Radiation Flashcards
What is carbon dating
Uses isotope carbon 14. It is used to find out how old something is
How does carbon dating work
Only works for materials that were once living. Living organisms take in carbon 14 but when they die the replacement process stops. Carbon 14 has a half life of 5600 years, so we can work out how long ago something e.g a tree died by comparing the amount of carbon 14 left in it to with how much would be in a similar living organism.
What are possible problems with carbon dating
Assumes the level of cosmic radiation reaching the earth is constant . Also inorganic living matter e.g rocks and minerals does not absorb carbon 14
What is carbon 14
Made when high energy neutrons collide with nitrogen atoms . The high energy neutrons are formed when cosmic rays cause atoms in the atmosphere to break up
How do we date radioactive rocks
Inorganic matter and non living matter does not absorb carbon 14 we need to use other elements to date them. When a radioactive isotope decays, the original isotope is called the parent nuclei. If the products of decay also decay we get a decay series , at the end of this we have a stable isotope. In a rock the proportion of parent to stable daughter nuclide gives a measure of the age of the Rock
How can we product radiographer a
Monitor their exposure to radiation and make sure they handle it from a safe distance
How can we store nuclear waste
In sealed lead containers capable of holding radiation for enormously long periods of time
What is the nucleus of an atom
Contains protons and neutrons and make up the mass of the atom
What is the atomic number
Total number of protons , elements are ordered in this order
What is the mass number
Protons + neutrons
What are isotopes
Many elements have a few different isotopes. Isotopes are atoms with the same number of protons (atomic number) but a different number of neutrons ( different mass number). Usually each element has only one of two stable isotopes like carbon 12. The other isotopes tend to be radioactive , the nucleus is unstable so it decays and emits radiation
How does radioactive decay work
Random. Unaffected by physical conditions .when the nucleus does decay it splits out one or more of three different kinds of radiation - alpha , beta and gamma. In the process the nucleus often changes into s new element
What is background radiation
Low level background nuclear radiation around us all the time comes from : substances on earth e.g food air building materials soil rocks
Radiation from space (cosmic rays )that come mostly from the sun
Living things
Radiation due to human activity e.g fallout from nuclear explosions or nuclear waste
What is ionisation
Nuclear radiation causes ionisation by bashing into atoms and knocking electrons off them. Atoms are turned into ions. The further the radiation can penetrate before hitting an atom the less damage it will do so a less ionising
What are alpha particles
2 protons and 2 neutrons . Big heavy slow moving. Don’t penetrate far into materials but are stopped quickly. Because of their size they are strongly ionising , which means they bash into a lot of atoms and knock electrons off them before they slow down , which creates lots if ions . They’re electrically charged (positive) they can be deflected by electric and magnetic fields. Emitting an alpha particle decreased the atomic number by 2 and the mass number by 4