Radionuclide Therapy Flashcards
What radionuclide is used for SIRT?
What type of radionuclide emitter is used for SIRT? (gamma, alpha, beta?)
What are the administration routes for radionuclides?
IV injection or infusion, oral, intracavitary, intra-arterial.
What properties determine the absorbed dose in the patient for radionuclide therapy?
The distribution within body, patient size, patient biology, uptake & retention, along with physical radiation properties.
What is the maximum deviation aimed for from the prescribed activity in radionuclide therapy?
What are the limitations of radionuclide therapy?
Potentially small workload in terms of patients, but large in terms of time & cost.
No agent is entirely selective to desired target – get uptake by other tissues, e.g. Ca. thyroid treatments
Patient-specific dose calculations are difficult due to inhomogeneous dose deposition and individual physiology affecting behaviour of agent
Radiation is not risk free - IR(ME)R requires a ‘net benefit’
Dose Limiting Factor = normal tissue toxicity e.g. myelotoxicity due to bone irradiation
What are the properties of a diagnostic radionuclide?
Short effective half life: order of study
No particulate emission: EC or IT
Mid gamma energy: 100 - 300 keV, high yield
High target / background ratio
What are the properties of a therapeutic radionuclide?
Ideally beta particles, alpha particles (charged particles). – beta or alpha decay.
Longer half life to give more dose (not too long – roughly days (diagnostic = hours)).
Price is low – funding & expense
Radionuclide & radiochemical purity – all activity in right nuclide & chemical form. (I-131 with MIBG – if some of free iodine isn’t connected to MIBG will be a radiochemical impurity)
Ideally emits gamma rays for imaging – brem, etc.
Is a high or low LET useful for therapy?
What is the energy of an alpha particle?
< 7.5 MeV
What is the energy of an auger electron?
< 10 keV
What is the energy of a conversion electron?
< 100 keV
What is the energy of a beta particle?
< 1000 keV
What is the range of an alpha particle?
< 0.07 mm (cell diameter)
What is the range of an auger electron?
< 0.01 mm (cell nucleus)
What is the range of a conversion electron?
< 0.14 mm (few cells)
What is the range of a beta particle?
< 4.4 mm (many cells)
On a time activity curve, what does the area under the curve represent?
Amount of dose deposited in tissue.
Longer half life = bigger area = more dose.
How many disintegrations per second is 1 MBq?
1 million per second.
What is P-32 orthophosphate used to treat?
Myeloproliferative disorders
What is used to treat bone pain palliation?
Strontium [89Sr] chloride
Samarium [153Sm] EDTMP
What is used to treat bone metastases?
Radium-223 Chloride
What is 90Y or 186Re Colloid used to treat?
Joint arthritis, inflammations & effusions.
What is used to treat thyrotoxicosis or thyroid cancer?
Radioiodine [131I] NaI
Describe P-32 therapy.
Treats myeloproliferative disease (eg polycythaemia vera) where too many blood cells produced and blood gets thick, often associated with bone marrow hyperactivity.
IV injection 111-222 MBq (chosen by clinical assessment).
Costs ~ £400. (varies as air fare from Poland is shared by hospitals using it)
Taken up in haemopoetic (blood forming) tissue and reduces cell viability & proliferation (radiation injury to cell precursors and bone marrow)
Physical Half Life = 14 days.
Pure beta (b-) particle emitter Emax = 1.71 MeV Emean = 0.7 MeV (Beta gives off range of energies as has excess of neutrons – converts to proton & gives off beta and anti-neutrino, as energy gets less the anti-neutrino is carrying away more energy. So need to know mean energy for dose calcs.)
Radiation Protection: Flush toilet twice for 2 days, Don’t donate blood for 2 weeks, given card explaining instructions.
What are the 3 mechanisms involved in stopping an electron?
Bremstrahlung (Radiative)
Excitation (Collisional)
Ionisation (Collisional)
Describe Ra-223 therapy.
Use to treat: Metastatic bone disease
Chemical form: Radium chloride
Physical half-life: 11 days
Principal radiation: alpha particles (small amount of beta and gamma (roughly 3%))
Route: i.v. 6 injections at 4 weekly intervals
Draw up the Radium immediately prior to injection
55 kBq per kg patient weight (manufacturer informed as delivered the correct amount with a small amount of excess)
Check the cannula with 10ml saline (careful not to tissue)
Slow IV injection using syringe shield.
10ml flush of saline
Separate sharps bin - seperate radiation waste
Return in 4 weeks
Radiation Protection: Flush toilet twice for 2 days Don’t give blood for 2 days Given card wtih instructions on Tiny amount of gamma - not bothered about proximity
Describe the properties of I-131 therapy.
Chemical form: Sodium Iodide
Physical half-life: 8.02 days
Principal radiation: 606 keV beta (87%), 364 keV gamma (82%)
Made in: nuclear reactor as high atomic mass & decays by beta – as extra neutrons. Neutron bombardment, or fission product in reactor.
Administered activity: hyperthyroid ~ 400-550 MBq, ca. thyroid ~ 1– 5 GBq
Route: oral (capsule)
Uptake : Active Transport
Cost of capsule: £100 – 300
Describe I-131 for thyrotoxicosis.
Dose given to damage cells to produce less hormone.
Over-active thyroid: High levels of circulating T4 and T3 hormones
Common symptoms: Increased metabolic rate, palpitations, sweating, weight loss, nervousness, cardiac and eye complications can occur
Treat with Carbimazole / Propylthiouracil
Long-term side effects of carbimazole (cardiotoxic)
If not cured by drug therapy, may prefer alternatives – surgery (remove part or whole of thyroid) or radioiodine (reduce function)
Out-patient therapy (usually)
Careful workup to allow proper radiation risk assessment (e.g. are patients caring for children, incontinent, in a nursing home)
Clinical follow-up required to assess response. Test blood levels of thyroid hormones & assess clinical symptoms. If not low enough, may need 2nd treatment (<10% patients), if too low -> give thyroxine tablets to replace hormones (often the aim). Usual practice is to give extra to reduce function to under par, then top up with hormones.
Radiation protection:
5-6 days avoid long exposures (>1 hr) of close contact with everyone (limit dose)
Up to 3 weeks avoid close contact with children & pregnant women
No blood samples/invasive procedures for 1 month
Carry instruction card for 1 month, 3 month for travelling abroad (radiation detectors at airports)
Describe I-131 for thyroid cancer.
Purpose: Eliminate residual thyroid tissue after thyroidectomy.
Method: I-131 capsule
Patients stop taking medication or given thyrogen administration which raises Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels stimulating I-131 uptake and Thyroglobulin production
Radiation Protection:
In patient procedure with lead lined walls.
Avoid close prolonged contacted dependent on rate of activity dispersion (Effective half life (= physical + biological))
Given card to keep for 3 months.
Dose: 1.1 GBq – low risk, 3.7 GBq – high risk, 5.0 GBq – patients with known metastasis
Post ablation scan taken 6-9 months later.