RAILWAY Flashcards
The first non-passenger train in pre-independent India was made operational in
On 22.12.1851 to haul construction material in Roorkee
The formation of the Railway Board in 1905 was based upon the recommendations
Thomas Robertson Committee
Which was the first train in India to have a Ladies Only compartment
Deccan Queen
After independence and nationalization of Railway Zones, which was the only Railway Company which continued its private operations till 2016
Central Provinces Railway Company
The East India Railway Company’s first passenger train ran on 15th August 1854 covering a distance of 38 kms between:
Howrah to Hooghly
In terms of the Route kms, India is
4th largest rail system in the world
After the merger of the Railway Budget, what has been the major implication
Railways no longer have to pay dividend to the Government
Vande Bharat Express was manufactured by:
ICF, Chennai
The Model Schedule of Powers (MSoP) issued by Railway Board in 2017/18 was significant because
It brought about uniformity in schedule of delegation of powers across Zonal Railways
The Railway Budget has been merged with the General Budget w.e.f.
What is the full form of GAAP
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
What is the full form of CPENGRAMS
Centralised Web Enabled Pension Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System
What is the portal for online monitoring of Railway Budget announcements
What is the total number of concessions granted to passengers of Indian Railways
autonomous bodies / authorities of IR
The dividend payable by Indian Railways after the merger of Railway Budget with General Budget is
The full form of RRSK is
Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh
users of accounting information
A) Creditors
B) Lenders
C) Customers
For each and Every Debit there must be a corresponding Credit’ is the principal of____
Double Entry
The balance of the petty cash is
An asset
Fixed Assets are
Kept in the business for use over long time for earning income
The term ‘Debtor’ means
A person who owes something to the business
Cash payments to suppliers for goods and services are classified as cash flows from
Operating Activities
Which of them is a Traditional Method for Capital budgeting decisions
Average Rate of Return
At breakeven point
Total Expenses = Total Revenue
Under the Profitability Index method, the Decision rule to accept the proposal
If PI is more than 1
The length of time required to recover the initial cost of a project is called as
Payback Period
Fiscal Means?
Government Budget
Fiscal Deficit Means
Net Liabilities
Law of contract is
Not the whole law of agreements nor is it the whole law of obligations
An agreement is a voidable contract when it is
Enforceable by law at the option of the aggrieved party
Agreement is defined in Section……… of the Indian Contract Act, 1872
A contract is
An agreement plus a legal obligation
Essential Conditions of a Contract
There must be TWO parties
As per Article 266 of the Indian Constitution, all revenues of the Government flow into
Consolidated Fund of India
All public moneys received for and on behalf of Government are credited to
Public Account of India
Re-appropriation of funds from one plan head to another plan head is within the powers of
Railway Board
Re-appropriation of funds from one source to another source is within the powers of
Railway Board
Re-appropriation of funds from one itemised work to another itemised work is within the powers of
Re-appropriation of funds from a priority work to a non-priority work
Railway Board
Railway Revenue expenditure is budgeted under Social Services/Economic Services/Transport segment in which part of Government Accounts, expenditure side?
Part I Consolidated Fund of India
IR expenditure on Policy formulation, Direction, Research and Other Miscellaneous organisations is budgeted under which Major head?
Expenditure on Railway Centralised Training Institutes is budgeted under which Major head?
Percentage of Working expenses to Gross earnings is known as
Operating Ratio
Important Ratio worked out to guage the financial health of Zonal Railways and IR as a whole is
Operation Ratio
Gross Receipts are arrived by
Adding traffic suspense to Gross Earnings
Net Revenue of a Zonal Railway is the difference between
Total Receipts minus Total Expenditure
On Zonal railways, Budget process starts in which month
Minor heads in works segment are known as
Plan heads
NPS, Government Contribution is budgeted under which SMH and PU?
SMH 11 and PU 08
Petty Expenses up to Rs. ____ in each case can be made through Cash Imprest
Minimum notice period for inviting open tenders costing up to Rs. 2 crores
30 days
Minimum notice period for quotations
7 days
Minimum notice period for inviting Limited / Special limited tenders
14 days
Two packet tendering system is adopted in case of
Open Tender
Monetary limit of direct acceptance without Tender committee in open e tendering
Up to Rs. 50 lakhs
PVC is applicable for tenders costing
> 5 crores
Tenders received after the specified time of opening are called as
Late Tenders
Tenders received before the time of opening but after the due date and time are called as
Delayed Tenders
Eligibility criteria is applicable for Service tenders valuing more than
Irrespective of the value of Tender
Minimum notice period of 21 days for open tenders valuing less than Rs. 2 crores can be changed with Finance concurrence
14 days
Powers to dispense with tenders and accept quotation for works valuing Rs. 10 lakhs rests with
Percentage of mobilization Advance that can be paid to the contractor
10% of Contract Value
Variation beyond 150% of the contract value requires the sanction of
Permissible excess in Zonal contract is
An agreement which is enforceable by law is
A Contract
Documents which are integral part of contracts
( B) Specifications
(C) Schedule of rates, quantities
In a Tender Committee of a particular department, the third member should be
Sister Department
Two-member tender committee is applicable to
Level of Tender Committee is decided based on the value of
Valid lowest offer
The accepting authority of a Tender Committee recommendations should be
One level above the level of T.C.
Revocation of termination of contract is possible
With the approval of GM treating it as single tender
Approval powers for appointment of Arbitrator rests with
AMC with OEM/Authorized dealer can be approved by
DRMs can enter into Service Contracts up to a limit of
Rs. 100 Cr
Performance Guarantee percentage in Service Contracts
Security deposit for Service Contracts
Performance Guarantee for service contracts can be submitted within
90 days
New GCC for service contracts was introduced w.e.f
January 2018
As per GCC of services, minimum technical eligibility criteria is
Successful completion of atleast one work of 35% value of work during last 3 years
As per GCC of services, two packet system of tendering is to be adopted for tender valuing more than
Rs. 50 lakhs
As per GCC of services, financial turnover criteria for tender is
150% during last 3 years plus 5% liquidity turnover
In service contracts EMD will be
Will be released on submitting Performance Guarantee
Price variation clause is not applicable to
( A) Works costing less than Rs. 5 crore
(B) Zonal contracts
( C) Service Tenders of less than 18 months period
Plan Head 5100 denotes
Staff Quarters
Plan Head 5200 denotes
Staff Amenities
Plan Head 5300 denotes
Passenger Amenities
RSRK is being implemented w.e.f.
Maximum standing EMD is
Rs. 25,000
Expenditure on COVID 19 is booked to
The time-limit for submitting of claims for Travelling Allowance is within ___ days succeeding the date of completion of journey.
The rates of TA will go up by______ every time the DA goes up by 50%.
The Composite transfer grant (CTG) is admissible at the rate of ______ of last month’s Basic pay in case of transfer involving a change of station located at a distance of more than 20 Kms from each other.
For claiming CTG, transferee/retirees needs to submit the ______documents
Proof of change of residence.
Proof of journey
The Internal checks of TA Bills involves checking ______
(A) The controlling officer has signed the TA journals and the object of the Journey is
mentioned and is in the interest of administration
(B) The timings of arrival and departure of trains from HQrs needs to counterchecked
with timetable.
(C) The actual distance travelled is more than 8 kms from HQrs.
( D) The rate of TA admissible and the arithmetical accuracy.
A Railway Employee can be permitted to avail Encashment of leave on Average pay upto______days.
The total leave encashed during the entire career shall not exceed ______days
A balance of at least______days of leave on Average Pay should be available to the credit in leave account after taking into account the period of encashment as well as the leave availed of.
The cash equivalent of encashment of Leave is calculated on the Pay and DA as on the date of ______.
Availing the pass.
The successive Leave encashment cannot be made before a minimum period of______ (block period) has elapsed
The amount of reimbursement of CEA is ______per month
Rs 2,250
Transport allowance shall not be admissible to those employees______
Who are travelling in their personal vehicles
Transport allowance during leave will be admissible if ______
Not wholly covered by leave during calendar month(s)
Transport allowance during tour will be admissible ______
If absence does not cover any calendar month(s) in full, Transport allowance will be admissible for full month
Transport allowance during training treated as Duty may be granted if ______
No transport facility /Travelling allowance /Daily allowance is provided for attending the training institute
What is the rate of PF deduction from pay?
1/12th or 8.33% of Basic pay
Cost of Monthly Season ticket is equal to
15 Single Journey Tickets
A season ticket can be issued normally up to a maximum distance
150 Kms
Minimum distance for sleeper class journey ticket
200 KMs
Amount of compensation payable to victim in railway accidents cases
8 lakhs
What is eT-RR
Electronic transmission of railway receipt
Advance Reservation Period in case of passenger booking
120 days
The validity of privilege pass is
5 months
Maximum no of passengers issued on PRS ticket
Maximum no of passengers issued on UTS ticket
shortage found during Stock Verification is
Recovered from the Stockholder
When does Railways use a 2 packet system for purchases
When the purchase value is more than 50 lakhs
A two packet system of purchase ensures that
A) The tender committee is not influenced only by the price bid
(B) The technical qualifications of the tenderers is the primary criteria for selection
of tenders
A two packet system of tendering means
There are two stages of evaluation , technical and financial
The technical bid is evaluated first
When material enters Stock, the accounting entry is
Stock Debit, Purchase Suspense Credit
For purchases made through GeM, billing is done
On GeM portal and linked to IPAS
To deal with Suspenses in Stores, which software would you go to?
Stores Tendering is done on
Make in India Policy stipulates that complete purchase shall be made only from local firms
If tender value is less than 50 lakhs
Maximum amount of EMD to be taken from a tenderer irrespective of value of tender is
Rs. 50 lakhs
For signing of non-stock requisitions by user departments JAG/SG has powers:-
Upto 15 lakhs
For indigenous procurement open tender of a non-GeM item in normal course Sr Scale Office has power of Rs :-
8 lakhs
Integrated Payroll and Accounting System
The Disaster recovery site for IPAS is being plann