Radley_William Test - Circulatory System Flashcards
- What is the function of lymph nodes?
To trap disease-causing bacteria
BP - Blood
- What eventually happens to fluid that leaks from capillaries into the surrounding tissues?
It returns to the blood through the lymphatic system?
Circulatory System - Study Guide
- Place the following events in sequence: A) The atria fill with blood; B) The valve between the ventricles and atria close; C) Blood is pushed our of the heart?
A, B, C
BP - Blood
The function of the atria is to
Receive blood that comes into the heart
CLF - Exterior Heart
- Through which type of circulation does blood flow to your hands and feet?
BP - Blood
- When the ventricles, blood is pumped
Out of the heart
BP - Heart
- What is the main difference between your ventricles and your atria?
Your atria bring blood into the heart; your ventricles pump it out
BP - Heart
36, which chamber of the heart pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs?
Right ventricle
CLF - Heart
- How does pulmonary circulation differ from systemic circulation?
Systemic circulation occurs throughout the body; pulmonary circulation occurs in the heart and lungs
BP - Heart
- Blood vessels that carry blood ways from the heart are called?
BP - Heart
- What role does your brain play in the circulation of blood through your body?
It signals the heart to beat
Circulatory System - Study Guide
- What happens after old blood, which has already circulatory through the body, moves into the heart?
The old blood travels to the lungs for more oxygen
BP - Heart
- The left ventricle pumps blood to the lungs
F, right
CLF - Heart
- White blood cells are the most numerous type of cells in whole blood
F, red
BP - Blood
- Blood returns to the heart from the body through the big blood vessels called
Vena cava
CLF - Heart
- Fluid from blood that enters lymphatic vessels is known as
BP - Blood
- The circulatory System carries the needed materials oxygen
Glucose, nutrients
Circulatory System- Study Guide
- Blood is pumped through blood vessels by the action of the organ known as the
CLF - Heart
- Identify left ventricle,
CLF - Heart
- Identify structure next to left ventricle
CLF - Heart
- Identify left atrium
Pulmonary veins, oxygenated blood
CLF - Heart
- Which numbers are the pulmonary arteries? Which are the pulmonary veins?
Pulmonary arteries: 2,11
Pulmonary veins: 13,12
CLF - Exterior Heart