Radio Flashcards
What is a trough
Lowest part of a wave
What is the crest
Highest part of a wave
What is a cycle
One complete vibration.
Summit to summit or
through to through
What is frequency
Cycles per second
What is a Hertz?
Unit of Measure
What is the number value for 1 hertz
One Hertz = one cycle per second
What are low and medium frequencies operated on #?
Between 200 and 535 KHz
What is high frequency #
3 and 30 MHz
What is very high frequency?
Between 30 and 300MHz
What are ground waves?
Radio waves that follow the grounds surface. Bends around obstacles
What are sky waves
Travel into the atmosphere and reflected back to earth
What are skip zones between ground waves and sky waves
What is the formula for line of sight
Name the phonetic alphabet
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliette Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey X-Ray Yankee Zulu
What does the control tower do?
Controls all landing and taking off at an airport
What does ground control do?
Controls movement on airport surface