Radiation Monitoring Flashcards
Worker who occasionally works in a controlled area and may receive significant occupational exposure needs to be
Monitored indivudually
Personnel Monitoring Devices
Film badge dosimeter
Pocket dosimeter
Optically stimulated luminescence
Thermoluminescent dosimeter
Purpose of personnel monitoring devices are
Identifies high dose
Control of radiation exposure
Assessment if working places
Commonly used to measure and record radiation exposure sue to gamma rays, X-rays and beta particles
Film badge dosimeter
The film in film badge dosimeter
Packed in a light proof, vapor proof envelope preventing light, moisture or chemical vapors from affecting the film
Film is coated with
Two emulsion
Emulsions in FBD
- Large grain, fast emulsion that is sensitive to low levels of exposure
- Fine grain, slow emulsion that is less sensitive to exposure
Causes of inaccuracy of FBD
Effect of dosage on the film but not received by the wearer
Effect of hear on film
Advantages of FBD
Accurate for exposures greater than 100mrem
Can measure doses due to different types of radiation
Able to distinguish diff energies of photons
Provides permanent record
Worn between the neck and the waist
Whole body badges
Worn on a finger of the hand most likely to be exposed too ionizing radiation
Ring badges
It is worn for a period of tine (3 months pr less)
Thermoluminescence Dosimeter (TLD)
TLD is a phosphor such as
Lithium Fluoride
calcium Fluoride
TLD’s can measure doses as low as
1 mrem
Advantages of TLD
Relative energy independence
Linearity of response to dose
Sensitive to low doses
Disadvantage of TLD
No permanent record
It means emitting light when heated
It is a process in which a pre-irradiated material when subjected to an appropriate optical stimulation, emits light signal proportional to the absorbed dose
Optically Stimulated Luminescence
Stimulation is carried out
Optically rather than thermally
OSL emission is highly influenced by
Intensity of the stimulating optical beam
It is the simplest and the most straight forward OSL process in which a pre-irradiated material is stimulated by a light source of constant intensity
Continuous wave optically stimulated luminescence
A process in which the optically stimulated luminescence signal from a pre-irradiated material is measured after a stimulation light is switched off
Delayed optically stimulated luminescence
A form of DOSL in which the luminescence is recorded intermittently following a stimulation by very short pulses with a frequency of about thousands of hertz
Pulsed optically stimulated luminescence
These are used to provide the wearer with an immediate reading of his or her exposure to x-rays and gamma rays
Pocket dosimeter