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IPO’s, rights offerings, private placements, & preferential allotments
Primary Offering
REITs, venture capital funds, insurance companies, credit unions, banks, pension funds, hedge funds, & mutual funds
Institutional investors
single-state offering, Intrastate ruling
Rule 147
rules sale of “restricted” securities (e.g. shares owned by CEO)
Rule 144
governs the sale of private placements
Regulation D
sale of the public offerings up to $20 million(Tier1), or up to $50 million(Tier2) in any of the 12-month period
Regulation A
non-governmental agencies that foresee sec. txn
Sel-regulatory Organizations (SROs)
non-profir org., for bankrupt brokerage firm, $500K, but only $250K in cash
Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC)
paid commissions when executing a trade
paid a flat fee/% of the assets under mgt.
Invetsment Advisors (IA)
set by the Congress & the President-setting tax rates
Fiscal policy
By Federal Reserve-manipulates money supply
Monetary policy
All corp. are required to authorized at least ____ share of stock.
a corporation that can issue any class
C corporations
a corporation that can only issue one class
S corporations