Radiological And Nuclear Flashcards
What is the IM-270?
It measures radiation dose from exposure to x-rays and gamma rays both pulsed and continuous. The dynamic range of the dosimeter is from 10-1000 Eads in increments of 1 rad
What does RADIAC stand for?
Radiation Detection Indication and Computation
What are Components of the RADIAC?
IM-256 Multifunction RADIAC and Gamma/Beta Probe
What are the different types of radiation?
Alpha, Beta, X-Rays, Gamma Rays, neutrons, and EMP (electromagnetic pulse)
What is the penetration level of Gamma?
Travels thousands of yds and penetrates the hill of the ship
What if the penetration level of Neutron?
Travel thousands of yds and penetrates the hull of the ship
What is the penetration level of alpha?
Broken skin( main power is through inhalation)
What is the penetration level of Beta
Travels 10ft in air and penetrates unbroken skin
What is the penetration power of x-ray?
X-ray is not a hazards only present right outside fireball
How many different types of nuclear burst are there?
5 (high altitude, air, surface, underground, underwater)
What is a high altitude burst?
A nuclear burst of approximately 20-50 miles in the air
What is a hazard of High Altitude burst?
EMP, travels thousands of miles, possibility of rain out
What is an Air burst?
A nuclear burst below 20 miles above 100 ft in the air