What does RISE stand for?
9 RAF leadership qualities?
- Warfighter courageous
- EI
- Willing to take risks
- Flexible and responsive
- Able to handle ambiguity
- Technologically competent
- Able to lead tomorrow’s recruit
- Mentally agile and physically robust
- Politically and globally astute (air power minded)
What does leadership mean?
RAF: Not solely the preserve of command; setting an example - like Einstein said - is the only way to influence
Personal: Leaders eat last;
Lead means go first. The person that rushes head first into the unknown to become a pioneer.
“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.” —John C. Maxwell
Two types of leadership:
Transactional: Traditional more ‘Army’ style of leadership if you do this then this will happen and vice versa.
Transformational: Centred around inspiring the people in your command, to take the initiate and developing them as people.
You have to be able to switch between the two difference types, and knowing when to use each style to bring the best out of the people in your command.