Radioactivity and Particles Flashcards
What are the components of an atom?
A positively charged nucleus made of:
* Positive protons
* Neutral neutrons
Surrounded by negatively charged electrons which orbit the nucleus.
Where is most of the mass of atoms located?
Almost all the mass of the atoms lies in the nucleus.
What is the relative mass and charge of a proton?
Relative Mass: 1
Relative Charge: +1
What is the relative mass and charge of a neutron?
Relative Mass: 1
Relative Charge: 0
What is the relative mass and charge of an electron?
Relative Mass: 0.0005
Relative Charge: -1
What defines isotopes of an element?
Atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons.
In a nuclide, what does the symbol X represent?
X is the symbol of the element.
In a nuclide, what does the mass number A represent?
A is the mass (nucleon) number (number of neutrons and protons).
In a nuclide, what does the atomic number Z represent?
Z is the atomic (proton) number (number of protons).
What is radioactive decay?
The spontaneous transformation of an unstable nucleus into a more stable one by the release of radiation.
Is radioactive decay a random process?
Yes, it is a random process.
What occurs during alpha decay?
A heavy nucleus emits an alpha particle (helium nucleus - 2A, 4X) and changes to that of a different element.
What is the equation for alpha decay?
ZAX → (X - 4A - 2Z) + α
How penetrating are alpha particles?
They are highly ionising and weakly penetrating, stopped by a sheet of paper.
What occurs during beta decay?
A neutron turns into a proton and emits a beta particle (electron), changing to a different element.
What is the equation for beta decay?
ZAX → (X - A - Z) + β
How penetrating are beta particles?
They are moderately ionising and moderately penetrating, stopped by a thin sheet of aluminium.
What occurs during gamma decay?
A nucleus with excess energy emits a gamma particle after a previous decay.
How penetrating are gamma particles?
They are lowly ionising and highly penetrating, stopped by many centimetres of lead.
What is neutron radiation?
Occasionally one or more neutrons are ejected from neutron-rich nuclides, also emitted during nuclear fission.
What is the equation for neutron emission?
ZAX → (X - A) + 1n
What happens to photographic film when it absorbs radiation?
The film gets darker as it absorbs more radiation
The film is initially white and darkens with exposure.
What is the purpose of wearing photographic film badges?
To check how much radiation exposure a person has had
These badges are commonly used by workers in radiation environments.