Rails Flashcards
What is MVC?
What is ORM?
What is RubyGems?
What is Gemfile and Gemfile.lock?
What is Active Record?
What servers does Rails support?
What is the difference between a plugin and a gem?
What is REST, and what are RESTful services?
What is request.xhr?
What is the difference between dynamic and static scaffolding?
What are sessions and cookies?
What is the difference between form_for and form_tag?
What are the engines in MYSQL?
What can we define in a model?
What are the different AR associations?
What are the AR callbacks?
What is the asset pipeline?
What is an observer in rails?
What is a rails sweeper?
What is the difference between render and redirect?
What does rake db:reset do?
What is eager loading?
What are helpers and when/how would you use them?
What is new in Rails 5?
What is new in Rails 4?
What is bundler?
What is an initializer?
What is Rack?
What is Rake?
What is the difference between Redis and MongoDB?
What looping structures are available in Ruby?