Random Flashcards
i have no idea whats going on in the world
no tengo ni idea de que pasa en el mundo
i recommend that you go to the doctor
te recomiendo que vayas al doctor
words that become reflexive when we talk about a specific amount
tomar, beber, comer, leer, fumar,
to grill
i wish my mom was…
ojala mi madre fuera
in order to be able to lose weight
para poder bajar de peso
i walk TO the trees at THE END
camino hasta los arboles en un extremo
do you have to get that (as in answer that)
tienes que atender?
breaking news
las noticias de ultima hora
from the first moment
desde el principio
as seems to be the case
como parece ser el caso
you should take advantage of it
deberias aprovechar
the sky is clear
el cielo esta despejado
i dealt with paperwork
Yo lidiaba con papeleo
it turned out that the project was
resulto que el proyecto era
they won the game by playing as a team
ganaron el partido jugando en equipo
no one can deny the fact that
nadie puede negar el hecho que
i learned spanish by talking
aprendi espanol hablando
to plan to do something
pensar + inf.
even I
hasta Yo, incluso Yo
he is tired of hearing her excuses
el esta harto de escuchar sus excusos
you speak quite well engligh
hablas bastante bien ingles.
our rival was CALLED
in the back there is a door that leads to the bathroom
atras, hay una puerta que llevar al bano
like “you know”
ya sabes
each other
el uno al otro
unos A otros
can you correct me if i commit an error
puedes corregirme se cometo un error
i will do everything possible
hare todo lo possible.
recently using the word HACE
hace poco
im out!
me largo
what do you think if
Que te parece si
how about if
que tal si
it looks like it
se le parece
i feel sorry
me da pena
at least i had to try it
por al menos, tenia que intentarlo.
it suits me, my best interest
me conviene
once, formely
w/o worrying about the price
sin preocuparse por el precio
por poco
la granja
to melt, merge together
to collapse or crumble
to witness
to access
to waste, squander
to enlist
to flirt
to block
to revise, review
to swallow
to terrorize
to get fed up
to arise
to resort
to specify
to comfort
to suggest
sugirio, sugiriendo
to force, push
leads to the bathoom - use the verb
having a good time with
pasando un buen rato con
less and less frequent
cada vez menos
better said, rather
mejor dicho
i get angry that students arrive late
me da rabia que los estudiantes lleguen tarde
i hope you feel better
espero que te sientas mejor
my major frustration is the disequilibrium between comprehension and communication
mi mayor frustracion es el desequilibrio entre comprehension y comunicacion
make a right
gire a la derecha
nothing like that
nada de eso
From sun up to sun down
de sol a sol
here we go again
ya estamos otra vez
i want you to know that i am always going to be here
quiero que sepas que siempre voy a estar aqui
its very tiring
es muy cansador
everything is under control
todo esta bajo control
charming, lovley
i have said
he dicho
the bill
la factura
you are in good shape
estas en buena forma
self esteem
its necessary that you study in order to improve
es necesario que estudies para mejorar
look, lets be honest
mire, seamos honestos
that is nice of you
es amable de tu parte
season, period
la temporada
sounds fun
suena divertido
lets suppose
can this day get any worse
puede empeorar mas este dia
speaking seriously
hablando en serio
the water bill
el recibo de aqua
to climb
do you know something about…
sabes algo de
what do they mean
lo que significan
will you wait for me to confirm if i have any left
te esperas para confirmarte si me queda
la aula
hasta ahora can also mean - 2
until now, yet
every zone has its own words and phrases
cada zona tiene sus proprias frases y palabras
you didnt try it. Not probar
no lo intentaste
i gave up
me rendi
dont tell me
no me digas
hace is used to say - in reference to time
from to
for time
de a
desde hace
shortly after
al rato
poco despuess
i want a house that faces the park
quiero una casa frente al parque
verb used to face immovable objects
Dar A
skill, ability
i dont like my neighbors
me caen mal mis vecinos
the women like me
a la mujeres les caigo bien
do you like me
te caigo bien
the results are not important to you
no te importan los resultados
animals are important to juan
a juan le importan los animales
i am interested in your opinion
me interesa tu opinion
maria is interested in
a maria le interesa
the noise bothers me alot
me molesta mucho el ruido
irregular imperative verbs for
ser, ir, venir, poner, tener, salir, hacer, decir
se, ve, ven, pon, ten, sal, haz, di
the movie ended when the couple reunited
la pelicula se acabo cuando la pareja se reunio
i just finished writing
Acabo de terminar escribir
they had just finished playing
acababan de jugar
the concert ended
el concierto se acabó
i finished my homework
acabe mi tarea
i sent him an email telling me about you
le envie un correo hablandole de ti
you have a nickname?
tienes un apodo?
forget it
what do you mean
lo que quieres decir
a que te refieres
for that, think what you really want
por eso, piensas lo que quieres realmente
i was thinking the same thing
me estaba preguntando lo mismo
what is so funny?
de que te ries?
que es gracioso
they solved the problem by thinking creatively
resolvieron el problema pensando de forma creativa
it fances you to eat something
te provoca comer algo
by now
a estas alturas
different, distinct
to complain about something
quejarse de
to quit something
renunciar a
it would be better
mas vale
in the middle of
en medio de
a while ago
a long time ago
hace tiempo
it was a pleasant surprise
fue una grata surpresa
how long ago?
hace cuanto tiempo?
i imagine that it is very difficult to guard those emotions for so long
me imagino que es muy dificil guardarse esas emociones durante tanto tiempo
for years (as in a long time)
desde hace anos
isnt it long
cuanto tiempo
durante la noche
as if - triggers subjunctive
como si
do you want me to help you
quieres que te ayude
to skyrocket
what did you want to tell me?
que era lo que querias decirme
to the point, im getting old
directo/ve al grano que, me estoy haciendo viejo
it was a rainy day
era una dia lluvioso
it was cold outside
hacia frio afuera
to show off
So that you know, i left food in the oven
para que sepas, deje la comida en el horno
not only but also
no solo, sino que ademas
not only was i able to talk but also i was able to study
no solo pude hablar sino que ademas pude estudiar
hands down, my favorite hobby is
sin lugar a dudas
older, how else
mas viejo,, que mas
in the backyard
en la parte trasera de mi casa
the sooner the better
cuanto antes mejor
let me know when you leave
avisame cuando te vayas
two jumps
dos saltos
soft pen
la pluma suave
sweet hug
un dulce abrazo
they were at the base for many months
estaban en las base hacia muchos meses
go down the hallway until the end
ir por el pasillo hasta el fin
you take a break
a tomas un descanso
listen, but thats not the only problem
mira, eso no es el unico problema
do you really think that
de verdad crees que
why didnt you tell me it before
no me lo contaste antes
are they a good team
ellos son un buen equipo
i wanted to join the fun
queria unirme a la diversion
many times in a row
muchas veces seguidas
right away
value, courage
he answers
el atiende
with certain frequency
con cierta frequencia
very busy
storm - 2
bustling, busy
no longer
ya no
not even
ni siquiera
i usually eat dinner
suelo comer
i think that you are crazy
me parece que tu estas loca
upon doing something
al + Infinitive
upon arriving home, i realized that the door was open
al llegar en case, me di cuenta de que la puerta estaba abierta
get up
wake up
plug in
to spoil
echarse a perder
to collect
to have an effect
surtir efecto
run away could also
to fill completely
to unsettle, disturb
to scare
to resemble
parecerse a
to behave
to clear
to blow
to doze off
me adormezco
to erase, delete
to substitute
pres: sustituyo, yes, ye, uimos, yen
sustituyo, yeron, yendo
to throw out
to address
to click
to get rid of, ditch
to get out of control
to shake it off
copy and paste
copia y pega
in the past
en el pasado
on average
de promedio
the effort
los esfuerzos
i continue to not understand
no consigo entender
not yet
aun no
once and for all
de una vez por todas
every day i called my girlfriend
llamaba a mi novia
i call insistently
llamo insistentemente
that we call
que llamamos
to peek, to show your face
to spread
to get away
to stay (as in a place to stay)
to harm, damage
to threaten
that makes me feel better
eso me hace sentir mejor
to show, spectacle
make the most of it
if you say so
si lo dices
i dont like it either
a mi tampoco me gusta
at least until
al menos hasta
a few days ago
hace poco dias
unos dias atras
what are you talking about?
Of what are you talking
de que estas hablando
enjoy your meal
buen provecho
what is there for lunch today
que hay para almorzar hoy?
there is no doubt OF THAT you are nice
no cabe duda de que eres amable
its worth mentioning
cabe mencionar
Apart than that
Outside of that
aparte/fuera de eso
what counts is that i am trying
lo que cuenta es que estoy tratando
from now on
a partir de hoy
de ahora en adelante
desde ahora
i found out that
me entere de que
de lo contrario
2nd thought
pensandolo bien
tell me about it
i wasted a lot of time in that relationship
Yo perdi mucho tiempo en esa relacion
i find it very hard to concentrate with noise in the background
me cuesta muy dificil para concentrarme con ruido de fondo
do you find it hard to wake up early?
te cuesta mucho leventarte temprano
have you heard it
lo has oido
have you see it already
ya has visto
it usually happens
suele pasar
i have to be safe
tengo que ser cuidadoso
his rest
su descanso
he forgot about me
el se olvido de mi
sounds good to me
me parece bien
tell me what you think
dime que te parece
you will get used to it
te acostumbraras
whatever happens, happens
pase lo que pase
incase you are interested (but not past tense)
por si te interesa
in reference to me - 2
en cuanto a mi
por mi parte
you look -2
te veo
how old do you think i am
cuantos anos or que edad crees que tengo
how old do you think i look
cuantos anos or que edad crees que parezco
to be sick
to guess
saying something was there, like he was there with me
it was cold
hacia frio
to withstand, bear (as in like not being able to support this child)
what grade are you in
en que grado estas?
as soon as
tan pronto como
en cuanto
In what can i help you? Serve you?
en que puedo ayudarte, servirte
i am not in the mood
no tengo ganas
i wish you the best
te deseo lo mejor
isnt that enough for you
no te basta?
i already told you
ya te dije
i will be right back
ya venga, ya vuelvo, vuelvo enseguida
dont be so hard on yourself
no se de tan duro
no te preocupes tanto
i feel that i am wasting my life
siento que estoy desperdiciando mi vida
whats the first thing that you do when i you get up
que es lo primero que haces nada mas levantarte.
it still seems to be the best solution
me sigue pareciendo ser la mejor solucion.
you know how it is
ya sabes como ese
we have been there before
ya estuvimos ahi antes
one from another
uno de otro
does that work for you
te parece bien
whats the first thing you do when you get up?
ques es lo primero que haces nada mas levantarte
it keeps appearing to me to be the best solution
me sigue pareciendo ser la mejor solucion
at the end of the day
al fin y al cabo
it was hard to tell her the truth by i knew that i had do it
me costo mucho decerla la verdad pero sabia que tenia que hacerlo.
how cool
que chevere
with pleasure
con gusto
lets list each one below and give a brief description
vamos a enumerar por debajo y dar una breve explanacion
you are in charge of turning on and off the lights
eres el encargado de encender y apagar las luces
what problem did i get myself into for my love for ericka
en que problema me meti por mi amor por ericks
to get into
it seems like a good idead to you
te parece una buena idea
i always get hungry at 3:00
me da hambre a las
todo el mundo
right away
no way
de ninguna manera
in short
en breve, en resumen
the bigger the list the more productive i consider my day
cuanto mayor es la lista mas productivo Yo considero mi dia
nice to see you
gusto en verte
take it easy
tomatelo con calma
count me in
cuenta conmigo
there is
there was
hay, haya
hubo, habia,hubiera
Still, i need to talk with him
todavia necesito hablar con el