radiology Flashcards
Which tuberosity of the foot is palpable and a common site of foot trauma?
base of 5th tuberosity
What is the name of the joint found between the talus and calcaneus?
Forms an aspect of the ankle joint
the smallest of the cuneiforms?
intermediate cuneforms
found on the medial side of the foot between the talus
the largest of the cuneforms
medial cuneform
articulates with the second, third, and fourth metatarsal?
lateral cuneform
the most superior tarsal bone
articulates with the first metatarsal
medial cuneform
a tarsal found anterior to the calcaneus and lateral to the lateral cuneiform?
the second largest tarsal bone?
the calcaneus articulates with the talus and the?
list the 2 arches of the foot
longitudinal and transverse
the distal tibial joint surface forming the roof of the distal ankle joint is called the
tibial plafond
what is the name of the large prominence located on the midanterior surface of the proximal tibia that serves as a distal attatchment for the patellar tendon?
tibial tuberosity
what is the name of the small prominence located on the posterolateral aspect of the medial condyle of the femur that is an identyfing landmark to determine possible rotation of a lateral knee?
adductor tubercle
the articular facets of the proximal tibia
tibial plateau
the articular facets slope
the most proximal aspect of the fibula
the extreme distal end of the fibula forms
lateral malleolous
what is the two other names for the patellar surface of the region
intercondylar sulcus and trochlear groove
what is the name of the depression located on the posterior aspect of the distal femur?
intercondylar fossa
the slightly raised area located on the posterolateral aspect of the medial femoral condyle is called the
adductor tubercle
which large muscle does the patella serve as a pivot to increase the leverage
quadriceps femoris
the cresent shaped fibrocartilage disks that act as shock absorbers in the knee joint are called the
medial and lateral mensci
ankle joint classifaction
patellofemoral classifaction
proximal tibiofibular classifaction
tarsometatarsal classfication
knee joint classifcation
distal tibiofibular classifcation
an inflammatory condition involving the anterior proximal tibia
Osgood schlatter disease
also known as osteo deformatans
pagets disease
benign bone lesion usually developing in teens or young adults
osteod osteoma
condition affecting the sacroiliac joints and lower limbs of young men espescially the posterosuperior margin of the calcaneus
reiters syndrome
formal name for runners knee
chondromalacia patella
another name for osteomalacia
asymmetric erosion of joint spaces with calcaneal erosion
reiters syndrome
uric acid deposits in joint spaces
well circumscribed lucency
bone cyst
small round oval density with lucent center
osteoid osteoma
narrowed irregular joint surfaces with sclerotic articular surfaces
fragmentation or detachment of the tibial tuberosity
Osgood schlatter disease
decreased bone density and bowing deformities of weight bearing limbs
how should the central ray be angled from the long axis of the foot for the plantodorsal axial projection of the calcaneos?
40 cephlad
which calcaneal structure should appear medially on a well positioned plantodorsal axial projection
systiculum tali
where is the cr projected for a mediolateral calcaneus?
1in inferior to the medial malleoulous
how much should the foot and ankle be rotated for an ap mortise?
15- 20
which projection of the ankle best demonstrates a possible fracture of the lateral malleolus?
ap oblique 45
with a true lateral projection of the ankle the lateral malleolous is
projected over the posterior aspect of the distal tibia
which basic projection of a knee best demonstrates the proximal fibula free of superimposition
ap oblique medial rotation
how much flexion for a lateral knee
which projection best evaluates the knee joint cartilage degeneration and derformities?
ap or pa weight bearing knee
how much part flexion is recommended for a lateral projection of the patella