Rainmaker's credo Flashcards
cherish customers at all times
treat customers as you would your best friend
listen to customers and decipher their needs
make or give customers what they need price your product to its dollarized value
show customers the dollarized value of what they will get
teach customers to want what they need
make your product the way customer want it
get your product to your customers when they want it give your customers a little extra, more then they expect
remind customers of the dollarized value they received
thank each customer sincerely and often help customers pay, so they will not be embarrassed and go elsewhere ask to do it again
always answer the question
“why should this customer do business with us”
obey marketing’s 1st commandment
treat each customer as you would treat yourself
good customers are demanding
deliver on your promise and you will bring rain
customers do not care about you
do not talk about yourself;
ask probing, preplanned questions
clarify, summarize, determine how you can help the customer and how your product solves the customer’s concerns
always precall plan every sales call
written sales call objective
needs-analysis questions to ask
something to show
anticipated customer concerns and objections
points of difference vis-a-vis competitors
meaningful benefits to customers
dollarization approach; investment return analysis
strategies to handle objections and eliminate customer concerns
closing strategies
expected surprises
fish where the big fish are
show them the money
earthquake do not count
rainmakers do not have excuses
killer sales question #1
do you have your appointment calendar handy
stand out, send a letter
always take the best seat in a restaurant
do not drink coffee on a sales call
you are not at lunch to eat lunch
never wear a pen in your shirt pocket
killer sales questions 2
will you decide for yourself?
rainmakers turn customer objections into custoer objectives
rainmakers always probe for objections.
rainmakers love objections
always make a “mid job” next job” recommendation
treat everybody you meet as a potential client
the biggest buy signal is the sales call appointment, that the client agrees to see you
killer sales questions 3
why we do business with you
we are interviewing other companies
rainmakers sell that which is different
always return every call every day
Learn the miles per gallon of selling
you must determine how many sales calls or gallons of gas you have in your bank, you must maximize your miles per gallon
beware the myth of time and territory management
rainmakers concentrate their calls on the highest potential accounts
always taste the wine before a wine tasting
test in private of what to sell in public
dare to be dumb
the biggest criticism of sales person from customers is that salespersons do not ask enough questions
always do an investment return analysis
never forget: everybody is somebody’s somebody
being nice to somebody’s somebody may not get you a client, but being hurtful to somebody’s somebody could hurt you
make friends, not enemies
always be on high receive
focus on customers
if you do not care about the answer, do not ask the question
never be in a meeting
present for show, close for dough
rainmakers are cool and calm and they do not miss many three-foot putts
advice to a baby sitter
present for show, close for dough
rainmakers are cool and calm and they do not miss many three-foot putts
advice to a baby-sitter
she sells a relaxed evening and neat house
killer sales questions 4
id there anything else prohibiting you….
give and get
sell on Friday afternoons
break the ice at the end of the sales calls
use the point system every day
meeting decision maker face to face
getting a commitment to a close or to an action that or to an action that directly leads to a close
a shot on goal is never a bad play
do not make cold calls
show the chain, sell the first link
do not talk with food in your mouth
killer sale question 5
why don’t you give it a try
love voice mail
park in the back
be the best-dressed person you will meet today
why breakfast meetings bring rain
here is my card
killer sales question 6
is there anything I have missed
have I covered everything
have I asked about every detail that is important to you
10 things to do today to get business
send a handwritten note
clip and send an article of interest
talk to a satisfied client and ask who else you might help
send a thank you gift to someone who referred you
give your business card to someone with influence
send a letter to the editor of a magazine your customers read
add fifteen people to your mailing list
leave a compelling voice mail
make an appointment
call a client you have not talked to in 2 years
how to recognize a rainmaker
calls only on decision maker
does detailed precall planning
always has a written sales call objective
ask preplanned questions
is empathetic with customers
encourages and appreciate objections
always dollarize the value of the product
ask for customer commitments