RADIATION Flashcards
The process of converting radiation intercepted by matter to internal thermal energy
Fraction of the incident radiation absorbed by matter. Modifiers: deirectional, hemisphirical, spectral, total
The ideal emitter and absorber. Modifier referring to ideal behavior. Denoted by the subscript b.
Modifier referring to the directional independence of the intensity associated with emitted, reflected, or incident radiation
Modifier refeering to a particular direction. Denoted by the subscript theta.
refers to variation with direction
directional distribution
The process of radiation production by matter at a finite temperature. Modifiers: diffuse, blackbody, spectral
Rate of radiant energy emitted by a surface in all directions per unit area of the surface, E(W/m2). Modifiers: spectral, total, blackbody
Emissive power
Ratio of the radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a blackbody at the same termperature . Modifiers: directional, hemispherical, spectral, total
A surface for which the spectral absorptivity and the emissivity are independent of wavelength over the spectral regions of surface irradiation and emission.
Gray Surface
Modifier referring to all directions in the space above a surface
Rate of radiant energy propagation in a particular direction, per unit area normal to the ddirection, per unit solid anglle about the direction, I(W/m2 x sr). Modifier: spectral
Rate at which radiation is incident on a surface from all directions per unit are of the surface. Modifiers: spectral, total, diffuse
Relation between emission and absorption properties for surfaces irradiated by a blackbody at the same temeperature
Kurchoff’s Law
Spectral distribution of emission from a blackbody
Planck’s law
Rate at which radiation leaves a surface due to emission and reflection in all directions per unit area of the surface, J(W/m2) Modifiers: spectral, total
The process of redirection of radiation incident on a surface. Modifiers:: diffuse, specular
Fraction of the incident radiation reflected by matter. Modifiers: directional, hemispherical, spectral, total
Refers to a medium in which radiation absorption is a volumetric process
Region subtended by an element if area on the surface of a sphere with respect to the center of the sphere, w(sr)
Solid Angle
Modifier referring to a single-wavelength (nonchromatic)