Radicals in Synthesis Flashcards
What is a radical?
Atoms or molecules possessing a single electron in a reactive orbital. This makes most radicals very reactive.
How can radicals be detected and observed?
Via EPR, a very sensitive technique for detecting radicals at low concentrations. Radicals with lifetimes considerably less than 1s can be deteced. It provides information on the nature and structure of the unpaired electron.
Describe radical stability.
It’s related to the rate of radical formation and disappearance.

Describe thermodynamic stability of a radical.
The bond dissociation energy (BDE) e.g. of R-H depends on the themodynamic stability of R•.
A lower BDE/weaker R-H bond means that the carbon centred radical is more stable. Carbon radical stability decreases in the order:
tertiary > seconday > primary > methyl

What are the contributing factors to thermodynamic stability of a radical?
- Induction - more +I groups means more stable a radical, because the carbon is 1 e- deficient (7 instead of 8)
- Hyperconjugation - the interaction of the p-orbital of the radical with a pair of bonding electrons in a neighbouring sigma bond. Electrons in the sigma bond are donated to the p-orbital of the radical.
- Resonance - interaction of the p-orbital on a radical with a pi-bond or lone pair (3-electron bonding).
- Hybridisation - increasing p-character of the orbital increases radical stabilisation. Homolysis of double bond C-H leaves the unpaired electron with a lot of s-character and lying at a right angle to the p-orbitals (e.g. C-H on benzene). This is not stabilised by delocalisation.
sp3 > sp2 > sp (stability)
Describe the lifetime of a radical.
Usually determined by steric factors. The larger the substituents attached to the radical centre, the more stable the radical and the longer the lifetime.
Usually reported as half-lives (t1/2), aka the time taken for the concentration of radicals to fall to half the initial value.
What are the different kinds of chain reactions?
- Initiation - formation of radicals.
- Propagation - formation of a different radical.
- Termination - destruction of radicals.
Describe initiation via thermolysis. Show how this occurs for peroxides and azo compounds.
Compounds with relatively weak covalent bonds undergo homolysis below 150ºC.

Describe initiation via photolysis. Show how it occurs for halogens, organometallics and carbonyls.
Works if the compound absorbs light of an appropriate wavelength and the excited state undergoes dissociation/fragmentation. The energy of the photon must be enough to rupture a bond.
The mechanism for peroxides is the same as for thermolysis.

Describe initiation via radiolysis. Show how it works for H2O.
Uses high energy x-rays or gamma-radiation.

Give the general process for initiation via oxidation.

Show how initiation via oxidation occurs for carboxylic acids and carbonyls.

Give the general process for initiation via reduction.

Show how initiation via reduction occurs for peroxides, halides, carbonyls and diazonium salts.

Give a general scheme demonstrating intermolecular radical abstraction.

Give a general scheme demonstrating intramolecular radical abstraction.

Give a general scheme demonstrating intermolecular radical addition to alkenes and alkynes.

Give a general scheme demonstrating intramolecular radical addition to make rings and to aromatic rings.

Give a general scheme demonstrating radical fragmentation.

Describe the different termination reactions.
- Recombination or coupling - the reverse of bond homolysis, the joining of two radicals (dimerisation).
- Disproportionation - transfer of hydrogen atoms.
- Electron transfer - oxidation (removal of an electron from a radical to form a cation) and reduction (addition of an electron to form an anion).
Describe how enthalpy affects radical reactivity.
We can predict if a reaction will take place by considering the energies of the bonds broken and formed. Exothermic reactions result in strong bond formation and occur rapidly. Endothermic reactions resulting in products with weaker bonds are slow.
Enthalpy change = total energy of bonds broken - total energy of bonds formed
Describe how entropy affects radical reactivity.
Reactions resulting in an increase in entropy by increasing the number of molecular species from reactants to products are favoured.
Describe how steric effects affect radical reactivity.
Reactions with sterically hindered radicals require very strained TS’s with high enthalpy of activation and are disfavoured.
Steric effects explain the regioselective addition of radicals to alkenes (add to least hindered end) and sometimes the stereoselective formation of adducts.
Describe how stereoelectronic effects affect radical reactivity.
For a radical to react, the single occupied orbital must overlap with either another of its own orbitals (intramolecular) or another molecule orbital (intermolecular).
In SH2, a radical and a non-radical can orientate themselves to give a linear TS.
Describe how polarity affects radical stability.
For reactions to occur, the interacting or frontier MOs must overlap efficiently and have similar energies. The frontier MO for a radical = SOMO.
- radicals adjacent to EDGs have a high energy SOMO and are nucleophilic radicals - likely to donate an electron to form a cation
- radicals adjacent to EWGs have a low energy SOMO and are electrophilic radicals - likely to accept an electron to form a anion
Describe the orbitals in a reaction between a radical and a non-radical.
We need to consider the SOMO-HOMO and SOMO-LUMO interactions.
- electrophilic radicals (low energy SOMO) are closer in energy to the HOMO, so SOMO-HOMO dominates
- nucleophilic radicals (high energy SOMO) are closer in energy to the LUMO, so SOMO-LUMO dominates
- for addition to C=C bonds, nucleophilic radicals prefer to add to those with EWGs while electrophilic radicals prefer those with EDGs
Describe how redox potential affects radical reactivity.
The rate of oxidation or reduction of radicals is determined by the redox potential of the redoc agent and the radical.
Nucleophilic radicals (with EDGs) are more easily oxidised to form cations. Electrophilic radicals are more easily reduced to form anions.

What are the advanatages of using radicals in synthesis?
- neutral reaction conditions
- solvation less important than in ionic reactions
- synthesis of polar and sterically hindered compounds is possible
What is the initiation reaction in the synthesis of hirsutene?
Fragmentation of AIBN.

Give the propagation steps in the synthesis of hirsutene.

What are the undesirable competing reactions in the synthesis of hirsutene?
- early reaction of A/B with Bu3SnH - ‘simple reduction’
- reaction of A, B or C with another molecule of A, B or C
- reaction of A, B or C with Bu3Sn•

Give the pros and cons of Bu3SnH.
- extremely mild and selective
- easily handled and used
- most kinetically understood method
- radical lifetime is changed by varying [Bu3SnH]
- two functional groups are destroyed
- expensive and toxic
- removal on tin byproducts is often difficult
What is a cleaner alternative to Bu3SnH?
- less toxic than Bu3SnH
- larger and can influence stereoselectivities of reactions
- more expensive than Bu3SnH
Describe Baldwin’s rules.
A series of general guidelines for predicting the relative favourability of cyclisation reactions to form 3- to 7-membered rings. Favoured cyclisations are those in which the length and nature of the linking chain enable the orbitals of the terminal atoms to achieve proper geometries for orbital overlp and reaction.
Geometry is either tet (sp3), trig (sp2) or dig (sp).
Describe intermolecular reactions.
Can be less efficient than related intramolecular reactions. In Bu3SnH-mediated reactions, the first formed carbon radical has a choice of reaction pathways.

Show how xanthates are formed.

Show how xanthates react with Bu3SnH.

Show how 1,5-hydrogen atom transfers can occur using Bu3SnH.

Show how 1,5-hydrogen atom transfer can occur in carbonyls via photolysis.

Show how 1,5-atom transfer can occur in nitrites via photolysis.

What are radical-polar crossover reactions?
Reactions involving radical and ionic reactions in the same pot.

Show how a radical-polar crossover reaction with arenediazonium salts, an alkene and Cu(I) catalyst can occur via radical oxidation.

Show how a radical-polar crossover reaction can occur with haloalkenes, SmI2 and an electrophile via radical reduction.