Radiology Flashcards
What is the absorbed dose?
The mean energy imparted to a unit mass of tissue by ionising radiation. It is measured in grass
What is the equivalent dose?
Takes into account the fact that different types of ionising radiation are more damaging to certain types of tissues, so different weightings are given to the absorbed dose. Within dental radiography the absorbed dose and the equivalent dose is the same. It is measured in joules per kg but is termed sieverts
What is the effective dose?
Takes into account the fact that some tissues are more susceptible to the effects of ionising radiation than others.
What factors can influence the effective dose which the patient receives?
- the sensitivity of the image receptor
- the area exposed to the primary beam
- exposure factors such as low dose
When writing a radiographic report regarding periodontal bone loss it used to be common practice to express this in millimetres from the cementoenamel junction to the crest of the alveolar bone. Why is this not considered to be accurate?
Any direct measurement taken from a radiograph may be inaccurate as the image it depicts may be distorted by being shortened or lengthened. Also it does not take into account the length of the root of the tooth
What formula is used to represent a more acceptable way to describe the severity of bone loss nowadays?
CEJ to bone crest (in mm)/ CEJ to root apex (in mm) x100
What are the main patterns of bone loss?
Horizontal bone loss occurs when the base of the pocket lies coronal to the bony crest, creating a supra bony pocket
Vertical bone loss is where more bone loss occurs on one side of the interdental bone crest than on the other. This leaves the base of the pocket within the bony defect and is an infra bony pocket
What do you understand by the term cone beam computed tomography?
It is a three dimensional digital radiographic image. A Ct image is generated by a CT scanner using X-rays to produce a sectional or slice image of the body. The data are in a numerical format and converted into a grey scale representing different tissue densities which generates an image. In conventional or medical CT the X-ray beam is fan shaped but in CBCT the beam is cone shaped
List two advantages and two disadvantages of CBCT
- multiplayer imaging and manipulation so the anatomy can be seen in different planes
- low radiation dose relative to conventional medical CT
- fast scanning time
- compatible with implant and cephalometric planning software
- cheaper and smaller than conventional medical CT
- all information/data are obtained in a single scan so patient must remain stationary
- soft tissue is not imaged in detail
- artefacts from metal objects e.g restorations
- reconstructed dental panoramic image is not directly comparable with the conventional dental panoramic radiograph
What is a tomography?
It is a technique for producing images of a slice or section of an object
How is tomography achieved?
The X-ray tube and the film cassette carrier are connected and move synchronously but in opposite directions about a pivoting point. The pivoting point will appear in focus on the radiograph
What is a focal trough?
Only a slice of the object in in focus on the tomography and this is called the focal trough
What do you understand by the term ghost shadows with respect to dental panoramic radiography?
Ghost shadows are shadows cast by anatomical structures such as the cervical vertebrae and the mandible and the palate, which are outside the focal trough on the panoramic radiograph. They appear on the opposite side of the real image counterpart and slightly higher up than the real image
What would an air shadow look like on a dental panoramic tomography and why do they take on this appearance?
Air shadows are radiolucent because there is no photon absorption whereas there is in tissue
What error would have produced the film showing anterior teeth that are out of focus and magnified?
The patient is positioned too far from the film
What error would have produced the molars being larger on one side than the other?
The patient has their head to one side or the other so they are asymmetrically positioned in the machine
What error would have produced vertical or horizontal distortion of one part of the image?
The patient has moved whilst the radiograph has been taken
What error would have produced the radiograph being too dark?
Overexposure- due to increased exposure time either by operator error or faulty equipment
Overdevelopment- due to excessive time in the developer solution, the solution being too warm or too concentrated
Fogging- due to poor storage of the film or light leaking onto film during development
Patient with very thin tissues
What do you understand by the terms development and fixation when it comes to radiographs?
Development is when the sensitised silver halide crystals in the film emulsion are converted to metallic silver, which is black in colour and produces the black/grey part of the image
Fixation is when the unsensitised silver halide crystals on the film emulsion are removed. This produces the white/transparent part of the image
List five methods you could use to minimise the radiation dose to a patient having an intraoral radiograph
- justification
- high speed film
- rectangular collimation
- quality control
- optimal kilovoltage
- digital radiography
- aluminium filtration
- use of film holders
- appropriate focus to skin distance
- the fastest speed film should be used that will give a good quality image
- when referring a patient the radiographs should be sent with them to avoid having further radiation
How does ionising radiation damage the body?
The effects can cause direct or indirect damage. Direct damage involves ionising biological molecules, e.g. point mutations in DNA. Indirect damage occurs from ionising water, which leads to the formation of free radicals. These may combine to form highly reactive species which cause damage
What radiograph would you need for internal derangement of the temporomandibular joint?
MR scan
What radiograph would you need for a fluid level in the maxillary antrum?
10* occipitomental radiograph
What radiograph would you need for a blow out fracture of the orbital floor?
CT scan of the face