Rådhuset Flashcards
West wall. Granite relief of Harald Hardråde. Who made? Weight?
Anne Grimdalen.
18 tons hollow granite.
When founded?
When inaugurated?
At what occasion?
Oslo 900 years
Initiativ, når og hvem?
Hieronymus Heyerdahl 1915
How high is the towers?
The east tower is 66 m high, the western 63 m.
How many bells in the carillon? Weight?
49 bells
Range in size from 14 kg to 2.8 tons.
Floor area?
How many offices in the towers?
Floor area of nearly 40.000 m².
270 offices in the towers.
What functions are taken care of in The City Hall?
Political and administrative management.
The mayors office
The city council
Representation and ceremonial events
Awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize since 1990
Stautes in front. Who? What?
Per Palle Storm.
Six statues in bonse. Workers building the city hall.
St. Hallvard. Granite sculpture on the front wall. Who?
Nic. Schjøll
Relief on the south-east corner. Albertine. Who?
Alfred Seland
Crown Princess Märtha’s place.
Who made the bronze statue: “Man who drinks”?
Per Palle Storm
West wall. Granite relief. Tømmerfløtere.
Anne Grimdalen
Åttekantet dyrefontene. Crown Princess Märtha’s place.
Anne Grimdalen
Borggården. Svanene. Fontenegruppe.
Dyre Vaa.
Oslopiken. Over inngang. .
Joseph Grimeland.
Yggdrasilfrisen. Malte trerelieffer. Borggården.
Dagfinn Werenskiold
By og land møtes. Forgylt bronserelieff over inngang.
Joseph Grimeland
Arbeid, fest og administrasjon.
Fondvegg Rådhushallen
Henrik Sørensen
Hvem var Freskobrødrene?
Alf Rolfsen
Axel Revold
Per Krogh
«fra de drivende garn til skogene i øst».
Alf Rolfsen
Alf Rolfsen
Fantasi over byvåpenet. Freske vestvegg.
Alf Rolfsen
Tapestries. Hardråderommet.
Axel Revold
Ulrikke Greve
«Fiske og jordbruk» og «Skipsfart og industri». Fresker i Festgalleriet
Axel Revold
Byen og dens oppland. Freske. Østre galleri.
Per Krogh
Menneskerettighetene. Freske Vestre galleri.
Aage Storstein