Radionuclide studies Flashcards
How does radionuclide study evaluate cardiac shunt
- 1st pass radionuclide angiocardiography
o Records passage of radioactive bolus through central circulation
o CrVC → RA → RV → PAs → lungs → PVs → LA → LV → Ao - Normal dog: ↑ activity in lungs → rapidly ↓ to low level as bolus passes through pulmonary vasculature
o Residual activity = systemic arterial blood supply to lung + thoracic wall activity
What radionuclide is typically used
Pertechnetate bolus
Abn w/ L to R shunt
- Prolonged retention of radioactivity in the lungs
o Recirculation of blood in pulmonary vasculature
1st peak + 2nd peak of activity
Delayed washout phase as bolus continuously recirculates - Area under curve of peak of time activity α to blood volume
o Magnitude of shunt can be estimated from areas under 1st (A1) and 2nd (A2) peak
o Qp/Qs = A1/A2 – A2
o Qp/Qs >1.2 indicates L to R shunting - Anatomic location cannot always be determined
Abn w/ R to L shunt
- Simultaneous activity in PA and Ao
o Shunted radioactive blood appear early in systemic circulation → bypass pulmonary circulation
o Small shunt may obscure Ao by high activity in the lungs - Injection of 99mTcmacroaggregated albumin (99mTc-MAA)
o Large particle size → trapped in capillaries
o Normal animals = all particles trapped in lungs
o R → L shunt = bypass the lungs and go to systemic circulation - % shunt = extrapulmonary activity/ extrapulmonary + pulmonary activity
how does radionuclide can eval LV fct
- Gated equilibrium radionuclide angiography (gated blood pool ventriculography)
o Imaging cardiac blood pool after injected tracer has mixed with IV space
IV injection of blood pool agent - 99mTc-labeled red blood cells (99mTc-RBC)
- 99mTc-labeled serum albumin (99mTc-HAS)
o After equilibration w blood pool → activity of given qty of blood directly related to its volume
Image acquisition (gamma camera, scintigraphic images) synchronized w R wave from ECG = various stages of cardiac cycle obtained at specific intervals
Changes in ventricular activity = volume changes - Derived functional indices from ventricular time activity
o EF% → if MR, not indicator of myocardial function
o Filling times
o Peak filling rates
o Time/rate of ventricular ejection
o Regional wall motion
Advantages of LV fct eval w/ radionuclide
independent images from R and L side → permit to better isolate/evaluate RV
data from several hundreds of cardiac cycles → more accurate average cardiac fct
Disadvantages of LV fct eval w/ radionuclide
only 4-6 cardiac cycle can be evaluated
Evaluation of myocardial perfusion, ischemia and infarction w/ radionuclide
- Myocardial uptake of Thalium-201 is α to myocardial blood flow
o 85% of injected Thalium-201 removed in single pass
o After several hours → redistributes to the heart to reflect distribution of K+ pool - Myocardial defect → show extent of perfusion abnormality
o Suggest fixed abnormality (permanent scar)
o If improve after initial scan → indicate myocardial ischemia - Attenuation: can happen with overlying soft tissue → false positive results
o More likely with Technetium-99m
Agent used for myocardial perfusion eval
o Similar biologic properties to K+ → K+ analog
Imaging agents
- Radioactive Thalium-201
- Technetium-99m markers
- Iodine-123 labeled fatty acid
- Iodine-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine
What is eval by radionuclide ventriculography
- Evaluate ventricular function
o 1st transit studies → beat to beat evaluation
RV function
Intracardiac shunt
o Gated (ECG synchronized) blood pool imaging → multiple gated acquisition
Nuclear medicine gated blood pool scan: labelling RBCs with radiopharmaceutical
Measure amount of blood in heart during different part of cardiac cycle
Images acquired from gamma camera (scintigraphy)
Blood pool → analysis of amount of radioactive blood pooling in cardiac chambers at different times on cardiac cycle
Gated → study performed in time with heart rhythm
Viability studies
- Dysfunctional but viable myocardium → potential to recover function after reperfusion
- Assessment of myocardial viability with scintigraphic techniques
o Intact perfusion
Evaluated by Thalium-201/Technetium-m99 labeled tracers
o membrane integrity
Evaluated by Thalium-201
o Intact mitochondria
Technetium-m99 labeled tracers
o Preserved glucose/fatty acid metabolism
FDG and radiolabelled fatty acids (Iodine-123)
o Contractile reserve