Radioactive Flashcards
A. 3 basic types of radiation
- Alpha Particles (most dangerous, cannot get thru skin, lethal if internalized
- Beta Particles (high Energy e, stopped by plywood)
- Gamma Rays (high Energy electromagnetic Radiation, m of concrete or H2O
A. Half-life
the time a radionuclide decays to a more stable form
B. Hazards of Radionuclides
- alter the chem and physical properties of the material when passed thru (DNA)
- When inhaled or ingested, some can bioaccumulate in the body where they will continue to emit radiation
C. 5 Natural Sources of Radionuclides
- Inhalation (depends on where you live)
- medical diagnosis
- comic radiation
- gamma rays from soils and Rx
- internal sources
C. Industrial Sources
NORMs may be an issue for employees
- oil and gas industry
- mineral extraction -> processing
- Forestry production
- water treatment facilities
- tunnelling + underground waste
D. radioactive waste Catelogies
- NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials)
- radioactive wastes resulting from the nuclear fuel cycle
- atomic weapons produced from plutonium
-radioactive elements found naturally in our environment or their decay products
-low concentration in earth (U and Th)
-concentrate NORM -> TENORM (technology-enhanced)
has a higher radiation levels
D2.1. The Nuclear Fuel Cycle
- Uranium mining and milling
- Refining and uranium enrichment
- Fuel fabrication
- Fuel consumption in nuclear reactors
- Fuel reprocessing
- Waste solidification
- Burial of solidified waste or reprocessing
D2.1. Uranium mining and milling
- Concentrated ore
- Large piles of waste rock and tailings, low level source of radioactivity
Fuel consumption
Produce low level radioactive (reactor wastes) which consist discarded equipment
Fuel consumption
long half life -» difficult to deal w as a waste -» takes long to become Nonhazardous to the envi
Fuel reprocessing
try to decrease the hazard of waste -> disposal (spent fuel and removes 235U & 239Pu)
Burial of solidified waste or reprocessing
final disposal options
High Level of Radioactive Waste (HLRW)
produces ionizing radiation with a strong ability to penetrate matter
Eg. spent nuclear, reactor fuel, small amount of medical isotopes
Intermediate Level (ILRW)
-requires isolation and containment beyond several hundred years
Eg. radiation therapy; used radioactive component