Critères parkinsonisme
Bradykinésie + soit (rigidité ou tremblement au repos)
Ddx syndrome parkinsonien
Paralysie supranucléaire progressive
Dégénérescence corticobasale
Atrophie multisystémique
Démence à corps de Lewy
Parkinsonisme secondaire - 2 causes
Trauma/lésion cérébrale
Métabolique/toxique (Wilson, hémochromatose…)
Infection (encéphalite, toxoplasmose)
Autres symptômes du Parkinson
Pré-symptomatique: Micrographie, modification de al voix, hyposmie, dépression, somnolence, anxiété/dépression
Démarche en Parkinson?
Retard au démarrage, lent, petits pas, demi-tour décomposé, diminution ballant des bras
Dx clinique du Parkinson
Parkinsonisme (donc 2 des 3 critères)
Pas de critère d’exclusion
Pas drapeaux rouges
Démence à corps de Lewy
1) Fluctuation fonctions intellectuelles (attention, souvenirs, compétences visuospatiales)
2) Hallucinations visuelles
3) Trbl comportement sommeil paradoxal
4) Parkinsonisme
Corps Lewy VS PD: différence onset?
PD: démence se présente >1an après symptômes (VRAIMENT TARD)
Démence Corps Lewy: démence peut apparaître avant symptômes moteurs
Tremblements au repos?
Sos parkinsonisme
Tremblements ua mouvement/action
Essentiel, physiologique
Acteurs à impliquer Parkinson?
Groupes: Parkinson Canada
Neurologue, urologue
Tx Parkinson sauf LEvodopa
1) Inhibiteurs MAO-B (rasagiline, selegiline, safinamide). ES: céphalées, nausées
2) Amantadine - rarement utilisé. ES: livedo reticularis, OMI
3) Anticholinergiques si tremblements dérangeants sans bradykinésie, trbl marche significatifs. ES: trbl mémoire, confusion, halluciatninos, bouche sèche
Tx classique Parkinson (2) avec ES
Levodopa. ES: dyskinésie, nauséée, somnolence, étouridssement, céphalée,HTO
Agonists dopamine. ES: NMS, akinésie, trbl contrôle impulsion
Problèmes comorbides à tjrs suivre pour PD?
Statut fonctionnel (AVQ/AVD)
ES médications
Trouble sommeil
Infertilité: définition
Absence de conception après 12 mois de coit non-protégé, 12-15% couples en âge de reproduction
Primaire = déjà eu conception, secondaire = jamais eu conception
Histoire pour infertilité?
- Antécédents personnels et fam, médication, habitudes de vie
- Histoire gynécologie-obstétricale avec histoire menstruelle (STI, PID, surgeries, dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, regular cycles)
- Habitudes sexuelles : Fréquence et moment, temps d’essai
- Durée d’infertilité, investigations faites, résultats d’examens
- Symptômes d’affection (thyroïdien,SOPK, hyperprolactémie, trouble alimentaire, insuffisance ovarienne) , etc.
- Revue de système
- Occupation (radiation, heat, chemical)
- Problèmes érectiles et éjaculatoires
- ATCD de trauma, infections génitales, surgeries, tx of genital organs
- Causes idiopathiques : Pantalon / culotte serré, exposition à la chaleur, marijuana
Physical exam for fertility?
- Thyroid and breast exams (signs of galactorrhea)
- Abdominal and pelvic pain
- Male exam
- Genital signs of symptoms
Signes de l’ovulation
- Présence de menstruations régulières q 28 à 35 jours
- Syndrome prémenstruel
- Changement de la glaire en milieu de cycle
- Douleurs ovulatoires (Mittelschmerz)
- Courbe de température
Conseils non-pharmaco infertilité
- Perdre poids (si IMC > 30)
- Cesser de fumer
- Cesser drogues et alcool
- Prendre des suppléments d’acide folique (1 - 5mg die) et multivitamines
- Éviter les lubrifiants spermotoxiques
Infertilité algorithme femmes
PRISES DE SANG (CBC, TSH, proges etc)
1) Confirmation si ovulation (courbes température, détection LH urinaire/test ovulation, dosage prosgetérone sérique, biopsie endomètre)
2) Examen tubaire: hystérosonographie, hsytérosalpingographie, laparoscopie
2) Examen endométrial: Hystérosalpingographie, hystérosonographie, biopsie endomètre
Ddx infertilité - femmes
1) Tubaire
2) Ovulatoire (SOPK, hypoT4, hyperPROL, tumeurs hypophysaires, insuffisance ovarienne précoce, Cushing, tumeurs sécrétant androgènes)
3) Endométrial
4) Cervical
Ddx perte de poids
- Malignancy
- GI (PUD, celiac, IBD)
- Psychiatric (depression, eating disorders)
- Endocrine (hyperthyroidism, diabetes, adrenal insufficiency)
- Infectious (HIV, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, parasite)
- Chronic disease (heart failure, renal failure, autoimmune)
- Neuro (stroke, dementia)
- Medications/substances
HPI for weight loss
- Pattern of weight loss
- Intentional vs. Unintentional (r/o eating disorder)
- Dietary history
- GI symptoms (N/V/D, dysphagia, abdominal pain, early satiety)
- Malignancy (fever, fatigue, chills, night sweats)
- Psychiatric (depression, mood)
- Medication, Alcohol, Drugs
- Social (Income, Activity) and Function (Dementia)
Définition perte de poids
5% over 6-12 months
Rapid antidotes in poisoning?
1) Dextrose can be given 50mL of D50W, if no IV access can give Glucagon 1mg IM
2) Oxygen, 100% O2 in carbon monoxide poisoning
3) Naloxone in life-threatening is 2mg initially up to 10mg, or if non-life-threatening 0.1mg initially doubled every two minutes up to 10mg
4) Thiamine (B1) given 100mg IV/IM/PO with 25g dextrose (50mL of D50W) to prevent Wernicke’s encephalopathy (suspect thiamine deficiency in malnutrition (alcoholics, anorexics, hyperemesis of pregnancy)
Safety to avoid child poisoning?
- Keep items locked and out of reach/sight
- Keep in original containers (safety lids)
- Don’t take medications in view of children
- Don’t refer to medicine as “candy”
Classic poisoning substances with antidotes
Antipsychotics (acute dystonic reaction) -> Benztropine, diphenhydramine
Anticholinergic -> Physostigmine salicylate (Antilirium)
Organophosphates, Carbamates (Cholinergic) -> Atropine, Pralidoxime
Digoxin -> Digoxin immune Fab (Ovine, Digibind). Consider MgSO4 to stabilize if delay in digoxin antibodies
Iron -> Deferoxamine (Desferal)
TCA (Cardiotoxicity, convulsion, coma)-> Sodium Bicarbonate 1-2mEq/kg
Cocaine, Methamphetamins, amphetamines (sympathomimetic) -> Rapid cooling, Benzos, Fluids + Nitroglycerine infusion
Cyanide -> Hydroxocobalamin 5g, Sodium nitrite 300 mg., Sodium Thiosulfate 12.5g, 100% oxygen
What to ask if ingestion/poisoning?
Patient often unreliable – use collateral sources (paramedics, police, family, friends, pharmacist)
Who - patient’s age, weight, PMH (alcoholism, renal or hepatic disease)
What - name, dosage of medications (including OTC) or substances, coingestants, amount
Where - Injection or ingestion
Why - intentional vs unintentional
Commonly ingested nontoxic substances
Personal care products: Soap, shampoo, lipstick, lotion, perfume (low alcohol), eye makeup, toothpaste, deodarant
Household items: Thermometers (glass potentially harmful), pen ink, crayons, chalk, candles, pencils/erasers, laundry detergent, fabric softener, bleach
Timeline for activated charcoal, 1-2 g/kg?
Non-toxic ingestion
High-risk of aspiration
Specific types of stuff: caustic acids/alkalis, alcohols, lithium, heavy metals
Work-up for intoxication?
Lytes, Glucose
Hepatic/renal function
Serum osmolarity
VBG + lactate
Serum drug levels (Tylenol, Salicylates, Ethanol)
Pregnancy Test
Osmolar gap formula
Measured serum osmolarity - (2Na + Gluc + Urea)
What increases osmolar gap?
Ethylene glycol
Propylene glycol
5 toxidromes?
Acetaminophen Intox? Antidote?
Toxic 150 mg/kg (7.5-10g for an adult)
Labs: >4h Tylenol Level on Rumack-Matthew Normogram, ALT/INR
N-acetylcysteine (NAC, Mucomyst) indications:
1) known time and above treatment line
2) uknown time ing or >24h/chronic
3) any signs of liver injury
Indications for inpatient tx/hospitalisation in depression patients
Active SI/HI
Psychotic features
Major impact on functioning)
Patients at higher risk of depression
Comorbid medical d/o (CAD, hypoT4)
Comorbid psychiatric d/o (anxiety, SUD)
Post-partum women
Chronic pain patients
In who/which behaviours should I be screening for depression?
Multiple visits with unexplained symptoms
Work/relationship dysfunction
Weight/sleep/energy/memory/cognitive complaints
Comorbidity (IBS, obesity, CVA, cancer)
Substance abuse
Definition criteria of depression
≥ 5 (with either depressed or decreased interest) for >2w with change in functioning
- Sad (depressed mood most of the day)
- Interest (loss)
- Guilt
- Energy
- Concentration, memory
- Appetite
- Psychomotor agitation/retardation
- Sleep (mostly end of night, early mornings)
- Suicidal ideation
- Other criteria
- Causing significant distress/impairment (change in functioning, occupation/social/other) - functioning impairment with impact on QoL
- Not caused by other psychiatric condition (manic, hypomanic, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia, delusional disorder, schizophreniform or others)
- Not caused by organic pathology or substance uses
Antidepressants for depression with anxious features
Paroxetine, Sertraline, Venlafaxine
Antidepressants for psychotic features
Antidepressants with sleep disturbance
Mirtazapine, Quetiapine, Trazodone
Treatment for depression - non-pharmaco
Regular exercise - group physical activity programs
Adequate food intake
Adequate sleep
Avoid substance use
Stress management techniques
Behavioral activation
Thérapie (CBT, ITP)
Treamtent depression - indication for pharmacological tx
- Past history of moderate/severe depression
- Long period (>2y) of subthreshold depressive symptoms
- Persistent symptoms after other interventions (ex CBT/IPT)
- Moderate/severe depression in combination with CBT or IPT
- Mild-moderate-severe depression but no access to CBT
Monitoring response and modify appropriately treatment in depression?
If >20% improvement at 2-4w, continue treatment and reassess at 6-8w
If <20% improvement at 2-4w, increased dose OR switch to another medication
DONC la réponse serait tjrs de augmenter dose max, si partial response tu peux ajouter adjunct (genre quetiapine), si aucune répnose tu changes d’agent complètement.
Symptômes de sevrage SSRI
- FINISH (Flu-like symptoms, Insomnia, Nausea, Imbalance, Sensory disturbance, Hyperarousal)
- Typically resolves in 1-2 weeks
- Worse with Paroxetine, Venlafaxine
Conditions médicales à r/o pour dépression
- Adrenal insufficiency, hypercortisolism, hypothyroidism, diabetes
- Mononucleosis
- Multiple sclerosis, Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, systemic lupus erythematosus
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- Stroke, traumatic brain injury
- Vitamin B12 insufficiency
2 choses à penser absolument si pt se présente avec dépression
r/o abus de substance
r/o abus domestique
Déf dysthymie (PDD)
1) humeur dép quais toute la journée, plus d’un jour sur deux, pendant au moins 2 ans
2) 2 ou plus de: appétit, sommeil, fatigue, faible estime de soi, trbl concentration, désespoir (PAS PERTE INTÉRÊT, PAS IS, RETARD/AGITATION, PAS TRISTESSE)
3) pas de période de 2 mois sans les 2 du critère 2
Adjustment d/o definition
1) Emotional/behavioral sx responding to a stressor wichin 3 months
2) Marked distress/significant impairment
3) Does not meet criteria for another mental disorder/exacerbation of preexisting
4) NOt normal bereavement
5) When stressor over, does not persist more than 6 months
Which symptoms should I ALWAYS ASK ABOUT when depression?
Risk factors for anxiety
Family history of anxiety
Personal history of anxiety/mood disorder
Childhood stressful life events or trauma
Chronic medical illness
Behavioral inhibition
Screening questions for GAD?
During the past 2 weeks, have you been bothered by
1) Feeling worried, tense, or anxious most of the time?
2) Not being able to stop or control worrying
Screening questions for panic d/o
In the past month, have you on more than one occasion, had spells or attacks when you suddenly felt anxious, frightened, uncomfortable or uneasy even in situations where most people would not feel that way?
Did the spells peak within 10 minutes?
Have you spent more than a month in fear of having another attack or about the consequences of the attack?
Ddx for anxiety
Medical (palpitations, chest pain, dyspnea/trouble breathing, etc).
Cardiovascular: Myocardial Infarction, Arrhythmia, CHF, valvulopathy
Respiratory: Pulmonary Embolism, Asthma/COPD
Endocrine: Hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia
Metabolic: Vitamin B12, porphyria
Neurologic: TBI
Psychiatric comorbidities
Substance-induced: Intoxication (caffeine, stimulants) or withdrawal (benzodiazepines, alcohol)
Differentiate between distress (fear, nervousness, worry) and anxiety disorder
What should I screen for in anxiety d/o? What should I always ask?
all other comorbid psychiatric conditions: mood d/o (depression, bipolar so MANIA), psychotic d/o, personnality d/o
Treatment for anxiety
1) Self-management
2) Community resources
3) Therapy
4) Pharmacotherapy
1) Relaxation, breathing control skills, physical activity, self-help books, internet-based CBT
2) Support groups, SW
3) CBT, psychotherapy
4) another question honey
Pharmaco tx for GAD
Duloxetine, escitalopram, paroxetine, sertraline,venlafaxine
Tx for social anxiety d/o
Exposure therapy
Beta-blockers before presentations
Escitalopram, paroxetine, sertraline
Antidepressant chez enfants/ados
Work-up pour r/o organic disease en anxiety
- Electrolytes, Fasting glucose
- Lipid profile
- UA, urine toxicology for substance abuse
- EKG for arrhythmia
High-risk group for substance use?
Mental health comorbidities (depression, ADHD, schizophrenia, etc)
Chronic disability
Family or personal hx of SUD
Associated symptoms (functional decline, confusion, delirium, syncope)
Associated medical problems
Prescription medication that are commonly misused (opioids, sedatives, hypnotics, anxiolytics, stimulants)
Outil pour screen SUD?
Have you ever felt you had to cut down on your drinking?
Do you get annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
Do you ever feel guilty about drinking?
Do you ever take an early-morning/eye opener drink?
Definition de SUD
1) Pattern of using a substance resulting in clinically significant impairment/distress
2) 2 or more of the following within a 12 MONTH PERIOD: impaired control, social impairment (obligations, family, work, relationships, gave up activities), risky use (driving, sex,), pharmacological indicators like withdrawal/tolerance
Harm-reduction strategies in SUB
Needle exchange
Driving and driving
Immunizations in ITSS
Method to dsscuss a change in habits
1) Ask (frequeny, amount, etc)
2) Advise: you should stop, do you wanna hear about the benefits/risk
3) Assess: are you ready to change (pre-contemplation not ready, contemplation im thinking about it, preparation actively planning a quit, action involved in a quit attempt, maintenance)
4) Assist: barriers? strategies? resources, medications?
5) Arrange FU
When a patient comes in with functional decline
Signs of substance use in adolescents
- School failure
- Isolation, negative symptoms
- Behavior change
- Dangerous behaviors
Opioid-use disorder: what to do periodically? what to discuss?
1) Reassess clinical problem to make sure they still need the medications
2) Assess other substance use
3) Safety recommandations (do not share meds, store meds in safe location, do not receive meds from other sources)
4) Avoid use of sedatives/depressants
5) Monitor for symptoms, FUNCTION, adherence
Différences entre UA vs NSTEMI vs STEMI
UA: tropos neg
NSTEMI/STEMI: tropos pos
Changements ECG pour UA/NSTEMI, ST Elevations pour STEMI
Populations qui se présentent sans classique DRS?
Et définition DRS
Pression rétrosternal, pire avec l’effort, moins pire avec repos
Populations: gériatrique, femmes, diabétiques
Facteurs de risque CMP ischémique
Family history
Physical activity
Nutrition (mediterranean, DASH)
What tests to rule out cardiomyopathie ischémique? Si suspicion clinique élevée et si ECG/Tropos N
Test à l’effort
MIBI à l’effort
Échocardio à l’effort
CMPi stable: gestion des symptômes? Principes du traitement
1) Changements d’habitudes de vie (tabac, roh, perte poids, exercise, DM/DLP/HTA)
2) Thérapie antiplaquettaire selon
3) Médications antiantineuses: BB (2 ligne CCB, nitrates)
QUestions à poser pour le suivi des patients avec MCAS?
1) Contrôle des symptpomes, IMPACT SUR LA VIE
2) adhérence aux médications
3) Modification des habitudes de vie
4) Dépistage des complications
Classes NYHA
Class 1: Pas de limitation
Class 2: Slight limitation (SOB/fatigue) during moderation exertion/stress
Class 3: symptoms with MINIMAL EXERTION with normal daily activity
Class 4: inability to carry out physical activity
Meds in acute coronary syndrome?
Morphine - only if refractory pain to nitro
Antiplaquettaires: ASA 320 x1 with either Plavix/Ticagreol 600/180 x1
Anticoagulants: 48h to 7 d, depending on when is coronarography. Hep (invasive) VS LMWH (conservative)
BB - within 24h if no signs of HF
Statin - later
IECA - later
DB: screen who/when?
If low-mod-risk, no screen indicated, reassess RF annually
High risk: screen q3 years
Very high risk: screen q6-12mo (FHx DMT2, non-white, low SES, hx HDM/preDB, CV RF, associated diseases (PCOS, OSA), drugs a/w DB (atypical AP, HAART, glucocorticoids))
Dx of DB?
FPG > 7.0 (6.1-6.9)
A1c > 6.5% (6 - 6.4)
2hPG > 11.1 or random > 11.1 (7.8 -11)
or 1 test + symptomatic
If HbA1c < 1.5% from target at dx, what do you do?
If HbA1c > 1.5%?
If symptomatic hyperglycemia?
Lifestyle x 3 months then MTF
Insuline +- MTF
Targets in DB?
< 6.5 if low risk of hypoglycemia
< 7 most adults
7.1-8.5 if recurrent hypoG, limited life expetancy, elderly, dementia
Labs at dx DB?
Lytes + Creat
Lipid profile
ACR (2 positive = proteinuria)