RADIOLOGY Flashcards
Abdomen topography
Can the peritoneum be seen in radiological techniques?
It is very difficult to be seen, just when there is pathology it can be seen.
Imaging technique and its parts
CT (bones are hyperintense)
Name the marked structure
Ascending colon
- Descending colon
- Mesentery
The mesentery is covered by … and contains fat, vessels, nerves, linfatics. It holds intestinal loops to ….
Peritoneum, retroperitoneum
The thicker the mesentery, the better it will be seen (T/F)
True, as it is mainly formed by fat. (Loops are seen better)
Why are the loops hyperdense?
Why do we have this color inside the peritoneal cavity?
There is fluid in it: ASCITIS
… divided the peritoneal cavity in two.
Transverse mesocolon (mesentery of colon)
In the supramesocolic region, we find…
Liver, stomach and spleen
If the right lobe of the liver is too big, … can be seen
The vessels divide the liver into…
Eight segments
(1-4 to the left) (5 to 8 to the right)
How many hepatic veins do we have?
3 main hepatic veins
Name those structures
- Main portal vein
- Right portal vein.
- Left portal vein.
What kind of image and structure
MRI T2, bile duct.
It is seen so clear because of the bile, which is a fluid and is very well seen in MRI T2.
Name the structure
Gallbladder (Ultrasound)
The gallbladder in ultrasound appears…
El conducto coledoco entra en …
The goal of the small diameter of the pylorus is to…
Avoid the fast emptying of the stomach
Name the structure
1st and 4th part of the duodenum are…, 2nd and 3rd are…
Intra peritoneal, retroperitoneal
Papilla of duodenum is seen easily (TRUE/FALSE)
Parts of the duodenum
The 3rd part of the duodenum is anterior to … and behind the
Aorta and superior mesenteric artery