Rain Flashcards
“however bad or overlong such a film can do no wrong”
The word choice suggests that no matter what mistakes are made in the film, the rain acts as a cleansing agent and washes away the effect of the mistakes. This links to life as in all mistakes can be washed clean and nothing matters in the end.
“forget the ink, the milk, the blood”
The items mentioned all relate to different aspects of life, and in being told to forget them, it highlights the theme of the insignificance of human lives.
Italics are used which suggests an unidentified speaking voice and creates a sense of mystery. The fact that these symbolic objects are introduced from nowhere adds to this effect.
“and all things flow out from that source along their fatal watercourse”
The word choice of ‘fatal’ suggests that our path in life is dictated by fate and will always eventually lead to death. We are doomed from the beginning, which highlights the futility of all human endeavour.
“all was washed clean with the flood”
The word choice links to Noah’s Ark which suggests a cleansing process and the washing away of sins of the past.
“and none of this, none of this matters”
The repetition is emphatic and insistent. It is rhythmic and trance-like, echoing the rhythm of falling rain created in the opening lines.
The line contradicts the presence of the poem in the collection as it confirms that humanity with its flaws and unhappy endings does matter. The meaning is ambiguous to the reader.
The poem ends on a positive note, stressing the power of rain to purify and cleanse the soul of humanity.