Random 1 (12/16) Flashcards
Treponema pallidum
Single Ulcer with indurate borders
Bilateral, nontender inguinal lympadenopathy
Tx: Penicillin
Haemophilius Ducreyi
Large, deep ulcer with well demarcated borders and exudate
Severe and suppurative lymphadenopathy
Tx: Azithromycin or Ceftriaxone
Hereditary fructose intolerance presentation
Infant tries fruit, gets hypoglycemia (tiredness, vomitting, diaphoresis)
Autosomal recessive, absense of aldolase B so gets fructose-1-phosphate build up
Papillary carcinoma
- Empty-appearing nuclei with central clearing
-Psammoma bodies (hollow nuclei and laminar calcified bodies)
-BRAF mutatuion
Medullary carcinoma
-Originates from parafollicular “C cells”
-Calcitonin is a tumor marker
-RET proto-oncogene mutation
Calcium oxalate stones
-Can result from ethylene glycol
-X-ray= radioopaque
-Shape: Envelope
Tx: Thaizides and Citrate
Intention Tremor
Location: Cerebellar lesion
Gets worse with: Goal directed movement
35 y/o fatigue, pruritis, and RUQ abdominal discomfort
Primary biliary cholangitis, characterizzed by T-lymphocyte-mediated autoimmune destruction of intralobular bile ducts
-Abnormal liver function tests, elevated ALP
-Anti-mitochondrial antibodies
Anticentromere Antibodies
-Limited cutaneous scleroderma
-CREST (Calcinosis, Raynaud phenomenon, Esophageal dysmotility, Sclerodactyly, and Telangiectasia)
Anti-ds DNa antibodies
Anti-histone antibodies
Drug induced SLE
Hydralazine+ Procainamide
Anti-microsomal antibodies
Hashimoto thyroiditis
Anti-Jo-1 (Histidine-tRNA ligase)
Dermatomyositis, polymyositis
Hx of menorrhagia and recurrent pregnancy loss, CT shows calcified pelvic mass
-Benign, soft tissue mass composed of smooth muscle and fibroblasts
Interactions with tyramine-containing foods, such as wine and aged cheese with an MAO-I (phenelzine) can result in severe HTN
Tx: Phenolamine, a reversible nonselective alpha blocker
Type 1 interferons: IFN-a and IFN-b
Innate immune cytokines that inhibit viral replication and increase MHC class 1 expression
-Secreted by Th1 helper cells
-Responsbole for phagocytosis by mactophages and granuloma formation
Asherman syndrome
Results from intrauterine adhesions that arise secondary to trauma and stratum basalis of the endometruum–> absence of the stratum basalis layer of the endometrium
Brown-Sequard syndrome
-Loss of ipsilateral upper motor neuron below lesion (CST)
-Loss of ipsilateral vibration and proprioception (Dorsal Spinal Columns)
-Loss of contralateral pain and temp 2-3 levels below level of lesion (STT)
The umbilical cord and contents
2 umbilical arteries arising from the internal iliac arteries (carry deoxygenated blood from fetus to the placenta) and 1 umbilical vein, which carries oxygenated, nutrient rich blood from placenta to the fetus
Lambert-Eaton myasthetic syndrome
-presynaptic disorder in which the presynaptic nerve terminals release a reduced amount of AcH–>antibodies against voltage gated calcium channels so you get leg wakeness, pain and stiffness, dry mouth, impotence
-Associated with heavy smoking
Bacterial meningitis findings
Opening pressure: Increased
Cell type: Neutrophuls
Protein: Increased
Glucose: Decreased
Viral meningitis/ encephalitis
Opening pressure: Normal or increased
Cell type: Lymphocytes
Protein: Normal or increased
Glucose: Normal
Barrets esophagus
Metaplastic change of esophageal mucosal lining from normal squamous epithelium to columnar epithelium
Acts on the PCT of the nephron and results in sodium bicarbonate diuresis that can lead to metabolic acidosis
Carcinoid syndrome
caused by a neuroendocrine tumor that secretes vasoactive substances, such as serotonin. Typical symptoms include episodic upper body flushing, telangiectasis, diarrhea, and broncospasm
Tx: Octeotide
Primary Sclerosing cholangitis
biliary tract disease associate with ulcerative colitis; idopathic disorder characterized by inflammation fibrosis, and trictures of medium and large ducts in the intrahepatic andf extrahepatic ducts–>beads on a string
Associated with systemic sclerosis–> thickening and hardened skin and raynaud phenomon
Paraneoplastic syndrome from squamous cell carcinoma causing hypercalcemia
Pts findings of pulmonary mass and symptoms of hypercalcemia (constipation, abd pain, polyuria, and mentation changes)—> releases parathyroid hormone-related peptide acts like PTH but serum PTH levels would be supressed
90% occur in the left atrium and are prone to embolization can can lead to complications such as embolic stroke
-Syncopal episodes happen and there is a diastolic murmur that changes in frequency with movement
Pt with history of swimming in an african river and examination findings of eosinophilia, hematuria, and lower abd pain
-Tx: Praziquantel
Monckeberg arteriosclerosis characterized by calcification of the internal elastic lamina and the tunica media of arteries
no symptoms just something to be aware of
Tetralogy of Fallot
-Boot shaped heart
-Left upper sternal border harsh systolic murmur
-cyanotic episodes
-pulmonary stenosis
-overriding aorta
-Right ventricular hypertrophy
Associated with Digeorge syndrome (22q11)
Acute intermittent porphyria
Affected enzyme: Porphobilinogen deaminase
Accumlated: Porphobilinogen and ALA
Clinical presentation: ABD pain, polyneuropathy, port wine colored urine, EtOH and smoking make worse
Cardiogenic Shock
Preload: Increases
SVR: Increases
CO: Decreases
Hypovolemic Shock
Preload: Decreases
CO: Decreases
SVR: Increases
Distributive Shock
Preload: No change/ Decreases
CO: Increases
SVR: Decreases
Obstructive Shock
Preload: Decreases
CO: Decreases
SVR: Increases
Eosinophililic Granulomatosis with Polyangitis
p-ANCA small and medium vessel vasculitis; characterized by significant eosinophilia and chronic rhinosinutis and asthma
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (Wegner)
c-ANCA presents with sinus, lung, and kidney involvement associated with saddle nose deformity, hemoptysis, and renal failure
Tx: Cyclophosphamide
DiGeorge Syndrome
Autosomal Dominat condition caused by a 22q11.2 microdeletion resulting in cardiac defects, abnormal facies, thymic hypoplasia, cleft palate, and hypocalcemia
3rd and 4th pouches
Decreased T cells; recurrent viral and fungal infections
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome
Caused by a gastrin-secreting tumor; suspected when patients have refractory epigastric pain and ulcers throughout the duodenum; Gastrin is normally produced by G cells in the PYLORIC ANTRUM and then stimulates the parietal cells to produce gastric acid in the fundus of stomach
Wallenberg Syndrome
Infarction of the lateral medulla of the brainstem due to occlusion of the PICA, associated with acute onset of vertigo
PE shoes nystagmus, ipsilateral Horner syndrome (ptosis,miosis,and anhidrosis), ipsilateral limb ataxia adn sensory loss of pain and temp sensation on ipsilateral face (spinal trigeminal nucleus) and contralateral trunk(spinothalamic tract)
Artery: Left anterior descending–> V1/V2
Artery: Left anterior descending–>V3/V4
Artery: Left Circumflex–> I, aVL, V5 and V6
Artery: Right Coronary–> II,III, and aVF
Artery: Posterior descending–> V1-V3 and posteior leads V7-V9
Placenta accreta
Placental villi attach to the surface of the myometrium
Placenta increta
Chorionic villi penetrate into the myometrum
Placenta Percreta
Chorionic villi penetrate through the myometrium to the uterine serosa
Young pt with paresthesias, weakness, urinary incontinence, intermittent vision loss
Multiple sclerosis, MRI shows periventricular plaques
Severe combined immunodeficiency
Deficiency in adenosine deaminase, pts present with recurrent viral, bacterial, fungal, protozoal infections, along with diarrhea and failure to thrive
-No thymic shadow
Reduced levels of B and T lymphocytes and natrual killer cells
Chronic granulomatous disease
-Lack of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase
-Decreases ROS leading to recurrent infections with catalase-positive organisms (Staph aureus, pseudomonas, klebsiella)
Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency
Converts Phe to Tyrosisne and deficiency results in condition known as classic PKU
-pts have hypopigmentation of skin due to lack of tyrosine but is associated with peculiar body odor
Erythema infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
Begins with fever, headache, and coryza, and erythematous malar rash with circumoral pallor 2-5 days later
-Results in fetal anemia–>hydrops fetalis
-Slapped Cheek
-Parvovirus B19
Duodenal atresia
Failure to recanalize the distal duodenum, and affected infants present with bilious emesis and abd distention–> abd imaging reveals collections of air in stomach and proximal duodenum (double bubble sign)
Cholecystoenteric fistula
Gallstones enter the intestine and pts may develop a mechanical SBO within the ileum or ileocecal valve
Roseola Infantum
-Causative Agent: Herpesvirus Type 6 (Enveloped, linear dsDNA virus)
-Presents with high fever followed by a macular rash over the body
-The fever lasts for 3-5 days then rash appears (Starts on trunk then spreads outward)
-cervical lyphadenopathy
Measles (Rubeola)
Agent- Enveloped, linear ssRNA virus
-Prodrome of cough, coryza, conjunctivitis along with Koplik spots
-Rash starts on head then moves downward
Overproduction of Gastrin
Gastrinomas in MEN-1 causes increased acid secretion by G cells, leading to peptic ulcers
Uncal Herniations
Medial aspect of the temporal lobe herniates across the tentorium cerebelli; initially results in ptosis, mydriasis, lateral strabismus, and contralateral hemiparesis of extremities
Fusion inhibitors
Maraviroc–> Binds CCR5 (Inhibits interaction with gp120 preventing viral binding)
Enfuviritide–> Binds gp41–>inhibits viral entru into host cell
Type I dyslipidemia
-Elevated chyomicrons and TGs
-Caused by reduction of lipoprotein lipase
Type IIa and IIb
IIa- high total cholesterol, high LDL, NORMAL TGS
IIb- high total cholesterol, high LDL/VLDL, and high TGS
Disruption of trochlear nerve
Pts will complain of diplopia when they try to look downard
Superior oblique is controlled by CN4 which is the trochlear
3 P’s: Pituatary adenoma, Parathyroid hyperplasia, and Pancreatic involvement
Prolactinomas are most common and cause bitemporal hemianopsia, the Gastrinomas are most common pancreatic tumor
Subacute Granulomatous Thyroiditis
Caused by a release of pre-formed thyroid hormone from an inflamed thyroid gland; follows flu-like illness
Tx: NSAIDs+Beta vlockers
Mutation: RET
-Medullary thyroid cancer (Inc calcitonin)
-Primary hyperparathyroid
Mutation: RET
-Medullary thyroid cancer
-Mucosal Neuromas
-Marfanoid body habitus
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
Occurs in children following viral infection, there is a purpuric rash, arthritis, GI pain
RENAL BIOPSY shows IgA deposits in the mesangium in the glomeruli producing hematuria
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis(MPGN)
accompanied by significant proteinuria–> dense deposit of C3 in the center of the basement membrane
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis
Hypercellular glomeruli with neutrophils and large, coarse (lumpy-bumpy) subepithelial feposits
Membranous glomerulopathy
Imaging: spike and dome IgG deposits in the basement membrane
-idiopathic but can be seen in hepatitis B and C, and SLE
Polyarteritis nodosa
-Medium sized vasculitis
-spares the lings but displays palpable purpura
-associated with hepatis B
Mallory-Weiss Tear
Focal submucosal lesion of the distal esophagus
Tuberous Sclerosis
-Autosomal dominant defect in the tumor supressor gene due to a TSC1 mutation (chromosome 9) or TSC2 (chromosome 16)
Clinical: hamartomas in CNS, angiofibromas, ash leaf spots, cardiac rhabdomyoma, renal angiomyolipomas, seizures
-Cardiac rhabdomyoma most common cardiac tumor in children
Pemphigus vulgaris
-Caused by IgG antibodies against desmosomes located on the surface of kerantinocytes, resulting in flaccid bullae and erosions on the skin/oral mucosa
-Nikolsky sign in which gentle pressure causes epidermis to sep off
Bullous pemphigoid
linear dermal distribution, antibodies against hemidesmosomes–>tense bullae
Eisenmenger syndrome
-dyspnea,cyanosis, and pulmonary htn–>caused by reversal of blood flow through ASD
-fixed split S2, indicitive of ASD (most common cause of ASD is failure of closure of the ostium secundum)
21 hyroxylase deficiency
-Characterized by hypotension, hyperkalemia, and increased renin activity, ambigious genitalia
-decreased conversion of progesterone to deoxycortisone= decreased aldosterone
-decreased conversion of 17-hydroxyprogesterone to 11-deoxycortsol which leads to absent cortisol production
McCune-Albright syndrome
-Mutation in GNAS gene–>Increase production of pituitary hormones
-Clinical features: precocious puberty, cafe au lait maculrs, and history of long bone fractures secondary to fibrous dysplasia
Radial traction, airway resistance decreases as lung volume increases, therefore airway resistance is the least at the point of MAXIMAL inspiration
Primary brain vesicles
Prosencephalon (forebrain)
Mesencephalon (midbrain)
Rhombencephalon (hindbrain)
Secondary Brain Vesicles
Diencephalon (thalamus and hypothalamus)
Mesencephalon (midbrain)
Metencephalon (pons and cerebellum)
Myelencephalon (medulla)
Epidural hematoma
-Lucid interval, middle meningiel artery, biconvex lens shaped hematoma
-pterion: frontal,parietal, temporal, sphenoid (origin of middle meningeal artery)
Dialated cardiomyopathy
-common with alcohol use disorder
-S3 heart sound, show pronounced left ventricular dilation, increased LV mass, and systolic impairment
Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)
HIV patient with nephrotic range proteinuria, peripheral edema, and hypoalbuminemia
-Sclerosis of podocytes–>disruption of the glomerular charge barrier
-effacement of podocyte foot processes