rad tech 6 Flashcards
irregular bones
come in various sizes and shapes, and are
often clustered; example- vertebrae
bone head
rounded, knoblike end of a long bone,
separated from the shaft of the bone by a narrow portion
constricted or narrow section that connects with the
head, as the neck connecting to the head or the neck of the femur
elevated, broad, rounded process of a bone,
usually an attachment of a tendon or muscle
large bony process located below the neck of
the femur for attachment of muscle
knuckle-like projection at the end of the bone
distinct border or bridge
sharp projection from the surface of a bone, similar
to a crest
groove or depression in a bone; fissure
opening or hallow space in a bone
same as culus
hallow or shallow concave depression of a bone
hole within a bone that allows blood vessels to
pass through
frontal bone
forms the forehead and the upper part of the
bony cavity that contains the eyeballs
parietal bone
moving towards the back of the head just
behind the frontal bones, forms the top and upper sides of the cranium
occipital bone
forms the back of the head and base of the skull
temporal bone
form the lower sides and part of the base
of the skull
sphenoid bone
bat-shaped bone located at the base of the
skull in the front of the temporal bone
ethmoid bone
lies just behind the nasal bone, in front of
the sphenoid
mandibular bone
lower jawline
maxillary bone
bones of the upper jaw and hard palate
zygomatic bone
form the high part of the cheek and outer
border of the orbit
nasal bone
two slender bones give shape to the nose by
forming upper part of the bridge
lacrimal bone
two small paper-thin bones and shaped
somewhat like a fingernail at the inner corner of the eye. Form the sidewall of the nasal cavity, and houses the tear duct
thin, flat bone that forms the lower portion of the
nasal septum
palatine bone
shaped like the letter L, forms the sidewall
of the back of the nasal cavity, and the back of the roof of the mouth
nasal conchae
two inferior bones help complete the nasal
first segment of the vertebral column
of 7; C1-C7
second segment consisting of 12,
connects to the ribs: T1- T12
third segment of consisting of 5, larger heavier than others and support the back and lower trunk
forth segment of the vertebral column, triangular
fifth segment; tailbone
costal cartilage
what attaches the ribs to the sternum
Ankylosing spondylitis
type of arthritis that affects the
vertebral column and causes deformities of the spine
surgical fusion of a joint
Articular cartilage
thin layer of cartilage that covers the
end of the long bones and the surfaces of the joints
bone processess
projections or outgrowths of bone
cancellous bone
spongy bone, not as dense of compact
main shaftlike portion of the bone
Epiphyseal line
layer of cartilage that separates the
diaphysis from the epiphysis of a bone
end of a bone
false ribs
ribs 8-10 which connect to the vertebrae in the back but not the sternum in the front because they join the 7 the rib in the front
flat bones
bones that are broad and thin with flat or
curved surfaces, such as the sternum
floating ribs
ribs 11-12 that connect to the vertebrae in
the back but are free of attachment in the front
normal formation and development of
blood cells in the bone marrow
Intercostals spaces
spaces between the ribs
long bones
bones that are longer than they are wide, and
with distinctive shaped ends, such as the femur
Medullary cavity
center portion of the shaft of a long
bone containing yellow marrow
immature bone cells that actively produce
bony tissue
large cells that absorb or digest old bone
mature bone cells
thick, white, fibrous membrane that covers
the surface of a long bone
Red bone marrow
soft, semifluid substance located in the small spaces of cancellous bone that is the source of blood cell production
sesamoid bone
irregular bones imbedded in tendons near
a joint, as in the kneecap
short bone
bones that about as long as they are wide and
somewhat box shaped, such as the wrist bones
incomplete dislocation of a bone from the
immovable joints, such as in the cranium
needlike bony spicules within cancellous bone
that contribute to the spongy appearance
true ribs
first 7 ribs which connect to the vertebrae in the
back and sternum in the front
yellow marrow
located in the diaphysis of long bones, consists of fatty tissue and is inactive in the formation of blood cells