Radioelectric Spectrum ITU Course Flashcards
Types of electromagnetic wavers
From least frequent to the highest. Radio, Microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, xray, gamma ray
What waves of electromagnetic spectrum are use for communications
Radio (for TV and radio for short and long distances), microwave (to communicate with satellite and mobile phones, infrared
Classification of energy of spectrum. Which one poses threats to health
Lower energy (radio, microwave, infrared, visible light) vs higher energy (ultraviolet, xray and gamma ray) can cause harm in case of over exposure, as they can kill cells or cause mutations
Transmitter and receiver
Transmitter Device that process the signal to make it suitable to transmission, consists of modulator, amplifier and antenna.
Receiver is the device that selects a signal, recovers a base band signal and delivers it to the user
Means for telecommunication
wire, radio, optical and other EM systems
Radio waves
Hertzian waves, EM waves arbitrarily lower than 3k GHz, propagated in space without artificial guide
Telecommunication by means of radio
Radiowaves, radiocommunication, radiocommunication service
1.Electromagnectic spectrum waves arbitrarily under 3000 GHz propagated in space without artificial guide. 2. Communication via radiowaves 3. Service involving the transmission, emission and reception of radiowaves of telecommunication purposes
Characteristics of different types of means of communication (Infrared, Cable TV ¨coaxial¨, optical fiber, broadcasting tv
- Infrared wireless link. Doesn´t use frecuencies under 3k GHz, is of free propagation, doesn´t use radioelectric spectrum.
2.Cable TV, uses frecuency under 3k GHz, is not of free propagation, does not use radioelectric spectrum
- Optical fiber, Doesnt have frecuency under 3k GHz, doen´t have free propagation, does not use radioelectric spectrum
4.Broadcasting TV, uses spectrum under 3kGHz, is of free propagation, uses radioelectric spectrum
Frecuency under 3000GHz, free propagation
ITU Regions
1 Most Europe and Africa 2 Americas 3 Most East Asia , Oceania, some middle east
Terrestrial radiocommunications
- Fixed radio communications service between two specified fixed points;
- broadcasting, a radiocommunication service in which the transmissions are intended for direct reception by the general public. This service may include sound transmissions, television transmissions
- Radiodetermination. determination of the position, velocity and/or other characteristics of an object, or the obtaining of information relating to these parameters, by means of the propagation properties of radio waves.
Types of radiocommunication services
Terrestrial and space services
Categories of radiodetermination service
radionavigation and radiolocation
radiodetermination used for the purposes of navigation
Radiodetermination for purposes other than those of radionavigation.
Amateur radio
the use of the radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communications.The term “amateur” is used to specify “a duly authorised person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest;” (either direct monetary or other similar reward) and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety (such as police and fire), or professional two-way radio services (such as maritime, aviation, taxis, etc.).
Indicativo call sign
El indicativo es un código de letras y números usado en la radiodifusión para identificar a una estación de radio o televisión.
is one or multiple receivers and transmitters or a combination of them and their accessories needed at one location for the radiocommunication service or radioastronomy
Allocation of a frecuency band
Entry in the table of frequency allocations of a given frequency band for the purpose of its use by one or more terrestrial or space radiocommunication services under specified conditions.
Entry of a designated frequency channel in an agreed plan, adopted by a competent conference, for use by one or more administrations for a terrestrial or space radiocommunication service in one or more identified countries or geographical areas and under specified conditions
Authorization given by an administration for a radio station to use a radio frequency or radio frequency channel under specified conditions
Designations or identification through footnotes
They signal the interest of the administration on a future use of that band
free space waves
the behavior of radio waves as they propagate from one point to another or into various parts of the atmosphere.
Range of length of the associated free space waves range
thousands of meters- long-wave extreme
Fractions of a millimeter - short-wave extreme
Radio Spectrum
refers to the part of the electromagnetic spectrum corresponding to radio frequencies
Radio Spectrum
1) Long wave radio (hasta 300 kHZ), 2) Medium wave radio (300 kHZ- almost 3MHz), 3) Short wave radio (3-30 MHz) 4) FM Radio (30-300 MHz), 5) DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting), 6) GSM 7)3G, 8) Satellite TV
Frecuency limits
HF (3-30 MHz) VHF ( 30-300 MHz), UHF (300-3000 MHz), SHF (3-30 GHz), EHF (30-300 GHz)
Why spectrum matters?
Wireless communications is an integral part of our lives.All wireless communications makes use of some part of the radio spectrum: without sufficient spectrum communications is curtailed.
Estimation of the contribution of spectrum to the GDP of a country.
More generally, estimates are that use of spectrum adds something like 3-4% to the GDP of a country.
Importance of spectrum planning
Spectrum use has an increasing influence on sustainable growth, competitiveness and productivity in the internal market in relation to important EU sectoral policies. Since spectrum is scarce, priorities are needed to ensure that spectrum is allocated and used efficiently and effectively, taking into account EU policy objectives for electronic communications and broadband for all and for transport, research, Earth observation, Galileo, environmental protection and (even) the fight against global warming.
The core objective for spectrum policy
The core objective for spectrum policy should be to (I) create a predictable environment for current and future use of the radio spectrum, and (II) to enable spectrum to be used in a manner which will bring the greatest benefits to society.
elements which may help the objective of spectrum policiy
- Encouraging efficient use of spectrum;
- Allowing equitable and affordable access to as many users as possible;
- Encouraging the introduction of more spectrally efficient technologies;
- essential services (rural and disadvantaged groups)
- Ensuring the needs for emergency and security services are provided for
- Encouraging technological innovation;
- Promoting competitiveness
Espectro Electromagnetico, características derivadas de la constitución dominicana
Forma parte del territorio nacional, tanto el espectro como el “espacio donde este actúa”. Es inalienable. Se regula conforme las normas de DI. Es un recurso natural. Esto se extrae del art. 9 y 14.
Características del espectro radioelectrico según la Ley
bien público, escaso, patrimonio del Estado
Sistemas bajo licencia genérica
Están exceptuados del requerimiento de autorización individual por estación: Los equipos de baja potencia requieren de su certificado de homologación.
Entran bajo la licencia los sistemas de radiocomunicaciones menor o igual a 500 milivatios en la banda de 30 kHz y 30 MHz, 100 milivatios en la banda de 30-3000 MHz y 10 milivatios en frecuencias superiores a 3000 MHz
Esta excepción no aplica en bandas asignadas
para la provisión de servicios públicos finales.
Características del Espectro Radioelectrico
- Su límite es artificial, ya que depende del estado de desarrollo tecnológico y se ha fijado desde 8.3 KHz hasta 3,000 GHz.
- Se refiere a radiaciones no confinadas, es decir que se propagan libremente en el espacio abierto.
Usos futuras
las frecuencias entre 275 a
3,000 GHz
consideraciones esenciales del espectro radioeléctrico:
- Recurso Natural: corresponde a un fenómeno de la naturaleza.
- Limitado: Su cantidad es mensurable y no puede aumentar.
- Escaso: la cantidad de información que puede transmitir es limitada.
- Intangible: es inmaterial.
Importance of spectrum policy
A spectrum policy underlines the basis on which spectrum managers will make choices and decisions concerning permitting various uses of radio spectrum, who uses radio spectrum and sometimes giving priority to over others and, very importantly, what mechanisms will be used to assign and pay for radio spectrum use and under what conditions.
Phases related to spectrum organization
- Determining spectrum requirement; 2. Determining spectrum availability; 3.Considering spectrum planning options-band planning; 4. Spectrum planning implementation
Types of Plans
Planning at international level- Table of frequency allocations contained in the radio regulations
Planning at national level- National Table of Frquency Allocations
Specific Band Spectrum Use Plans
Sub-allocation, channeling and standards to deploy that service on the national territory
Radio systems
Transmitters and receivers deploy in accordance to the adopted plan and standards.
Where is placed the stratosphere for aeronatical radiocommunications purposes
it is placed from 20 to 50 km above sea level
Layers of the atmosphere
troposphere (lowest, están las nueves), stratosphere (second layer, encima de las nubes, arriba caliente, abajo frio, donde está el ozono, el ozono absorve los UV), mesosphere (media, los meteoros se quema en esta capa por los gases), termósfera (donde está la estación espacial internacional que orbita la tierra y satélites de baja órbita, ionosfera), exósfera (más externa, afuera,luego de ella está el espacio exterior, es grandísima)
Second layer of the atmosphere, encima de la troposfera y debajo de la mesósfera, no tiene los fenómenos atmosfericos que tiene la troposfera, el ozono bueno está ahí y protege a la tierra de la radiación UV, el aire es caliente arriba y frio abajo (contrario a la tropósfera), los commercial aircraft vuelan en la parte baja de la estratosfera para evitar turbulencias.
Fenómenos físicos de las ondas de radio
Igual que la luz. Radio waves when propagating will experience the same physical phenomena such as refraction, reflection, dispersion, diffraction and multipath.