Radiant/Cupid Flashcards
Can an order be scheduled to an appointment as well as a case?
No. It will be scheduled to one or the other.
What contact is created when an order is scheduled using the non-invasive procedure scheduling method?
Appointment contact
Scheduling an invasive procedure creates…?
A Case
T/F: More information relevant to the imaging applications comes from the appt contact than the ordering contact.
Why might an order, procedure log, or external procedure have multiple lines in PAT_LIFEDOSE_HX?
A user modified a previously documented radiation exposure.
PAT_ENC and PAT_ENC_APPT both have fields that hold provider and department. What is the difference between them?
PAT_ENC_APPT holds ALL the providers involved in an encounter. PAT_ENC only the first.
What table joins orders to the appointment?
Appointments are scheduled at the department level. What level are Cases scheduled at?
Location (CLARITY_LOC)
In the non-invasive data model, the order (procedure) is typically more granular than the appointment (visit type). T/F: In the invasive data model, the order (procedure) is typically less granular than the case’s procedure (surgical procedure).
T/F: Cases are the request for an invasive procedure to be performed and are always created prior to the log.
T/F: Logs are more closely aligned with what was actually performed because it is created and filled out during or shortly after the procedure.
T/F: There is a one to one relationship between cases and logs. There will always be a log with a case.
False. There is a one to one relationship however, a case can be scheduled and not have a log yet or canceled.
T/F: Intra-procedure documentation lives on the case.
False. Intra-procedure documentation lives on the log. The case is comprised mostly of what is scheduled to take place.
Case records correspond with two distinct patient encounter records. What are they?
Surgery encounter and Hospital encounter (admission)
7 - Reading and Resulting
T/F: The newest contact is always the record with the highest *DATE_REAL value per record ID.
ORDER_STATUS holds all order contacts including any addenda.
False. See ORDER_RAD_ADDEND for those note IDs.
To see the narratives and impressions combined you will make two joins. ORDER_STATUS . PROCEDURE_NOTE_ID to HNO_NOTE_TEXT. NOTE ID and ORDER_STATUS.PROC_NOTE_DATE_REAL to…
Interface-created results might not set note id and date real on the ORDER_STATUS table, in that case what two tables will you need to use?
If text from the previous contact is important which combination of tables would you use ORDER_STATUS/HNO_NOTE_TEXT or ORDER_NARRATIVE/ORDER_IMPRESSION ?
NARRATIVE and IMPRESSION only have the last contact text.
If any component of a result is abnormal ORDER_PROC . ABNORMAL_YN will have a Y.
A study can cover multiple orders (MOPS).
‘Biopsy’ in Radiant refers to the image guided extraction of a tissue sample from the breast.
Mammography involves three types of procedures in the workflow. What are they?
A screening, a diagnostic, and a biopsy
End users do not directly set the mammography outcome.
Name a type of question that does not produce a question answer record.
Order specific questions
If an end exam questionnaire contains a networked type question that collects a user record, how would you go about joining from CL_QANSWER_QA record to CLARITY_EMP?
Determine if CLARITY_EMP . USER_ID was varchar or numeric (it is varchar). Then connect CL_QANSWER_QA . VARCHAR_ANSWER to CLARITY_EMP . USER_ID
What determines whether a begin exam questionnaire files its answers to RIS_BGN_PROC_ANS vs. RIS_BPROC_V_QNRS?
Procedure or procedure category level questionnaires file to RIS_BGN_PROC_ANS where visit type questionnaire responses file to RIS_BPROC_V_QNRS.
Name two different ways to differentiate between the recommendations and pathology results held in ORDER_RES.
Connect ORDER_PROC . ORDER_PROC_ID to ORDER_RAD_REC_ID or ORDER_RAD_PATH_RES respectively then to ORDER_RES (results).
Filter on ORDER_RES . RESULT_TYPE_C (52011 = RIS Recommendations and 52012 = Pathology results)
Do extra steps need to be taken by a report writer to have the count of assessments or outcomes be one per order as opposed to one per MOPS (Multiple Orders per Study) group?
No, assessments and outcomes are automatically propagated to each order record by the application. (ORDER_PROC_3 . MAMMO_OUTCOME_C and LAST_OVERALL_ASMT_C)
Explain the complication with coming up with a cancer detection rate figure on a report.
It requires looking at multiple orders per patient. 1st check whether any other order for that same patient has a malignant pathology attached to it AND whether the pathology was resulted within 365 days of the original order. F_RIS_MAMMO . IS_CANCER_PAT_YN or V_RIS_PATHOLOGY linked to ORDER_PROC and ORDER_RES through PAT_ID (if they want details of those orders/procedures)
Wat are the two unique configurations to the cardiovascular palette?
Echo and Cath. Where the cardiologist would document many measurements and findings collected during the procedure which has already been completed.
Each time a provider opens the echo or cath palettes, they are working with a single order record.
What are two main types of information collected using the Cath and Echo Palettes?
measurements and findings
What context are palette SmartData elements stored in?
Only records of type ‘RESULT’ are relevant.
Describe the two types of values you can expect to find in SMRTDTA_ELEM_VALUE . SMRTDTA_ELEM_VALUE
Either a value or it can hold a SmartData Identifier (then join to CLARITY_CONCEPT)
ED_IEV_EVENT_INFO is the linking table from the or log to note text & smartdata elements. Is EVENT_NOTE_ID varchar or numeric?
How many distinct patient contacts will a non-invasive procedure have at the most?
Two or more. The ordering contact and potentially multiple apt contacts (panels).
ORDER_PROC contains all non-medication orders, parent and child orders alike.
Report on patients and their cardiologist. What Record Select would you need?
PAT_PCP . SPECIALTY_C = 4 //cardiology
and PAT_PCP . EFF_DATE <= today
Will PAT_LIFEDOSE_HX . ORDER_MED_ID always be populated with an imaging order?
No, invasive and externally performed procedures will be null.
What do you link ORD_PERF_CHRG . PERFORMABLE_ID to in OPE_INFO for more information about the performed procedure?
Does Procedure level override Category level?
Yes. Category is more general.
Anatomical region is an example of a field no available from procedure level tables.
What is the difference between lines in LINKED_CHARGEABLES and ORD_PROC_CHG_EAPS?
LINKED_CHARGEABLES are dropped every time, automatically, and ORD_PROC_CHG_EAPS are sometimes and are added by the end user.
What field in ORDER_PROC is populated for imaging orders only?
PROC_END_TIME (great for filtering)
What are three good ways to filter ORDER_PROC for imaging orders?
imaging specific date - PROC_END_TIME
procedure attribute - ORDER_TYPE_C
study status - RADIOLOGY_STATUS_C
The order’s Authorizing provider can be found on ORDER_PROC. What table has the provider that ordered the procedure?
RIS_SGND_INFO contains all the study signatures. If a single provider signs the order multiple times what happens?
Only that providers most recent signing date time will be stored.
HSD_BASE_CLASS_MAP links PAT_ENC_C . ADT_PAT_CLASS_C (patient class on the encounter) to a base class. What are the three base classes?
Inpatient, Outpatient, and Emergency
In what table do you find details of the invasive procedure performed? Hint: it is not CLARITY_EAP.
OR_PROC contains invasive procedure details. CLARITY_EAP contains other order details.
Order results can have multiple contacts. Most often only the most recent contact is relevant. How do you determine the most recent?
Contact specific tables have a column ending in DATE_REAL. The highest DATE_REAL is the most recent.
You can tell that orders are part of a MOPS group because every order in the MOPS group has the same grouper order ID. What table has this column?
It is null if the order is not part of a MOPS group.
If you want a count of Studies… ?
Only count the order if either ORDER_PROC_2 . GRP_ORDER_PROC_ID is null or equal to ORDER_PROC_2 . ORDER_PROC_ID
ORDER_PROC . ORDER_PROC_ID would link to SMRTDTA_ELEM_DATA on what column?
RECORD_ID_NUMERIC and then you would add a filter for CONTEXT_NAME = ‘ORDER’
where would you gain more information about film tracking?
CDM - Health Information Management training companion.
How many master jackets can a patient have?
There is no set limit.
Cases for IR are scheduled at what level and in what table are they store?
location-level (CLARITY-LOC)
Appointments are scheduled at what level and in what table are they stored?
department level (CLARITY_DEP)
Invasive procedures are scheduled to cases which is roughly equivalent to the appointment _______ record
PAT_ENC record
How do we know an IR exam is ended
the log is completed
a panel is
a set of related procedures per log
are there any log specific supply pick lists
no; case and logs share the supply pick list
can you use the table ORDER_SUPPLY to find supplies used during Invasive procedures?
NO it does not hold supplies used during Invasive procedures, use OR_pklst
if ORDER_ED_INTERP not populated (because of system build -Keep ED interpretations separate from impressions? N or left blank) where would ED impressions populate?
T or F? Order specific questions (questionnaires) configured at the appointment level appear only once per procedure.
F Order specific questions configured at the appointment level appear only once PER APPOINTMENT
If you configure a questionnaire at the procedure or procedure category level, the questionnaire appears
once per order (multiple orders can be attached to a single appointment)
Begin and end exam questions can be configured in two different ways, which determines
where they question answer is filed.
What are the two methods of attaching questionnaires?
Attach to procedure/procedure category or attaching it to the visit type..
Each row appearing in ORDER_RAD_PRELIM represents ?
residents, physicians, or anyone giving a preliminary result
Order Narrative and Order Impression are the only table for final results T or F
T or F The OR_LOG_ALL_SURG table is only populated by surgeons from OpTime
False it contains anyone who has documented in the LOG
Where would be a good place for a report writer to look up components of combination procedures?
Peer review is a process where?
Physicians grade each other using a numeric score of 1-4
When reporting on Mammography reminder letters and looking for the date of when a follow up letter was sent out for an appointment, would you use the ORD_LETTER_INFO table to obtain this information? T or F
F you would use the ORD_REC_RMD_LTR table
ORD_LETTER_INFO is used for MQSA RESULT letters
What is the best way to report on Custom Event Tracking?
Join from PERFORMING contact to ED IEV PAT INFO using CSN #
What two tables can join to the CLARITY_LOC_TABLE?
Name 2 different ways to differentiate between recommendations and pathology results held in ORDER_RES
filter on ORDER_RES.RESULT_TYPE_C (filter on type 52011 (rec) or 52012 (pathology)
ORDER_RAD_REC_ID (recommendations)
ORDER_RAD_PATH_RES (pathology)
What are 3 ways to filter ORDER_PROC for imaging results?
1 Filter Order_Proc.End_Time column
- Filter Order_Proc.Order_Type_C
- Filter study status Order_Proc.Radiology_Status_C
Protocol information produces____ ______ ________
SmartData Element Structures
What “context” is protocol information stored as in Smart Data elements stored as?
Which records are found in the ORDER_RES table
and which are not
Found: Breast Biopsy pathology Results, Mammography Recommendations and CV Palette Findings
Not Found is Mammography Assessments this is found in ORDER_RAD_ASSMT
Order ID keyed tables comprise a large percentage of the _____ ______ ______ ____________
the data structures for mammagraphy
what concept makes the imaging applications unique?
the concept of scheduling and performing orders
or why they are called “procedural applications”
What table would you find a reading cardiologist stored in?
What is the number one cause of incorrect reports in imaging applications?
The order records are not properly linked to the patient encounter records
What is the most central record to the imaging record workflow?
the order record; and ORDER_PROC is a commonly used table
ORDER_PROC table can link to three different types of structures. What are they?
The ordering contact - event in pts chart assoc w/order
The appt contact - “performing contact” non invasive
The case record - created for invasive procedure sched