Radiation biology Flashcards
What is the LD 50/60 in humans?
4 Gy
What are the tissue weighing factors for the most sensitive tissues (and some others)?
0.12 - lung, stomach, colon, bone marrow, BREAST, remainder (other intraabdo organs, heart, LNs, muscles, prostate, uterus)
0.08 - Gonads
0.04 - Liver, oesophagus, bladder, thyroid
0.01 - Skin, cortical bone, brain, salivary gland
High dose radiation and their consequences (and rough dose range)
3-5 Gy - loss of viable bone marrow, 50% death within 60 days (LD 50/60)
5-12 Gy - severe GI damage and death within weeks
50 Gy - neurovascular syndrome, death within days
What dose-response model does the BEIR VII report recommend for calculating the risk of solid tumor induction from ionizing radiation?
Linear, no threshold
What is the most sensitive time for mental retardation in a fetus?
8-15 weeks (2 - 4 months)
What is the most sensitive time for malformation in a fetus?
3 -8 weeks
What is the most sensitive time for growth retardation in a fetus?
4th week to term (but mostly in 1st trimester up to 12 weeks)
What is the likelihood of inducing childhood cancer per mSv in fetal irradiation?
1 in 10,000 per mSv/mGy of exposure for CHILDHOOD CANCER
What skin reaction would you expect at a dose of 2-5 Gy?
Transient erythema (onset 2-24 hours)
Transient epilation with no long term effects
What skin reaction would you expect at a dose of 5-10 Gy?
Transient, prolonged erythema (at higher doses)
Epilation, permanent partial epilation
What skin reaction would you expect at a dose of 10 - 15 Gy?
Prolonged erythema, desquamation (would heal), telangiectasia +/- dermal atrophy or induration. Weak skin
Permanent epilation
What skin reaction would you expect at a dose of >15 Gy?
Erythema, dermal atrophy, desquamation, ulceration from non-healing desquamation, late skin breakdown
Permanent epilation
What is the dose threshold for cataract induction?
0.5 Gy cumulative dose
Several year latency period, develops at posterior pole and migrates anteriorly
How do you calculate the fetal dose in XR exams?
Using the percentage depth dose (PDD), usually 25% in 1st and 2nd trimester. Fetal is usually 8cm below the skin surface
Fetal dose (mGy) = ESD x 0.25
What is the lifetime risk of fatal carcinogenesis per 1 Sv?
~5-10% per Sv
What is the dose limit to skin?
What is the lens dose limit?
20mSv per year, 0.5Gy threshold for cataract formation